
The Last Macedonian - Road to Extinction (2015)

Жанр : документальный, история

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Ilija Piperkoski

Краткое содержание

This is a documentary film about the land and people which will never restore their power of the past. A story about negations and many historical moments are enveloped in the veil of secret. Through the modern personalities and archives "The Last Macedonian from Macedonia" approaches to the truth revealing the never spoken moments and linking the past, present, but also the future. The film was shot on locations in Bitola and its surroundings.


Mitko Apostolovski
Mitko Apostolovski
Žarko Dimoski
Žarko Dimoski
Pere Toshev
Petar Gorko
Petar Gorko
Mitre Vaskov
Gjorgji Jolevski
Gjorgji Jolevski
Gjorche Petrov
Krste Jovanovski
Krste Jovanovski
Gen. Atanackovikj
Slaviša Kajevski
Slaviša Kajevski
Pavel Kirov
Saško Kocev
Saško Kocev
Jovan Babunski
Zoran Ljutkov
Zoran Ljutkov
Kote from Rulja
Rubens Muratovski
Rubens Muratovski
Jane Sandanski
Nenad Nacev
Nenad Nacev
Germanos Karavangelis
Biljana Dragičević Projkovska
Biljana Dragičević Projkovska
Aleksandar Stepanuleski
Aleksandar Stepanuleski
Hristo Chernopeev
Gjorgji Todorovski
Gjorgji Todorovski
Todor Panica
Jordan Vitanov
Jordan Vitanov
Vangel Georgiev / Evangelos Natsis Georgiou


Ilija Piperkoski
Ilija Piperkoski


Ты не будешь в одиночестве
XIX век, македонская деревня. Способное принимать разные обличья существо собирается похитить из колыбели младенца, но, поддавшись уговорам матери, соглашается прийти за ребёнком через 16 лет. Все эти годы девочка проводит в священной пещере вдали от людей и вне досягаемости взора ведьмы, но та всё-таки заполучает обещанное. Наконец выбравшись из пещеры, девушка исследует окружающий мир, а когда новая «мать» обращает её в себе подобную, она решает узнать, что это значит — жить человеческой жизнью, и начинает убивать селян и принимать их обличье.
Страна меда
В отдаленной македонской деревне Хатидзе занимается пчеловодством и заботится о своей матери, прикованной к постели. Однажды по соседству селится кочевое семейство, и в безмятежный мир Хатидзе вторгаются рычание двигателей, семеро непоседливых детей и 150 коров.
Перед дождем
Главным героем можно условно назвать фотографа, возвращающегося в родную деревню после долгих лет скитаний по горячим точкам планеты. Он не может принять новой реальности ненависти и кровной мести между людьми, с которыми когда-то жил, ходил в школу, играл.
Балканский мальчик
12-летний Марко живет в заброшенном македонском городке без каких-либо перспектив: пьяница-отец и агрессивные одноклассники — вот ежедневный фон его жизни… Не случайно скрывающийся от властей в заброшенном доме террорист становится на какое-то время для парня примером. Единственный, кто пытается помочь мальчику, школьный учитель, который уверен, что Марко может победить в литературном конкурсе и отправиться в Париж. Но именно этому доброму, но безвольному и трусливому человеку, поселившему в мальчике надежду, в итоге придется ответить за «продленные мучения» балканского мальчика…
Macedonian Saga
The arrival of the young teacher Damjan in one village in western Macedonia shakes the usual daily life of its inhabitants who belong to different religions.
Салоникские патриоты
О подпольной террористической организации македонских патриотов, боровшихся за освобождение родины от турецкого ига.
The Funeral of Metropolitan Emilianos of Silyvria
A six minute film of the funeral of the murdered Metropolitan Emilianos of Grevena, of which all has been lost, save for 17 seconds. Emilianos was murdered on October 1st, 1911.
Punk's Not Dead
A group of crotchety codgers attempt to revive the punk-rock band they all played in 17 years earlier in "Punk Is Not Dead".
The Visit of the Sultan Mehmed the Fifth Reshad to Salonika
Early Balkan footage.
Wolf's Night
A group of Macedonian partisans are hiding away in the mountains from Bulgarian fascist authorities that occupy Macedonia.
Weaving Women
A group of Macedonian women are shown hard at work.
Ghoul Quest
Serafim is a vampire hunter - who wanders through Macedonian villages and destroys the vampired dead man for money. His apprentice is young fellow named Fidan, who Serafim teaches the rough and dangerous vampire craft, along with the alphabet and the insecure life in Macedonia. Vampire man and his student in their surroundings get in struggle with: Macedonian vampires, Turkish Authority and with Komiti (Macedonian Revolutionaries), also with Avdzi - Taburi (paid hunters of Komiti). Fidan experiences damnation of the vampire skill, who doesn't know if Serafim is a God's angel or servant of Devil.
A day before the earthquake in Skopje, Wily Muller, a German conductor, while passing through the concert meets a young girl Jana, a student from Skopje. After several years they meet again at the "Solidarity Meetings" event, which is held in Skopje, where Wily Muller is a conductor at a concert held on that occasion. Those several days, spent together with the conductor, for Jana mean fulfillment with a kind of reminiscence of her family tragedy experienced during Skopje's earthquake, and also a wondering and search for a way of starting life again, which stopped on the day of the earthquake. Although the possibility of going with Muller is very attractive, Jana stays in Skopje. Her place is beside the young man whom she loves and belongs to, with whom she is related with true love...
The Romanian Minister Istrate Visits Resen
Early Balkan footage.
A Wedding in Bitola
Early Balkan footage.
The Celebration of St. Cyril and Methodius on the Main Street in Bitola
Early Balkan footage.
Hunting Flies
After losing his job on the first day of school, an idealistic teacher attempts to get rehired by locking his students in the classroom and forcing them to resolve a long-standing feud between their villages.
The Turkish Sultan Mehmed V Resad Visiting Bitola
Newsreel of the visit of sultan Mehmed V Resad to Bitola.
The first Macedonian Movie from 1952- Frosina is one of the many Macedonian wives whose husbands are economic emigrants abroad. Marriage does not bring them a family, only the burden of life itself. After her husband's short visits, she gives birth to children who do not live long because of the poverty into which they have been born. She gives birth to them alone, and she buries them alone. Only her last child, Klime, survives all his various illnesses and grows up to be her one joy in life. The war breaks out...
Rromani Soul
RROMANI SOUL traces the true origin of the Rroma people. Through rituals, song and dance we follow emblematic figure and "Queen of the Gypsies" Esma Redzepova to Macedonia, south of France and finally to India. The film reveals for the first time ever that the true and unique origin of the Rroma is Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh, India.