
Closet Space (2008)

Жанр : ужасы

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Mel House

Краткое содержание

There are thin places between this world and the next where dark, ancient, unfathomable beings chew and dig, moving inexorably closer, driven by alien thoughts and desires. What happens when the hunger for knowledge comes up against the insatiable hunger for flesh? Six grad students learn the answer as they explore the depths of the Closet Space A hastily assembled rescue party turns into a movable feast where mere survival becomes a nearly unreachable goal. Can any of them escape or will the Closet Space claim each one, body and soul?


Melanie Donihoo
Melanie Donihoo
Jovan Jackson
Jovan Jackson
James LaMarr
James LaMarr
Morgan McCarthy
Morgan McCarthy
Evan Scott
Evan Scott
Peyton Wetzel
Peyton Wetzel
Tim Wrobel
Tim Wrobel
Professor Polanco
Danielle Jones
Danielle Jones
Richard Boatto
Richard Boatto
Stacy Davidson
Stacy Davidson
University Student
David Gabriel
David Gabriel
University Student
Kenneth Haner
Kenneth Haner
Mel House
Mel House
Lance Glenn
Marissa Viso
Marissa Viso
Female Student #1
Ashley Ziegler
Ashley Ziegler
Female Student #2


Mel House
Mel House
Jason Stewart
Jason Stewart


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Легенда Самайн
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