It's Your 20th Television Anniversary, Charlie Brown (1985)
Жанр : документальный
Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М
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A documentary television special hosted by Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz.
«Малышня пузатая: Снупи и Чарли Браун в кино» (Peanuts) – анимационный фильм, в основу сценария которого положены знаменитые комиксы о приключениях малыша Чарли Брауна и его пса Снупи. Чарли, Снупи и их друзья – неутомимая компания персонажей, которых поджидают еще более увлекательные приключения.
Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.
Чарли Браун пытается найти истинное значение Рождества вопреки его повсеместной коммерциализации.
Приближается Рождество, и «Мелочь пузатая» с волнением готовится к празднованию. Чарли Брауну нужны деньги на подарок для девочки, которая ему нравится. Пепперминт Пэтти переживает из-за доклада по книге, которую задали прочитать на каникулах. А Салли ни за что не хочет провалить свой дебют в школьной пьесе.
This classic "Peanuts" tale focuses on the thumb-sucking, blanket-holding Linus, and his touching faith in the "Great Pumpkin." When Linus discovers that no one else believes in the creature, he sets out to prove that the Pumpkin's no myth—by spending the night alone in a pumpkin patch.
Забавный щенок Снупи очень не любит надписи вроде: «Собак выгуливать запрещается». Он ссорится с Линусом из-за одеяла и даже проводит боксерский матч с Люси. Его собачьи чувства обижены, Снупи решает убежать из дома с его маленьким преданным пернатым другом Вудстоком. Вместе они переживают серию невероятных приключений в большом городе, пока не встречаются с Лайлой, которая оказывается первой хозяйкой Снупи.
Poor Charlie Brown. He can't fly a kite, and he always loses in baseball. Having his faults projected onto a screen by Lucy doesn't help him much either. Against the sage advice and taunting of the girls in his class, he volunteers for the class spelling bee...and wins!
The Peanuts gang, including Snoopy and Woodstock, have gone off to summer camp. After a few days of the usual summer-camp activities, they all take part in a rafting race. Battling treacherous rapids, wild animals and bullies from a rival tent, the teams make their way downriver to the finish line.
Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty and Marcie travel to France as foreign exchange students. Also along is Snoopy and Woodstock. While everyone is excited about the opportunity to travel to a foreign country, Charlie is disturbed by a letter he receives from a mysterious girl from France who invites him as a her guest only to find that he does not seem welcomed to her Chateau.
Linus is pushed to his limits when he learns Grandma is coming to visit and plans on ridding him of his childish security blanket.
The Peanuts gang perform the classic Broadway musical. In addition to the classic songs, we see Charlie Brown and his friends perform the various comedy sketches of the play.
The animated adaption of the second stage musical based on the "Peanuts" comics strip, focusing on Snoopy.
Sensing that his canine companion is a bit down in the mouth, Charlie Brown organizes a Daisy Hill Puppy Farm reunion for Snoopy and his seven siblings in this animated special based on the Charles M. Schulz comic strip. While Charlie Brown is dismayed to see that the bucolic farm has disappeared in a sea of urban sprawl, Snoopy and gang are simply delighted to be in one another's company. Pulling out their instruments, they jam on the sidewalk.
Валентинки, которые пишет Снупи, создают атмосферу романтики и тепла. Чарли Браун пытается произвести впечатление на рыжеволосую девочку. Салли и Люси надеются получить валентинки от Лайнуса и Шрёдера. А Пепперминт Пэтти приглашает «Чака» на танцы.
After Snoopy displays his usual level of courage and runs away from his sentry duty, he happens to run into a beautiful female. Smitten, he decides to marry her. Now, the gang, and Snoopy's cousin, Spike, want to help in an affair that has the usual complications
Charlie Brown is having hallucinations as a result of a rash on the back of his head resembling the stitchings of a baseball, most notably seeing the rising sun as a baseball. He goes to camp to take his mind off of baseball with a paper sack on his head to cover up said rash and is suddenly elected camp president as the other kids find his appearance cool. But then he removes his sack the next morning and becomes uncool again. He watches the sun rise, fearing that it will appear as a rising baseball. Instead, the sun is replaced with MAD Magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman.
Several new different Peanuts sketches are featured in this TV special, adapted from the comic strip, including Peppermint Patty's stint at dog training school and Charlie Brown spending time in the hospital.
As they begin their journey home from their student exchange term, Charlie Brown and the gang find themselves sidetracked. They have severe car trouble and more importantly, they pass by various monuments to World Wars I & II. With Linus guiding them through these memorials, they learn about the events of the wars and the sacrifices required of the troops who fought them.
A documentary television special hosted by Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz.
Linus has to break devastating news, his father has a new job and has to relocate his family. Charlie Brown and the gang make their goodbyes and prepare for Linus and Lucy's departure.