
Hearts That Do Not Age (1977)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 40М

Директор : Esat Ibro, Esat Musliu

Краткое содержание

Azem has retired after 30 years working as a truck driver. However, he still hasn't gotten used to this quiet lifestyle. His friends help him go through this important moment of his life.


Esat Oktrova
Esat Oktrova
Violeta Manushi
Violeta Manushi
e shoqja e Azemit
Kadri Roshi
Kadri Roshi
Drita Haxhiraj
Drita Haxhiraj
Nusja e Petritit
Sotiraq Bratko
Sotiraq Bratko
Shoferi i ri


Esat Ibro
Esat Ibro
Esat Musliu
Esat Musliu
Çesk Zadeja
Çesk Zadeja
Original Music Composer


Nasib Va Qesmat
Mr. Qeshta
The trader Sayyed Qeshta, is married to an infertile woman. One day, a playful girl starts approaching Qeshta after his money, and manages to make him fall for her, despite her relationship with a poor man. Eventually Qeshta divorces his wife and starts a new life with the girl in hope of having a child.
Shadows Left Behind
Agron and Marjeta are happily engaged until in a trial presided by Agron, two people accused of theft reveal facts that implicate Marjeta's father. Agron is torn between love and duty.
The Dog Killers
According to the law of physical elimination of stray dogs in exchange of a small monetary reward, two middle-aged Albanian ex-hunters, Nikolin and Enver, take a nocturnal journey throughout the city, which is soon interrupted by an unexpected turn of events.
The River That Never Dies
During WW2 partisans try to hide from their enemies, while old villagers mourn the deceased of the war.
QE2 The Last Great Liner
Forty years after its launch, the QE2 has clocked up more miles than any other vessel and is probably the most famous ship still sailing. But the industry that created it crumbled in its wake, making the QE2 the last great liner to be built in Britain. This documentary intercuts the story of the radical ship's design, build, launch and subsequent problems with the legendary account of the struggle to keep the Clydeside yards in business.
Необыкновенная охота
Фильм рассказывает о вопросах охраны природы и возвращение интеллигенции из города в деревню.
People on the Top
Egypt's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1981
Fije që priten
A foreign agent, Sami Ameni, wants to find another agent, with whom he has collaborated during WWII, in order to blow up a factory.
Gheysar returns home to find that his young sister has committed suicide and his older brother Farman got killed. When he finds that Aghmangol brothers are behind all of this decides to get revenge. His uncle advised him not to go after revenge but he begins to pursue them killing them one by one. Finally, when killing the last brother he himself is getting killed by the police.
Q Planes
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
U Omãi Qe Dava Pulus
Qesti Beyewga'ni
Akmal lives a simple life and works as a bill collector, where he faces many comic paradoxes during his work due to the high prices of bills in Egypt.
Seeking Sun Paths
Nebi Surreli lives in poverty along with his mother. Doing small jobs to earn a living, he also helps his town's communist unit.
Red Carpet
Reza is an artist who dreams of traveling to Cannes and meeting the gratest living figures of cinema. He travels to Paris to meet Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen and give his screenplay to them. In the end, Reza who has lost his money because of a fellow countryman, without meeting Spielberg, awaits in a corner of Cannes dreaming he's returning to Iran.
Qet And Far
Hamada gets involved in a furious conflict with the minister of interior affairs with all the power he has, as he searches for his mother, who does simple daily jobs to provide for her family. Through the conflict, Hamada discovers how big the gap between him -and others of his social status.
КЭДА: Квантово-энергетический двойной агент
К 2095 году весь мир отравлен солью из морской воды. Уровень мирового океана поднялся,континенты ушли под воды,вымерли животные и растения.Самой большой ценностью стала пресная вода. Ученые разработали технологию путешествий во времени, в котором перемещался клон человека. Фанг Рунг подвергся молекулярному делению, чтобы отправить своего клона Гордона Томаса в 2017 год. Клон отправляется на поиски дневника ученой Моны Линдквист, которая погибла, прежде чем спасти мир. Когда Фанг Рунг теряет контакт с Гордоном, он не видит альтернативы, кроме как вернуться в 2017 году, пытаясь найти клона, прежде чем наступит эффект бабочки.
Love Story
Youssef, whose brother is trying to push him to marry, and during that, an accident occurs for (Youssef) who loses his sight, and coincidentally one day he clashes with the girl (Jamila), who cares for him and takes care of him later, and relates to his love, but it seems that they will face a difficult test, when he becomes over each of them To prove his love for the other.
Город героев
Действие развивается в японском городе Сан-Франсокио, где мальчик-гений и его робот-телохранитель присоединяются к команде неопытных супергероев.