
Matinee Idol (1984)

And on top of all that - he even gets paid for it.

Жанр : комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 28М

Директор : Henri Pachard
Писатель : David F. Friedman

Краткое содержание

Egos and screen tests are all around when it is time to film an adult film called Matinee Idol. The lead star also has a private go with the casting directors’ buxom secretary right on the casting directors’ table.


John Leslie
John Leslie
Lance Hardy
Jesie St. James
Jesie St. James
Linda Hand
Herschel Savage
Herschel Savage
Bud Cochran
Daisy Cheney
Kay Parker
Kay Parker
Colleen Brennan
Colleen Brennan
Laurie Smith
Laurie Smith
Doris Michaels
Water Nymph
Natasha Darling
Natasha Darling
David F. Friedman
David F. Friedman
Bernard Kuntz
Elmo Lavino
Elmo Lavino
Harvey Cox
Henri Pachard
Henri Pachard
Waldo Grade
Waldo Grade
Movie Crewman
Barry O'Riley
Barry O'Riley
Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels
Pam Simon
Pam Simon
Girl in Casting Call
Ruby Mills
Ruby Mills
Girl in Casting Call
Lynda St. James
Lynda St. James
Girl in Casting Call
Roger Burnside
Roger Burnside
Maggie Ray
Maggie Ray
Ming Toy Epstein
Ming Toy Epstein
TV Specialty Act


David F. Friedman
David F. Friedman
David F. Friedman
David F. Friedman
Henri Pachard
Henri Pachard
Bob Vosse
Bob Vosse
Director of Photography
Tim McDonald
Tim McDonald
Johnny Powers
Johnny Powers
Byron Conners
Byron Conners
Set Decoration
Robert Dean
Robert Dean
Set Decoration
Susan Koch
Susan Koch
Set Decoration
Marianne Hart
Marianne Hart
Makeup Artist
T.B. Mann
T.B. Mann
Assistant Director
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Assistant Property Master
Brad Peters
Brad Peters
Property Master
Z.E. Gorman
Z.E. Gorman
Sound Recordist
Alberto Soria
Alberto Soria
Visual Effects
Alberto Soria
Alberto Soria
Title Graphics
Vincent Fronczek
Vincent Fronczek
Still Photographer
Paul Harmon
Paul Harmon
Second Assistant Camera
Davis Martin
Davis Martin
Best Boy Grip
Ernie Sears
Ernie Sears
Pat Shearson
Pat Shearson
Assistant Camera
Tim Westman
Tim Westman
Key Grip
Debbie Shine
Debbie Shine
Wardrobe Supervisor
Susie St. Claire
Susie St. Claire
Script Supervisor
Annie Bonner
Annie Bonner
Production Assistant
Mark Moran
Mark Moran
Production Assistant
Marlene Smythe
Marlene Smythe
Production Assistant
Jackie Sommers
Jackie Sommers
Production Assistant
Jim Malibu
Jim Malibu
Art Direction


Выжженная зона
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Мы незнакомы, когда встречаемся
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Ателье моделей
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Они играют с огнём
Преподаватель решает обольстить студента, которого она наняла, как мастера на все руки для работы на ее яхте. Колеблющийся студент сдается своему сексуальному преподавателю, но их роман прерван ее коррумпированным мужем и убийцей в маске.
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The Seducer
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Hook, Line and Sinker
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