
Three Steps (2017)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 20М

Директор : Ioseb 'Soso' Bliadze

Краткое содержание

Thirteen-year-old Mariam lives with her father, Rezo, in the poor slums of Tbilisi. They share a one room shack. Mariam and Rezo are barely making a living, being forced to steal at times. Along with the struggle against poverty, Mariam also has to deal with the facts of becoming a woman and the fear that her father would betray her in order to make money.



Ioseb 'Soso' Bliadze
Ioseb 'Soso' Bliadze


Сюжет картины рассказывает о событиях во время Абхазской войны 1992 года в деревне эстонских переселенцев на Кавказ. Хозяин одного из домов села, эстонец по национальности, пытается понять, какая из двух противоборствующих сторон права в развязавшемся конфликте.
5 дней в августе
Фильм повествует о войне между Грузией и Россией в 2008 году. Показываются события, какими их видят американский журналист, его оператор и грузинские жители.
А потом мы танцевали
Мераб с детства танцует в Национальном грузинском ансамбле со своей партнершей Мари. Его жизнь радикально меняется, когда он влюбляется в нового артиста труппы, Ираклия.
A traveling trader provides a window into rural life in the Republic of Georgia, where potatoes are currency and ambition is crushed by poverty.
Мокрый песок
Деревня на грузинском Черном море полна дружелюбных людей, убежденных, что они знают друг друга. Однажды Элико находят повешенным. Его внучка Мо приезжает организовать его похороны. Она сталкивается с паутиной лжи и трагическими последствиями скрытой личной жизни Элико.
Our Blood Is Wine
Filmmaker Emily Railsback and award-winning sommelier Jeremy Quinn provide intimate access to rural family life in the Republic of Georgia as they explore the rebirth of 8,000-year-old wine-making traditions almost lost during the period of Soviet rule.
Power Trip
Corruption, assassination and street rioting surround the story of the award-winning film, Power Trip, which follows an American multi-national trying to solve the electricity crisis in Tbilisi, capital of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Power Trip provides insight into today's headlines, with a graphic, on-the-ground depiction of the challenges facing globalization in an environment of culture clash, electricity disconnections and blackouts.
Спустя три десятилетия после разлуки Ирина и Нана предаются воспоминаниям о былых днях. Однажды Ирина возвращается в город, который покинула, чтобы примириться с прошлым и разобраться в своих чувствах.
Разбойник Арсен
Грузия первой половины XIX века. Присутствуя на крестьянской свадьбе, юный Арсен становится свидетелем избиения старым князем отца невесты за то, что тот, желая спасти свою красавицу дочь от участи княжеской наложницы, скрыл её от князя. Невесту увозят в княжеский гарем. Во время неудачной попытки спасти девушку Арсен попадает в руки князя, но ему удаётся бежать и скрыться в горах. С этого времени он начинает мстить за муки народа...
Angels of Sorrow
A documentary film "Angels of Sorrow", dedicated to the 80th Jubilee of a contemporary Georgian classic composer - Giya Kancheli is filmed during the concert tour in several cities of the world (Berlin, Brussels, Antwerp, Baku, Tbilisi). He is an artist, for whom the most important thing in all time was freedom. During Soviet period, he was accused of introducing morphine with his music and that he rejoiced enemies in capitalist countries with it. Giya Kancheli with his friends replied to all these from theater stage, where they reflected the whole absurdity of the Soviet Union. The war is still going on - Art can't change anything.
Гогита. Новая жизнь
Гогита отсидел в тюрьме четырнадцать лет и теперь возвращается к нормальной жизни. У него довольно простые желания: иметь собственный дом и найти хорошую жену. Но кому может быть интересен бедный фермер с криминальным прошлым, живущий с мамой? Гогита довольно быстро осваивает новые технологии знакомств в социальных сетях и готов к встрече с любовью всей своей жизни. Но образы, которые рождаются в голове героя в процессе виртуального общения, весьма далеки от реальности. Путь к обретению своей любви оказывается грустным и комичным одновременно.
In a post war Georgia, an unemployed architect, Andro tries to help out his family, fills the car with household junk and goes to Turkey for private trading, with his son Dato. On the border they give a ride to a Turkish hitchhiker Taner, to Trabzon. This meeting turns this harmless journey, into series of unfortunate events for Andro and his son.
The End
What happens when the imagination puts the mind into the unreal borders of false fear, the world around transforms into prison, and the only way out seems to be an escape to the new imagination, to the visual creation of the mind.
Fourteen Crystals Theory
This is an animated film, which is based on the adventure novel «Fourteen Crystals Theory», written by the director himself.
Entire film takes place on stairs. In a flat someone feels very bad and for that reason ambulance is called. The situation is becoming worse and worse. A neighbor is browsing the stuation to understand what is happening.
Three Steps
Thirteen-year-old Mariam lives with her father, Rezo, in the poor slums of Tbilisi. They share a one room shack. Mariam and Rezo are barely making a living, being forced to steal at times. Along with the struggle against poverty, Mariam also has to deal with the facts of becoming a woman and the fear that her father would betray her in order to make money.
The Perfect Order
Mariam is a 22 years old actress, she works in a cafe, where customers can order any companion they wish. Any can have a dinner with a best friend, a cup of tea with a grandfather, or coffee with a lover. One day she meets Levan in the cafe, a nature defender, who tries to change her point of view about the cafe she's working in.
The hero of the film - an old woman - encouraging certain circumstances (particularly cat) to recall fragments of her life. This is quite tragic past and the comes to bright striking detail - Kite, which at the end of the Accompany them old woman and his world safe for help them.
Meeting at the Refrigerator
4 minutes black humor bringing to surprising cold and dramatic story to us. Based on the story the action of the film was moved to the supermarket diary product fridge in order to add more coldness and drama to the story and to feel cold physically. The film is made in cold, blue-grayish colors as much as possible.
Film tells the story of a grumpy, reclusive toad Geno and his neighbors, who are forced to seek a new habitat because a construction site invades the pond where they live.