
Isabelle Huppert, une vie pour jouer (2001)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 53М

Директор : Serge Toubiana

Краткое содержание

Serge Toubiana spent a year in the company of Isabelle Huppert. Where she went, he followed. Huppert is an around-the-clock actress so she doesn't need the cinema to exist – she embodies the cinema. When she's not performing, she doesn't exist. From film to film, on stage as on screen, Huppert invites us to survey those inner landscapes of hers that we don't yet know.


Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert


Marin Karmitz
Marin Karmitz
Olivier Raffet
Olivier Raffet
Director of Photography
Serge Toubiana
Serge Toubiana


Isabelle Huppert, une vie pour jouer
Serge Toubiana spent a year in the company of Isabelle Huppert. Where she went, he followed. Huppert is an around-the-clock actress so she doesn't need the cinema to exist – she embodies the cinema. When she's not performing, she doesn't exist. From film to film, on stage as on screen, Huppert invites us to survey those inner landscapes of hers that we don't yet know.
Isabelle Huppert: Personal Message
Isabelle Huppert is one of the most famous French actresses. In this portrait she reflects in voice over on her movies and her craft. She seems to like characters that are neurotic, dramatic and even dangerous. Huppert considers every character a means to discover things about herself.
American Pie: Revealed
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Чудаки 3.5
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Я – Брюс Ли
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6 дней до эфира: Создание Южного парка
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Аватар: Создание Мира Пандоры
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The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist
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Жизнь после карьеры в порно
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Проклятие Ведьмы из Блэр
Этот документальный фильм в подробностях описывает историю Легенды о Ведьме из Блэр. Описание хронологии мистических событий, происходивших с давних времен до 1994 года в городе Беркитсвилле. Фильм рассказывает о студентах, пропавших в девяностых годах, в лесах штата Мэрилэнд; интервью с их родными, с поисковой группой. А также информация об нахождении снятого ими видеоматериала.
Avatar: Scene Deconstruction
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Titanic: 100 Years On
The "unsinkable" floating palace set sail from Southampton on 10th April 1912 on her maiden voyage to New York. An iceberg ended this monumental journey 5 days later. Only 705 of the passengers and crew survived. This program features an exclusive look at the Sea City Museum Titanic Exhibit in Southampton, interviews from both survivors and the cast of the blockbuster film.
The Matrix Recalibrated
The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they were affected by the deaths of Gloria Foster and Aaliyah, and also delve into the making of the visual effects that takes up a lot of screen time. Written by Rhyl Donnelly
Roundhay Garden Scene
The earliest surviving celluloid film, and believed second moving picture ever created, was shot by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince using the LPCCP Type-1 MkII single-lens camera. It was taken in the garden of Oakwood Grange, the Whitley family house in Roundhay, Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire (UK), possibly on 14 October 1888. It shows Adolphe Le Prince (Le Prince's son), Mrs. Sarah Whitley (Le Prince's mother-in-law), Joseph Whitley and Miss Harriet Hartley walking around in circles, laughing to themselves and keeping within the area framed by the camera. The Roundhay Garden Scene was recorded at 12 frames per second and runs for 2.11 seconds.