
Долина теней (2017)

Жанр : ужасы, драма, детектив

Время выполнения : 1Ч 27М

Директор : Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen

Краткое содержание

Между морем и горами в маленькой деревушке в Норвегии шестилетний Аслак живет со своей матерью Астрид. Однажды, на поле, рядом с деревней, находят растерзанных овец. Взрослые думают, что это волки, но Аслак уверен, в лесу живет оборотень. В поисках пропавшей собаки, Аслак отправляется в лес, где сталкивается с множеством странных явлений. Что происходит в его путешествии? Просто воображение мальчика или это реальность?


Adam Ekeli
Adam Ekeli
Katherine Fagerland
Katherine Fagerland
Jørgen Langhelle
Jørgen Langhelle
Lennard Salamon
Lennard Salamon
Jone Hope Larsen
Jone Hope Larsen
Lasse's father
John Olav Nilsen
John Olav Nilsen
The stranger


Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen
Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen
Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen
Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen
Clement Tuffreau
Clement Tuffreau
Alan R. Milligan
Alan R. Milligan
Zbigniew Preisner
Zbigniew Preisner
Marius Matzow Gulbrandsen
Marius Matzow Gulbrandsen
Mariusz Kus
Mariusz Kus
Sofie Rage Larsen
Sofie Rage Larsen
Costume Design
Fanney Antonsdóttir
Fanney Antonsdóttir
Makeup & Hair


Darkness by Day
It starts like this: a beach, a cliff, a pine tree forest, and a house made of stone. In the house, Virginia wakes up startled by a nightmare, and in the nightmare we can see her cousin Anabel with a deathly pale face and traces of blood around her lips.
A melancholic, aspiring writer and bookseller is shaken by the appearances and disappearances of his newfound muse who steals books from his bookstore. When he discovers that she also steals from other bookstores, he is consumed with jealousy and starts living in a kind of love delirium, on the border between fiction and reality. The closer he gets to her, the more indescribable she becomes and he begins to wonder why she steals, what are her values and who is the older man she lives with. In the end, what is real and what isn’t? And will he find a place in her life as he moves away from his own?