
Induced Labor (2018)

Talq Senaee

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Khaled Diab

Краткое содержание

Some people will do anything to secure an American visa, as hard as that might be. Some enter lotteries, others beg friends and families to invite them. Others still, just sneak in and hope Mr Trump doesn’t notice they are there. But in this raucous comedy, one Egyptian couple come up with a splendid wheeze. With twin babies due any minute, and all other efforts to secure citizenship fail, the couple decide to storm the US Embassy in Cairo and give birth there. Surely that will mean the babies are born as Americans, right? Well, er, no. As you might expect, things don’t quite go according to plan…


Maged ElKedwany
Maged ElKedwany
Horeya Farghaly
Horeya Farghaly
Mai Kassab
Mai Kassab
Mostafa Khater
Mostafa Khater
Bayoumi Fouad
Bayoumi Fouad
Abdel Fattah
Abdel Rahman Abu Zahra
Abdel Rahman Abu Zahra
Sayed Ragab
Sayed Ragab
Sally Abed
Sally Abed
Ahmed ElAzaar
Ahmed ElAzaar
Ali Al Tayeb
Ali Al Tayeb


Khaled Diab
Khaled Diab
Khaled Diab
Khaled Diab
Mohamed Diab
Mohamed Diab
Sherine Diab
Sherine Diab


Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry
A foreign criminal gang makes a large-scale bank coup. The suspicion falls on the Olsen Gang. They escape, take up the hunt for the real criminals and thus it all starts. The police are looking for the Olsen Gang, and they are looking for the real criminals.
The Olsen Gang
Egon Olsen is the leader of the Olsen Gang. While he was in the slammer, he planned how he would steal the fantastic golden figure Keizeroppzatsen.
Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry går amok
Egon and the gang is about to commit their biggest heist – stealing 6 millions from an undercover operation at a freight company. The money is stored in the most advanced security vault ever constructed, guarded by professional gorillas.
Olsenbandens siste bedrifter
The Olsen Gang has to pay for their summer vacation in Spain, and Egon is hired to open a safe with black market money in Switzerland. He is conned, but Egon has sworn revenge.
Olsenbanden for full musikk
Egon Olsen is commissioned to help a baron with an insurance fraud. As the dividend can finance Basse's wedding, even Valborg accepts the plans.
Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry på sporet
The Olsen Gang is robbed in Spain and loses the millions they earned from their last heist. Egon has a plan to get the money back by robbing the National State Railways for a gold transport.
Olsenbanden og Data-Harry sprenger verdensbanken
With the help of a corrupt diplomat the Olsen Gang plans to rob the World Bank, with help from the re-schooled Dynamite-Harry, now a computer expert.
Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder
An unfaithful servant in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate tries to sell top secret information to German industry leaders. Egon has a plan to earn money on the transaction himself.
Olsenbanden gir seg aldri!
The Olsen Gang realizes that cash is obsolete with the current inflation rate, and plans a coup for property and bonds. They make a fake company and tries to buy Oslo's biggest shopping mall, Steen and Strøm.
Olsenbandens aller siste kupp
The Olsen Gang is involved in a weapon trade for half a billion. It's their final coup, and Valborg is finally allowed to participate.
Men Olsenbanden var ikke død!
The Olsen Gang has traveled south after the success of their last coup, but there's still someone who hasn't given up catching them.
Olsenbandens siste stikk
Fifteen years after they last saw each other, Benny, Valborg and Dynamitt-Harry discovers that Egon Olsen is out of prison and living in a retirement home. Olsenbanden is reunited, and Egon has a plan.
Мелкий вор и неудачник, Бастер ждал удачного стечения обстоятельств, чтобы разом взять большой куш. Он отправился в Мексику, где, как он считал, намного проще собрать настоящую команду для настоящего дела. Бастер ушел в подполье, потерял связь со своими женой и ребенком, и полностью отдался своим мечтам.
Inside Job
A pair of married ex-convicts trying to go straight get jobs at a department store. A gangster who knows about their past threatens to expose it unless they agree to help him rob the department store.
Женские тайны
Шесть очаровательных героинь фильма, женщины интеллигентные, самостоятельные и весьма достойные. Все они проживают в Лос-Анджелесе, не бедствуют и тщательно следят за тем, чтобы их фасад соответствовал образу умиротворенной и преуспевающей дамы.Но никто, включая самых близких людей, и представить себе не могут, что за этим благопристойным фасадом скрывается страшное одиночество и невероятная сердечная боль. Жизнь, однако, потеряла бы всякий смысл, если бы не оставила главного — надежды.А посему многое изменится, многое устроится, переплетутся судьбы, сквозь слезы проступят улыбки, а жизнь попытается улыбнуться в ответ…
After his hatred of dishonesty costs him his job, an embittered man goes over to the dark side and plots to rob the bank he once managed.
Все меры предосторожности
Джек Бентин, неуязвимый техасский рейнджер, должен проявить крутой характер. Ведь его друг детства — один из главарей контрабандной перевозки наркотиков через мексиканскую границу, и шесть агентов спецслужб получают задание захватить наркоторговца. Захочет ли Джек защитить своего друга?
Поспешное бегство
После распада банды грабителей, молодой гангстер Нельсон вместе с отцом отправляются колесить по Америке, вполне успешно продолжая «бомбить» банки и почтовые отделения. А у остальных членов бывшей банды дела идут на спад, так как Нельсон, несмотря на юный возраст, был их мозговым центром. И тогда раздосадованная гангстерша Лили и её сообщники принимают решение похитить Нельсона и силой заставить его работать на них.
We Are Not Angels
Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.
The Robbery of the Third Reich
During 1941 in Belgrade, two well-known thieves try to carry out the biggest robbery of Nazi authorities ever.