
Hunting Party (2015)

Party tonight, in Antigua there is no tomorrow.

Жанр : комедия, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 45М

Директор : Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa

Краткое содержание

Five friends go out for the best night of their lives and their last together. To hunt for love, cheap drinks and salvation.


Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Fernando Franco
Fernando Franco
Hector Pizarro
Hector Pizarro
Emily K. Rose
Emily K. Rose
Camille Pellerin
Camille Pellerin
Pedro Javier Silva Lira
Pedro Javier Silva Lira
The Boss
Alex Ramos Alvarez
Alex Ramos Alvarez
Fernando Marroquin
Fernando Marroquin
Federico Franco
Federico Franco
Jorge Asturias
Jorge Asturias
Daneri Gudiel
Daneri Gudiel
Oficial Matamoros
Carolina Camey Tax
Carolina Camey Tax
Nina Cargando Madera
Eric Ledoigt
Eric Ledoigt
Pareja Gay
Santiago Billy
Santiago Billy
Marc Antoine
Henrik Nielsen
Henrik Nielsen
Bartender Reilly's
Sherilyn Asturias
Sherilyn Asturias
Nina de las Flores
Amy Gridley
Amy Gridley
Mario Cuenca
Mario Cuenca
Bartender Casbah


Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
JP Berreondo
JP Berreondo
Music Supervisor
Luis Andrés Schwartz
Luis Andrés Schwartz
Music Supervisor
Fernando Franco
Fernando Franco
Original Music Composer
Luis Andrés Schwartz
Luis Andrés Schwartz
Location Manager
Andrés G. Duarte
Andrés G. Duarte
Supervising Sound Editor
Andrés G. Duarte
Andrés G. Duarte
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Andrés G. Duarte
Andrés G. Duarte
Dialogue Editor
Andrés G. Duarte
Andrés G. Duarte
Sound Recordist
Stephano Sanchinelli
Stephano Sanchinelli
Sound Editor
Stephano Sanchinelli
Stephano Sanchinelli
Sound Designer
Jose Rodriguez Palomo
Jose Rodriguez Palomo
Federico Franco
Federico Franco
Allisson Mazariegos
Allisson Mazariegos
Jose Oliva Gaytan
Jose Oliva Gaytan
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Chris Kummerfeldt Quiroa
Björn Hermannes
Björn Hermannes
Director of Photography
Anaite Quiroa
Anaite Quiroa
Executive Producer
Blake Manson
Blake Manson
Executive Producer
Gustavo Matheu
Gustavo Matheu
Casting Director
Massiel Estrada
Massiel Estrada
Production Design
Darshan Rickhi
Darshan Rickhi
Second Unit Director
Massiel Estrada
Massiel Estrada
Art Direction
Eva Ravina
Eva Ravina
Sabrina Gamez
Sabrina Gamez
Makeup Artist
Christian Engel
Christian Engel
Costume Designer
Joel Gonzalez
Joel Gonzalez
Post Production Coordinator
Varinnia Recinos
Varinnia Recinos
First Assistant Director
Michael Monzon
Michael Monzon
Title Designer


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К чему помыслы о любви?
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Осень 1941 года. Немецкая подводная лодка отправляется в Атлантический океан, место противостояния германского и английского флотов. Жизнь по строгому распорядку, учебные тревоги, воспоминания о семьях и любимых девушках, солёные мужские шуточки... Скоро всё это закончится. Потому что впереди — ад и никакой надежды на спасение...
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