
Dirkie (1969)

Few have ever entered the deadly, mysterious Kalahari, and lived to reveal its secrets!

Жанр : приключения, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : Jamie Uys

Краткое содержание

An 8-year-old boy and his dog are left to face a vast desert wasteland alone after a plane crash, while an army of men and machines penetrate the desert searching for them. Based on true events.


Wynand Uys
Wynand Uys
Jamie Uys
Jamie Uys
Lady Frolic of Belvedale
Lady Frolic of Belvedale
Wilhelm Esterhuizen
Wilhelm Esterhuizen
Sue Burman
Sue Burman
Jan Bruijn
Jan Bruijn
Pieter Hauptfleisch
Pieter Hauptfleisch
Uncle Pete
Johan Du Plooy
Johan Du Plooy


Jamie Uys
Jamie Uys
Jamie Uys
Jamie Uys


Боги, наверное, сошли с ума
В дикие, девственные леса Африки с небес падает бутылка «Кока-колы». Здесь же обитает по-детски невинное племя бушменов. Вокруг столкновения двух цивилизаций происходит масса комедийных моментов.
Боги, наверное, сошли с ума 2
Бушмен Хико по-прежнему живет в африканской саванне, как испокон веков жили его предки. На этот раз ему опять приходится столкнуться с цивилизованным миром. Двое его маленьких детей случайно уезжают на грузовике белых браконьеров. Хико бросается на выручку, и, конечно же, попадает в водоворот комических ситуаций.
A super-model begins to question her glitzy, frenetic lifestyle when she awakes after a all night party to find a strange man in her bed. She sees a surfer riding the waves below, follows him to his tented camp on the banks of a river. 'Leatherlip' earns a living making leather goods and roaming around on an extraordinary 'trike' with his worldly goods and surfboard strapped on an overhead rack. They fall in love and she abandons her previous life. Then inexplicably she disappears. Leatherlip sets off on a cross-country odyssey to find her, knowing only that her father lives on a boat on the West Coast...
Животные — прекрасные люди
В глубине их собственного таинственного мира, вдали от любопытных глаз людей, африканские животные живут жизнью, наполненной юмором и ужасом, опасностью и достоинством. И иногда они бывают просто очень... человечными.
Meerkats 3D
Narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Emily Watson, MEERKATS 3D takes audiences on a journey with a family of meerkats as they cope with the twists and turns of life in the Kalahari Desert. The film begins as matriarch Klinky’s most recent litter emerges from the burrow for the first time. Klinky and her family, including elder children and regular babysitters Ms. Bean and Harry, must endure turf wars from rival families, attacks from vicious predators big and small and internal family turmoil. The survival of this clan hinges on the meerkat golden rule: Stick together, and keep calling.
Giraffe Dance / !Gwa Dance
Men and women of the !Kung people in Ojokhoe, Namibia perform healing dances by firelight. First we see men perform the giraffe dance, and then women perform the !gwa dance.
On a small Kalahari farm things look bleak. It hasn't rained for ages and the well has run dry and the residents are just about hanging on with what little they have. As the farmers' daughter prepares to gamble on the final few seeds they have left something appears on the horizon which could be the salvation they have been praying for.


You Must Be Joking!
In a series of short skits, Leon Schuster uses candid camera and several disguises to stitch up the general public of South Africa. Such sketches include: The watermelon pulse test, where Leon shows that a watermelon is only ripe when it does not have a heartbeat, much to the confusion of the seller. Cooking on the bonnet of a car, while upsetting the traffic police. Supposedly killing a cow in a butcher's shop.
Funny People II
"Funny People" is packed with scenes which will make you double up with laughter! What would you do if you were walking along the street and a cute little lady rushed up to you and gave you a smashing kiss, as if you'd known each other for years? And how does one remain cool as a cucumber when you're busy with an important audition and the chair you are sitting on gets hotter until you have to jump up in discomfort to save your behind? Then there is the case of the bank note sticking out from under the wheel of a car. People will always be human and no-one will walk past without trying to pull it out, even if the mudguard comes off or the hooter suddenly starts blowing. The antics to get this note out will make you laugh until tears roll down your cheeks!
Oh Schucks...! Here Comes UNTAG
Kwagga Robertse owns a farm shop in the fictional Southern African country of Nambabwe and usually cons foreign tourists by pretending to kill a lion, thus earning him the nickname 'Urumbo' (Lion Killer) from the country's natives. Kwagga is upset when the UN sends a platoon of incompetent soldiers with the United Nations Transition Assistance Group (U.N.T.A.G.), to monitor the peace process, and ensure free and fair elections after the Nambabwean War for Independence. The U.N.T.A.G's American leader, Major Bradick D. Mackay and his second-in-command, Captain Zapman are offered a diamond worth a lot of money in the U.S., and they must pay 200,000 USD to Duan Robertse, Kwagga's competitive brother trying to buy a farm left to them by their dead father.
10 000 лет до н.э.
В далеком горном племени молодой охотник Д’Лех нашел свою любовь — красотку Эволет. Но когда загадочное воинственное племя напало на деревню и похитило Эволет, Д’Леху ничего не оставалось, как возглавить небольшую группу охотников, чтобы проследовать за этими властелинами войны даже на самый край света, дабы спасти любимую.Ведомому судьбой отряду неумелых воинов предстоит сразиться с саблезубыми тиграми и доисторическими хищниками и в конце героического путешествия найти Потерянную Цивилизацию. Судьба их целиком находится во власти империи, неподдающейся воображению, той, где великие пирамиды простираются до небес. И там они примут бой против могущественного бога, жестко поработившего их народ.
A story about friendship between two boys coming from different social backgrounds, but with the equally bitter family experiences.
Skilpoppe is a gripping look at a South African tragedy, as seen through the eyes of a 17 year old girl. It touches on social issues like suicide, drug addiction and homophobia in a tender and humerous way. The story follows Anna Meyer, a schoolgirl who wins the role of Juliet in her school's production of Romeo and Juliet. She struggles to come to terms with the deeper, darker side of her personality; mostly because she still needs to exercise the demons from a tragedy in her own life.
The Quarry
This thriller investigates the mysterious assassination of a gay pastor in rural South Africa. Without witnesses or explanations, the crime appears to the police and others as a jigsaw puzzle without enough pieces. The police then suspect and arrest people based on the usual prejudices, black and coloured people who plant marijuana in this case. Meanwhile, the true assassin not only goes his way unpunished from the very beginning, but becomes one of the rural town's most respected citizens. The sheriff at one point does begin having certain suspicions, and from there on the bulk of the plot is played out. The location is a very arid part of South Africa, so with so much desert rock, there are bound to be quarries. Some may reveal important secrets.
Diamond Walkers
Drama among diamond smugglers and gold fever in South African bush.
Торговцы войной
В центре истории фильма «Торговцы войной» находится Ник Дреннен, опытный наемник, имеющий внушительный послужной список. За время своей активной деятельности он ликвидировал множество опасных людей и не раз доказывал, что является лучшим из лучших. Ник – настоящий профессионал в своем деле. Но он уже устал от непрерывных погонь, перестрелок и драк. Ему хочется уйти на покой. И чтобы иметь средства, которых ему хватит до конца жизни, он соглашается выполнить последнюю миссию, которая заключается в том, чтобы разрушить опасную преступную группировку, базирующуюся на Ближнем Востоке. Оказавшись на месте, Ник приступает к выполнению своей миссии. Однако во время проведения операции что-то идет не так и Ник попадает в плен. С этого момента он подвергается пыткам.
Никогда не сдавайся
The peaceful existence of boat repairman Blake (Frank Zagarino) is destroyed when the Reverend James (Billy Drago) shows up with his disciples. Back in the days when Blake had been a member of an elite commando force, James had been his friend. But things have changed. Worried that Reverend James has fostered a cult and is planning on a mass suicide, the government sends spies to investigate. The government is also concerned because a prominent general's daughter is among the cultists. When the spies are killed, Blake is forced to reveal his true identity and join the fray to stop James and save the general's daughter.
A man does an identity switch to collect insurance money but finds himself in danger.
Джейк Speed
Маргарет безрезультатно ищет свою сестру, которая была похищена во время путешествия по Европе, и даже полиция ничем не может помочь. Только дедушка Маргарет знает, что делать — он призвал на помощь знаменитого героя Быстрого Джейка. Девушка была очень удивлена, узнав, что Быстрый Джейк существует на самом деле, но оказалось, что в реальной жизни героям приходится весьма нелегко…
Target of an Assassin
FBI Operation Yellow Viper
German-made spy shenanigans.
Roger Singh is an animal poacher with hate in his heart, and revenge on his mind. Embittered by a recent stint in prison, Singh returns to the forbidden ivory trade only to lock horns with new game warden and former friend Mark Smith, whose testimony years before helped put Singh away.
Curse of the Crystal Eye
A man travels through Asia and Africa seeking the treasure of Ali Baba.
American Eagle
Twenty years ago, Vietnam turned three American boys into men, but amidst the horror, Johnny Burke cracked. When his friends, Max and Rudy, stop him from torturing an innocent Cambodian girl, he wheels on them and, aflame with hatred, vows vengeance.
Kick or Die
A sadistic rapist is atacking female students on a college campus. The college enlists the help of wealthy record producer Craig Merkel who hires his old friend Don Potter to teach the students self-defence. Don meets waitress Eve Campo who has her heart set on a singing career, so Don introduces her to Craig. However Craig has much more than her career on his mind.
Stern der Liebe
Blitz Patrollie
Blitz Patrollie chronicles the adventures of Rummy Augustine (Joey Rasdien) and his partner, Ace Dikolobe (David Kau), police officers who have had the misfortune of being stationed in a little known depot in the belly of the Johannesburg CBD.