
The Wounds We Cannot See (2017)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 59М

Директор : Alexander Freeman

Краткое содержание

The Wounds We Cannot See tells the gripping story of former US Navy Airman Nancy Ross of Hingham, Massachusetts who was falsely adopted because of a family secret she never knew. Ross was violently raped during her service in 1988 and has since struggled with addiction, mental illness and depression. She continues to battle Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a direct result of her attack and subsequent abusive relationships. While Nancy has undergone extensive therapy since her honorable discharge from the Navy she still suffers from addiction and mental illness, living in constant fear of the future.



Alexander Freeman
Alexander Freeman
Alexander Freeman
Alexander Freeman
Miro Kepinski
Miro Kepinski
Jeffrey G. Rosenberg
Jeffrey G. Rosenberg
Brandon Golden
Brandon Golden
Ryan Egan
Ryan Egan
Alexander Freeman
Alexander Freeman


Death of a Child
How does one live with the unbearable? When the worst has happened and the one to blame is yourself? Death of a Child is an exploration of the lives of parents who have caused their own children's deaths.
Twist of Faith
A man confronts the trauma of past sexual abuse as a boy by a Catholic priest only to find his decision shatters his relationships with his family, community and faith.
Charcot Marie Tooth syndrome affects over 2.6 million people worldwide, and yet is still widly unknown. This documentary, the firt full length film to tackle the subject, follows one woman afflicted with this hereditary disease on her journey to become its public face.
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
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Two families bond when their teenage sons are killed in an explosion at a suburban mall only to discover one of their children is the prime suspect.
Шестилетний Дэвид Ротенберг оказался камнем преткновения в разводе своих родителей Мари и Чарльза. После того, как полную опеку над сыном суд присудил матери, Чарльз похитил ребенка и увез его в Калифорнию. Мужчина быстро понял, что справиться с уходом за шестилетним сыном не сможет, но и отдавать его Мари Чарльз не захотел. Отец облил Дэвида керосином и поджог. Мальчик выжил, но 90% его тела оказалось сожжено. Так начинается трудный путь выздоровления маленького человека.
Forgetting Dad
A man suffers a minor car accident, and a week later constructs a new identity, claiming he can't "remember" being a father. Nearly twenty years later, his amnesia persists, yet no brain damage or physical cause are ever found. Enthralling and thought-provoking, "Forgetting Dad" offers an award-winning case study of dissociation, parental abandonment, and family enmenshment in mental illness.
The Family I Had
In The Family I Had, a mother recalls how her brilliant teenage son came to shatter their idyllic family through one horribly violent and shocking act. Now, left to pick up the pieces, the survivors test the boundaries of their newly defined reality in this moving true crime exploration of the nature and limits of familial love.
Whose Daughter is She?
Whose Daughter is She?
We Were Children
For over 130 years till 1996, more than 100,000 of Canada's First Nations children were legally required to attend government-funded schools run by various Christian faiths. There were 80 of these 'residential schools' across the country. Most children were sent to faraway schools that separated them from their families and traditional land. These children endured brutality, physical hardship, mental degradation, and the complete erasure of their culture. The schools were part of a wider program of assimilation designed to integrate the native population into 'Canadian society.' These schools were established with the express purpose 'To kill the Indian in the child.' Told through their own voices, 'We Were Children' is the shocking true story of two such children: Glen Anaquod and Lyna Hart.
The Boarder
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Two Mothers for Zachary
A grandmother sues her daughter for custody of her grandson, because she believes that her daughter's homosexuality renders her unfit for motherhood.
Потерпев крушение в океане, молодая женщина Дженн выбирается на небольшой остров. К берегу также прибивает одного из её друзей, но вскоре тяжелораненый парень умирает. Похоронив друга и кое-как обустроившись на острове, Дженн вскоре сталкивается с непредвиденной угрозой — оказывается, из моря по ночам выходит плотоядное чудовище.
Гремучая змея
Во время поездки через страну дочь Катрины кусает гремучая змея. Катрина обращается за помощью к обитательнице странного домика, стоящего посреди пустыни. Та соглашается помочь и спасает девочку. Вскоре Катрина получает счёт: в обмен на жизнь дочери она должна убить другого человека.
Shattered Spirits
When his drinking problem takes control of his life, a father tries to leave the bottle behind while putting his and his family's lives back together.
Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love
A young couple is overjoyed when they find out that, after having had two girls, the wife is pregnant again, and this time it will be a son. However, the boy turns out to autistic. Unhappy with the diagnoses and treatments available, they decide to work out their own therapy program for their son.
Dawn is ready to finish her senior year of high school when her neglectful, party-loving mother is tragically killed, forcing Dawn to go to live with her aunt Jamie who co-pastors a church with her husband, Willem. Unfortunately, not long into her stay things go terribly wrong, and Dawn runs away. When Dawn's Aunt Jamie realizes her home was not the safe-haven she thought it was, she embarks on a courageous search for Dawn. Dawn, having no foreknowledge of the streets, is easy prey for a two-bit street hustler, falling for his well-rehearsed flattery. She is lured into a life she could never have imagined for herself. Jamie learns of her predicament and becomes more determined than ever to rescue her, despite Dawn's desire to distance herself. Anxiously Jamie befriends a street minister, and the two of them set out together to find Dawn. However, in her search for Dawn, Jamie realizes it is not only Dawn who needs rescuing.
Стефани Дэли
16-летняя Стефани Дэли обвиняется в убийстве собственного новорожденного ребенка. Но девушка утверждает, что даже не знала о беременности и что ребенок был мертворождённый. Судебный психолог Лиди Крейн берется расследовать это непростое дело и найти недостающие факты. Однако остаться не предвзятой ей будет сложно, так как она сама находится "в положении"…
Даниэль теряет работу и жилье, когда многоквартирный дом, где он живет и работает уничтожен пожаром. Даниэль вместе с семьей переезжает к своему брату. Но долго они там жить не могут из-за скандалов друг с другом. Семья переезжает в приют для бездомных. Даниэль ищет работу электриком, пока его жена работает официанткой, чтобы попытаться свести концы с концами.
The Hollywood Complex
Every spring, Hollywood hosts a very species-specific migration: kids. Thousands of aspiring child actors flock to Tinseltown for pilot season, the traditional casting period for new network and cable television shows. But unlike adult actors who pound the same star-lined pavement, kids come with their families. Many set up camp at the Oakwood, a temporary housing complex that caters to the showbiz flock.