
homer_b (2017)

Жанр : комедия, ужасы

Время выполнения : 3М

Директор : Milos Mitrovic, Conor Sweeney

Краткое содержание

From some of Winnipeg’s weirdest minds comes a nightmarish vision that seems to have leaked out from the darkest recesses of Matt Groening’s subconscious and then been somehow preserved on the world’s last VHS cassette. Just who is this clown behind the microphone stand and what does he want?



Milos Mitrovic
Milos Mitrovic
Conor Sweeney
Conor Sweeney


Get You Back
An unlikely friendship emerges between a man ready to end his life and a waitress who takes pity on him. They spend a weekend plotting silly vengeful pranks until it is no longer fun and games.
Six Seasons and A Movie - A Community Art Show
A 30 minute documentary that explores the sub culture of fan art and artists that pay homage to the NBC comedy Community. Follow PixelDrip Gallery as they organize the first ever Community themed art show and get to know the artists and fans who's love for the show goes beyond just watching it.
Character actor Tom Lenk (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing) has long dreamed of performing in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the world's largest theater arts festival. Nerdgasm follows Tom's journey through all things nerdy as he prepares to fulfill his aspirations and struggles with his inner demons along the way.
Lo que dirán
1313: Actor Slash Model
An embittered actor decides it's time to slash a few models after losing a life-changing role to some guy who looks good with his shirt off.
A Boy and His Atom: The World's Smallest Movie
A wayward atom escapes life in a bit and encounters a friend he can dance, laugh, and play with.
1313: Hercules Unbound!
Sent to a Gladiator retreat, Hercules frustrates his fellow warriors with his arrogance, but when his rival, Capaneous, schemes to poison Hercules, he must learn humility and devise a plan to survive a wrestling match in his weakened state.
The Invisible Chronicles
A brilliant young college student named Griffin goes to his psychologist, Dr. Kemp, with a strange and frightening tale. A few days earlier, at the local university, he made an incredible breakthrough with his experiments involving invisibility. Not content to experiment on inanimate objects, he injected his invisibility serum into himself. At first, he reveled in achieving his life-long dream of becoming invisible ... but once he realized that the effects were permanent, his harmless excursions into eavesdropping and voyeurism turned murderous. Now, his enemies will suffer and even his friends are no longer safe as he hunts them down, one by one, within the confines of the deserted university campus.
My Stepbrother Is a Vampire!?!
NANCY MONROE’s mother DENISE just got married — and Nancy has a new stepbrother, VICTOR, a Goth guy who dresses in black, wears lots of sunscreen, apparently talks to his cat, and has the ability to cloud women’s minds. So Nancy is convinced that he’s a vampire — but is she a paranoid wingnut, or is she the only person who sees Victor’s true nature?
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Dare to be square! In a world where "The only good pumpkins are round pumpkins!" SPOOKLEY THE SQUARE PUMPKIN is often teased by the other pumpkins because of his odd shape. Soon, Spookley is befriended by Edgar, Allan and Poe, three hilarious spiders, who convince Spookley that square or not, he has a right to be the "Pick of the Patch" on Halloween. "A square pumpkin the Pick of the Patch?" Not if mean round pumpkins Big Tom and Little Tom can help it. These two bullies tease and taunt Spookley because of his square roots. Encouraged to continue to become the "Pick of the Patch" by kindly Jack the Scarecrow and his bat sidekicks, Boris and Bella, Spookley isn't sure he has what it takes until a mighty storm threatens to destroy the entire patch. As the storm rolls the round pumpkins uncontrollably across the patch towards the raging river, Spookley realizes "it's fine to be round while the weather is fair, but there are times it's better to be a square!"
The Wolves of Kromer
Once upon a time in the village of Kromer lived two beautiful young wolves. Cocksure Gabriel takes newcomer Seth under his paw and helps reconcile him to the vilification associated with being a wolf. They fall head-over-heels in puppy love, playing together around picturesque waterfalls, secluded woodlands, and moonlit lakes. One day a wicked old crone and her goofy sidekick kill their mistress, frame the wolves, and incite a torch-bearing mob of religious zealots to seek vengeance on the hapless pair. But who will live happily ever after?
1313: UFO Invasion
ADAM is a graduate student in theoretical astronomy and working on his dissertation. He’s always been interested in what’s ‘out there’ and he finds a perfect opportunity to both work and play…..in Roswell, New Mexico.
Blonde Cobra
A man fondles objects, looks at himself in the mirror, poses in different clothes, smiles and makes faces at the camera while his voice on the soundtrack speaks of his despair, makes impressionistic statements and little songs, quotes Greta Garbo and Maria Montez, tells the story of a lonely little boy and tells the story of a woman named Madame Nescience who dreams of herself as the Mother Superior of a convent of sexual perversion.
It Gets Better
"It Gets Better" is a gay love story between Adam, a closeted jock, and Pierre, an openly gay boy, that revolves around peer pressure, bullying and acceptance.
Капитан семи морей
Капитан Шарки может и маленького роста, но он твердо верит, что он самый грозный пират семи морей. Он и его корабль готовы отправиться в свое первое плавание и всё, что нужно Шарки — компас и настоящая команда. На борту судна случайно оказываются сразу два пассажира: примерный и воспитанный мальчик Мики и бойкая девочка Бонни — дочь Адмирала. Вместе эту разношерстную компанию ждут захватывающие приключения!
Pretending to be a banker to his family, a nimble, motorcycle taxi driver struggles to maintain his charade when he runs into his childhood crush.
1313: Boy Crazies
Trent thinks his dream of becoming a top model is about to come true when his agent relocates him to a modelling house in LA. But his dream quickly turns into a nightmare when his male model housemates turn out to be a band of insatiable vampires led by the ruthless and powerful queen vampire Sheila.
A Sweet Christmas Romance
When food stylist Holly returns home for Christmas, she learns that the elderly owner of her favorite childhood bakery is retiring and has started a contest to give the bakery away to whoever can recreate her famous 12 Days of Christmas recipes. When a local baker also enters the contest, the two adversaries end up cooking up something special together for the holidays.
Том и Джерри: Шпион Квест
Ещё один день на пляже для проблемной парочки, пока Том и Джерри не сталкиваются со шпионами Джонни Квестом, Хаджи и Бандитом. Когда давний враг семьи Квестов, доктор Зин, узнаёт о том, что у Бентона Квеста есть орудие решения энергетических проблем мира, он посылает армию злобных кошек украсть его и взять в плен Бентона вместе с охранником Рэйсом Бэнноном. Джонни и его новые пушистые друзья отправляются на опасные поиски отца в попытке спасти мир!
Экспериментальный звуковой фильм Диксона
Первый дошедший до нас звуковой фильм. Этот фильм - первый настоящий звуковой кинофильм, который сохранился до наших времён. Его продолжительность всего 18 секунд. Звуковая дорожка фильма была записана на фонограф Эдисона - первый в мире диктофон, использующий восковые валики. Из-за разницы скоростей киноленты и валика фонограмма не совпадала с изображением. Реставраторам пришлось синхронизировать звук и видео.