
Loving in Tandem (2017)

Жанр : комедия, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 48М

Директор : Giselle Andres

Краткое содержание

Shine is a jolly and happy-go-lucky girl who will do anything for her family. But when it comes to love. she hopelessly finds one, and wishes to meet her one true love. Until one day when she was praying to meet the love of her life, she unexpectedly meets Luke, a rebellious and grumpy Filipino-American boy who was sent to the Philippines by his parents from the United States.


Maymay Entrata
Maymay Entrata
Edward Barber
Edward Barber
Kisses Delavin
Kisses Delavin
Marco Gallo
Marco Gallo
Carmi Martin
Carmi Martin
Aling Edios
Ryan Bang
Ryan Bang
Gong Woo
Thou Reyes
Thou Reyes
Ketchup Eusebio
Ketchup Eusebio
Kakai Bautista
Kakai Bautista
Simon Pineda
Simon Pineda
Emman Dolores
Emman Dolores
April Matienzo
April Matienzo


Giselle Andres
Giselle Andres
Kristine S. Gabriel
Kristine S. Gabriel
Anjanette M. Haw
Anjanette M. Haw
Patricia Lasaten
Patricia Lasaten
Ammie Ruth Suarez
Ammie Ruth Suarez
Mo Zee
Mo Zee
Noah Tonga
Noah Tonga
Winston Acuyong
Winston Acuyong
Production Design
Aurel Claro Bilbao
Aurel Claro Bilbao
Sound Engineer


Must Be... Love
A young woman develops romantic feelings for her best friend, but problems arise when another gal enters the picture.
In the world of semi-pro basketball, a beautiful bookie recruits a naïve but promising player to the underworld of game-fixing.
Wild and Free
Ellie and Jake fall in love, but struggle with their relationship when they discover an unexpected connection between their pasts.
Эволюция Борна
В игре всегда несколько фигур. Одна из них — Джейсон Борн, другая — совершенный агент Кеннет Китсом. Их возможности безграничны. Но даже у идеального оружия бывают сбои…
Дикие дни
А-Фэй — имя главного героя, который кажется благополучным человеком: его любят женщины, он не нуждается в деньгах. Но тайна происхождения, непроясненность прошлого, мешает ему укорениться в настоящем: для человека старой китайской культуры разрыв в цепи поколений — не частная неурядица, а корневая беда. Герой строит новую систему координат: уклоняйся от обязательств, остерегайся привязанностей, избегай закрепощающих чувств…
1898. Последние на Филиппинах
Были времена, когда Испания владела несколькими колониями в самых разных частях света, включая Филиппины. Могущественная империя расширяла свои владения, но наступило время, когда она начала терять свою мощь. Герои фильма — испанские солдаты, отправленные защищать одну из последних колоний былой империи на Филиппинах. О небольшом отряде забыли на родине, и солдатам пришлось отражать натиск врага в городке Балер на протяжении одиннадцати месяцев: с июля 1898-го по июнь 1899-го года.
The Mistress
A young woman is torn between the affections of her two lovers. One is a young bachelor who brings passion into her life. The other is a married man who has kept her as his mistress for years. Architect JD has a chip on his shoulder about his father Rico never really accepting him as his son. Seamstress Sari struggles to take care of her family. The two meet by chance, and JD aggressively pursues Saris affections. Though the two are clearly a good match, there is a problem standing in the way of their bliss: Sari is the mistress of JDs father. Against his better judgment, JD continues to court Sari even after finding out this difficult fact. He hides his true identity as Ricos son, and fights to win Saris heart.
Heneral Luna
A Filipino general who believes he can turn the tide of battle in the Philippine-American war. But little does he know that he faces a greatest threat to the country's revolution against the invading Americans.
Операция «Нижняя юбка»
Вторая мировая война позади. Контр-адмирал Мэтт Шерман прощается с подводной лодкой «Морской Тигр», на которой служил капитаном. Шерман читает бортовой журнал и вспоминает события давно минувших дней. Шел 1941 год. Спустя три дня после Перл-Харбора, его лодка получила серьезные повреждения во время воздушного налета в Манильском заливе. Тогда он принял решение поднять лодку в самый разгар вражеской атаки. Это была рискованная операция.
A heartbroken young woman begins a sexual relationship with a struggling artista, not knowing that her new beau is already married. As the truth comes out, obsession and jealousy bring pain into all their lives.
I Will Always Love You
Justin (Richard Gutierrez) & Cecille (Angel Locsin) play students from different social backgrounds. Against the wishes of his rich parents, Justin pursues Cecille, who also falls hard for the handsome rich boy. Justin, however, is being forced to marry Donna (Bianca King), the daughter of his parents’ business partner. His parents order him to study in the United States to separate him from the poor girl. Unable to accept life without Cecille, Justin is somehow able to take her with him to the US without his parents awareness.
Ninja Party
"Ninja Party" is a coming of age story of two teenage coeds who find themselves in a comprising situation when they get involved in secret debauchery.
Сердца тьмы: Апокалипсис кинематографиста
Документальный фильм о съёмках шедевра Фрэнсиса Форда Копполы «Апокалипсис сегодня», о мучительном создании сценария, съёмке, подборе актёров, бюджета.. Всё это чуть не разрушило жизнь и карьеру прославленного режиссера.
Surviving Evil
A TV documentary crew arrive on a remote island in the Philippines to film a survival special. Their back-to-the-wild adventure proves to be more terrifying than they ever could have imagined
Поймай меня... Я влюблен
Two young adults search for that something that could complete their existence. The two would fall in love but conflict would arise to try to break their special bond.
The planet’s busiest maternity hospital is located in one of its poorest and most populous countries: the Philippines. There, poor women face devastating consequences as their country struggles with reproductive health policy and the politics of conservative Catholic ideologies.
Возвращение на Батаан
Январь 1945 года, Филиппины. Это был один из самых трудных периодов в истории Второй Мировой Войны, когда американцы на острове Корегидор плечом к плечу с бойцами филиппинского сопротивления отражали атаки двухсот тысяч японских солдат генерала Хоммы. Сюжет охватывает время от падения Батаана и Корегидора до высадки американцев в Лейти и рассказывает о приключениях полковника Джозефа Мэддена, возглавившего филиппинских патриотов в борьбе против японских захватчиков острова. Любовная линия отдана Андреасу Бонифацио, потомку героя филиппинского народа, и его возлюбленной Доличии Далгадо, связной в Маниле ставшей по зову сердца разведчицей в тылу врага. Кровь, пот и слезы были пролиты не зря, свобода пришла на землю Филиппин, население Батаана благодарно солдатам и командирам США за их неоценимую поддержку в борьбе с японскими интервентами.
Они были незаменимыми
После атаки Перл-Харбора экипаж торпедных катеров в районе Филиппинских островов должен сразиться с превосходящими их силами японцев…
As their paths cross again several years later, Bert has a hard time acknowledging that he is still in love with Elise.
A Very Special Love
Laida Magtalas is a modern-day Belle who works hard to provide for her family while hoping that someday she will meet her prince charming and that they will live happily ever after together. That would-be prince charming is none other than "Miggy", the youngest member of the Montenegro clan — a well established family in the business world. Moony Laida's desire to finally meet Miggy leads her to apply as an Editorial Assistant at his newly launched men’s magazine, "Bachelor". In spite of the fact that a relationship with Miggy may prove to be a long shot, Laida revels working in such close proximity with the man of her dreams.


This Guy's In Love With U Mare!
A man tries to keep his partner from straying by romancing the object of the man's affections himself.
Must Date the Playboy
A woman asks her best friend to date her playboy ex-boyfriend to save her current relationship.
No Boyfriend Since Birth
A wedding planner who's never been in a relationship courts romance as she re encounters a high school crush.
My Bestfriend's Girlfriend
Evo and Grace are from different worlds. Their paths cross serendipitously when Grace, a waitress in a girlie bar, agrees to fill in for a stripper friend on a bachelor party attended by Evo. His not-so gentlemanly behavior during the party doesn’t endear him with Grace, and unfortunately, neither with his girlfriend who instantly breaks-up with him. Wanting his girlfriend back, Evo arrives at a scheme upon discovering that Grace happens to be his bestfriend’s girlfriend.
Delete My Love
So Boring, a nobody who has no love from everyone except from childhood sweetheart Bobo, receives a weird text message one day, saying: Ever thought of deleting those you dislike?
Неожиданная магия
Джоуи Хермоса и Маркус Хансон похожи только в двух вещах. Первое — они создают сказки. Джоуи придумывает изысканные свадебные торты, а Маркус снимается в многочисленных романтических комедиях. Второе — их собственные любовные истории закончились весьма плачевно. Джоуи бросили прямо у алтаря, а Маркус только что узнал, что его экранная партнерша, по совместительству его девушка, влюбилась в другого.
Поймай меня... Я влюблен
Two young adults search for that something that could complete their existence. The two would fall in love but conflict would arise to try to break their special bond.
My Illegal Wife
Clarise, an OFW mother in Japan, and her desire to have a husband and father for her children. One day, Clarise bumps into Henry, ridiculed and rejected. Then, they meet again in a plane going back to the Philippines. Here, an accident happens. Clarise wakes up and finds herself in an island with Henry, who now has amnesia. Clarise takes advantage of the situation and introduces herself as his wife. She makes him believe that they have been married in Japan and they are on their way to the Philippines to get married in church. After being saved, Clarise then introduces Henry to her family and friends. Will Henry learn to really love Clarise? Or, will Henry find the truth about Clarise's lies? What if Henry learns that Clarise is his "illegal wife?"
Mia, a celebrated writer of romantic-comedy films, is at a turning point in her life which makes it difficult for her to believe that love could last. Everything comes to a head when Ethan returns, only for her to find out that he has become a cynic of lasting love because she broke his heart.
Never Not Love You
It tells the story of young lovers who tries to build a life together until career opportunities sends them to a different country where their relationship will be tested.
Paano Na Kaya
A 2010 Filipino romantic drama starring Kim Chiu and Gerald Anderson.
В поисках «звезды»
Wealthy construction mogul Sam Ching and cabaret dancer Milan Sit fall madly in love with one another despite the class differences that would keep many couples apart. However, what Sit doesn't know is that Ching is the man responsible for razing a building representing cherished memories from her childhood.
That Thing Called Tadhana
A woman struggling to meet airline baggage requirements meets a man who comes to her aid. They form a friendship that helps them mend each other's hearts.
Beauty and the Bestie
For an important case, a policeman needs the help of his former best friend to impersonate the daughter of a foreign dignitary in a beauty pageant.
Agent Mr Chan
Top agent Mr. Chan (Dayo Wong) suddenly finds himself removed from duties after his partner Wonder Child unintentionally offends a policewoman, Ms. Shek. But when a financial officer goes crazy due to drugs, Mr. Chan is called back in to solve the case, which he accepts even though this means partnering up with Ms. Shek. The two have some ups and downs while working together, eventually leading to romance.
For the Hopeless Romantic
A student writer struggles to find a happy ending for her romantic story when her own real life romance falls apart.
And I Hate You So
Luna Ng is a columnist who gave her first boyfriend a vinyl record as a gift. She later discovers that same vinyl record in a second hand store so she attempts to buy it back. However, another person ends up buying it before her. She finds out that the new owner of the record is Cheung Yung, a radio host. Luna ends up both loving and detesting Yung after he comments on her love life on radio. The story is about the battle of two willful and creative characters.
My Amnesia Girl
When Apollo finds himself surrounded by friends who are beginning to settle down, he is faced with the possibility of finding his true love. It all boils down to one name: Irene. It must be fate then, when he once again sees Irene, his ex-girlfriend from three years ago with whom he had the best memories with. Apollo and Irene were a perfect couple until circumstances led them to fall apart.Now, Irene has no recollection of Apollo, having acquired amnesia shortly after their separation. Apollo sees this as the perfect opportunity to pursue Irene again, and be able to undo all the mistakes he made in the past, by offering Irene the best memories she could ever have.True love is difficult to resist, they learn. Just when they find themselves ready to commit to each other, the pains from the past catch up with them, challenging them to finally own up to the mistakes made and lies said, and eventually realize what it is to forgive and forget.
Love Undercover
A young policewoman is picked for an undercover job--getting close enough to a gangster's son so that she can plant a microphone at a table where the gangsters make their deals. Complications arise when she finds herself falling for him.
Love You to the Stars and Back
A girl named Mika decides to go on a road trip to look for aliens. During her trip, she accidentally bumps into Caloy whom she gives a free ride to until he reaches his destination. Mika then finds out that Caloy has cancer but despite it, he has learned to accept his fate. Both embark on a journey filled with adventures and misadventures not knowing they would fall in love with each other along the way.