
Back from Eternity (1956)

Ooh that Ekberg!

Жанр : приключения, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 40М

Директор : John Farrow

Краткое содержание

A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).


Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan
Bill Lonagan
Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg
Rod Steiger
Rod Steiger
Phyllis Kirk
Phyllis Kirk
Louise Melhorn
Keith Andes
Keith Andes
Joe Brooks
Gene Barry
Gene Barry
Jud Ellis
Fred Clark
Fred Clark
Beulah Bondi
Beulah Bondi
Martha Spangler
Cameron Prud'Homme
Cameron Prud'Homme
Prof. Henry Spangler
Jesse White
Jesse White
Pete Boswick
Adele Mara
Adele Mara
Maria Alvarez - Stewardess
Jon Provost
Jon Provost
Tommy Malone
Barbara Eden
Barbara Eden
Student Newspaper Photographer
Marilyn Hanold
Marilyn Hanold
Theresa Harris
Theresa Harris
Mamie (uncredited)


John Farrow
John Farrow
Richard Carroll
Richard Carroll
Jonathan Latimer
Jonathan Latimer
John Farrow
John Farrow
William Dozier
William Dozier
Executive Producer
Franz Waxman
Franz Waxman
Original Music Composer
William C. Mellor
William C. Mellor
Director of Photography
Eda Warren
Eda Warren
Gene Allen
Gene Allen
Art Direction
Albert S. D'Agostino
Albert S. D'Agostino
Art Direction
Ross Dowd
Ross Dowd
Set Decoration
Emmett Emerson
Emmett Emerson
Assistant Director
Jean L. Speak
Jean L. Speak
Terry Kellum
Terry Kellum
Gustaf Norin
Gustaf Norin
Makeup Supervisor
Larry Germain
Larry Germain
Ann Peck
Ann Peck
Costume Design


Will You Marry Me?
The film centres around three friends who love their bachelorhood so much that they place a bet among themselves that whoever decides to marry first will lose a huge amount in shares that were contributed by all three. All is well until one decides to take the plunge and make a commitment.
Anokha Rishta
Mary, an inmate of an orphanage run by nuns, is good at studies and is artistically talented, her education so far has been sponsored by a philanthropist. Her sponsor, a rich old man who she has never met but has only corresponded with through the nuns, passes away, laving her dreams of a college education in shambles. Mr. Robert Brown (Bob) who is now at the helm of affairs of his father's business agrees to continue her sponsorship. Bob is a confirmed bachelor and Mary is drawn to him by some mysterious force.
Basically a travelogue featuring footage of Angkor Wat (in Cambodia) shot by a couple of explorers in the WWI years, with additional footage shot on a set in Hollywood by George M. Merrick.
The Badlanders
Two men are released from the Arizona Territorial Prison at Yuma in 1898. One, the Dutchman, is out to get both gold and revenge from the people of a small mining town who had him imprisoned unjustly. The other, McBain, is just trying to go straight, but that is easier said than done once the Dutchman involves him in his gold theft scheme.
Турецкий для начинающих
Лена - не особо довольная своей жизнью 19-летняя девушка, которой приходится спорить не только со своей матерью, нетрадиционным психотерапевтом, но и со своим бойфрендом, который хочет больше, чем она желает ему дать. Лена хочет только, чтобы все оставили ее в покое, но этого, конечно, не происходит. Напротив, ее мать дарит своей унылой дочери путешествие в Таиланд. К сожалению мечтам о солнце, пляже и отвязных вечеринках не суждено сбыться в связи с падением самолета. Дочь и мать выживают. Вместо того, чтобы встретиться в отеле, Лена оказывается на острове вместе с турецким мачо Чемом, его религиозной сестрой Ягмур и заикой Коста. В такой ситуации наступает хаос. В этоже время мать Лены встречает в отеле Метина, отца Чема и Ягмур.
Спасите Конкорд
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Дикий ветер
Трагическая история хозяина ранчо, после смерти жены женившегося на ее итальянской сестре, вскоре влюбившейся в его молодого помощника...
LBW (Life Before Wedding)
A love story, the tale has 2 layers. The first layer comprises of two good friends Rishi (siddhu) and Jai (abhijeet). While Rishi is more hyper and practical, Jai is the level headed guy who takes life as it comes. Both of them come across Anu (nishanti) who is very systematic, believes in discipline and planning when it comes to life. Rishi falls in love with Anu but she doesn’t respond to his feelings. Meanwhile, Jai gets close to Anu and they both fall in love. The second layer happens in the US and here is Rajesh (rohan) and Radhika (chinmayi) are good friends. Here, Radhika falls in love with Rajesh but then Rajesh feels it is only good friendship. What happens from there forms the rest of the story.
Потерянный горизонт
В 1935 году во время восстания в Китае самолет с пятью англичанами и американцами на борту совершил вынужденную посадку в глухих горах Тибета, там, где еще не ступала нога цивилизованного человека. Бедняги уже готовы были распроститься с жизнью, как вдруг к ним пришло спасение в виде странных буддийских монахов, глава которых, к их удивлению, говорил на английском. Он приводит их в сказочную страну Шангри-Ла, ранее никому не известную. В этой идеальной стране здоровье, мир и долголетие правят людьми в отличие от всего остального, цивилизованного мира. Основной принцип их «идеологии» - отказ от излишеств...
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Joe Smith is an ordinary American family man who works in an aircraft factory. Shortly after being a promoted to a much higher position, Joe is kidnapped by enemy agents who are determined to get military secrets out of him by any means possible. Will Joe keep quiet or betray his country...
Sunday Punch
Ma Galestrum (Connie Gilchrist) is a boardinghouse owner whose tenants are a group of aspiring boxers. When her young niece, Judy (Jean Rogers), comes to stay for a visit, college dropout Ken Burke (William Lundigan) and Swedish janitor Ole (Dan Dailey Jr.) immediately fall for her charms. Ken considers going back to college for Judy, but his fight promoter is less than thrilled with this idea. Meanwhile, Ole is determined to meet Ken in the ring to vie for Judy's heart.
Beyond the Blue Horizon
A young girl's parents are killed on a tropical island, and the girl is raised and protected by the jungle animals. When she is found, as a grown woman, she is taken back to the United States to claim her inheritance. There are several people, with vested interests, who stand to gain something if she is shown not to be the missing heir.
Афина: Богиня войны
Sometime in the near future, the Korean peninsula attempts to reunify. The South Korean government, which needs enormous funds for the unification to succeed, develops a landmark new technology called the TWR. The TWR is a high speed nuclear reactor and other countries want the technology. To prevent terror in the aftermath of the TWR breakthrough, the government establishes a new organization named NTS (National Anti-Terror Service). Jung-Woo (Jung Woo-Sung) is transferred to the NTS group from the NIS. He's excited about the transfer and hopes to live the life of a real agent, but then discovers his main responsibility is to watch North Korean defectors.
Treasure of the Four Crowns
A group of adventurers are gathered together to retrieve some mystical gems which are in the possession of a deadly cult.
Зеленый ад
Профессор Коренц отправляется вглубь амазонских джунглей, чтобы отыскать следы таинственного племени има, и пропадает. Найдя свидетельства того, что профессор всё ещё может быть жив, журналистка Джемма решает организовать спасательную экспедицию, в ходе которой компания сталкивается с бандой отъявленных головорезов, ведущих поиски индейского золота.
Белая богиня каннибалов
Во время тропической экспедиции каннибалы убили жену и похитили маленькую дочь ученого Тейлора, а ему самому отгрызли руку. Спустя несколько лет он вернулся в те места, надеясь найти дочь, которая стала фетишем для племени дикарей.
Based on Oscar Wilde's play, the films tells the story of how Salomé agrees to dance for King Herod in return for the head of John the Baptist.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.