
I Don't Like Younger Men 2 (2017)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : Kye Jang-hyuk

Краткое содержание

A film depicting the love between a divorced man and his daughter's friend.


Seon Hye
Seon Hye
Lee Soo
Lee Soo
Min Do-yoon
Min Do-yoon
Ahn Min-sang
Ahn Min-sang


Kye Jang-hyuk
Kye Jang-hyuk


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In the pursuit of perfection, an alien civilization has evolved to become beings of pure light energy, unbound by the limitations of the mortal body. But they have lost something precious along the way: the ability to experience physical pleasure. They send a representative to Earth to record human sensory experiences. Taking the form of the perfect human female, "Kara" uses her powers to unlock the secrets of sensuality so long forgotten on her world.
Emmanuelle 6
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Beverly Hills Girls
The torrid love lives of a millionaire lesbian record producer (Michelle Bauer) trying to sell her house and an all-female rock band (with members Linnea Quigley and Becky LeBeau) willing to do anything for a record deal. Footage from this later turned up as padding in "The New Beverly Hills Girls," which featured Bauer leading a group of models in an attempt to foil the schemes of kidnappers.