
Meryem (2017)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 17М

Директор : Reber Dosky

Краткое содержание

Filmed during the battle of Kobani, this film reveals the women at the heart of the fight against IS. With stoical perseverance and the aid of American airstrikes, these women are leading the fight for freedom.



Reber Dosky
Reber Dosky


Binxet - Under the border
“Binxet – Under the border” is a journey between life and death, dignity and pain, struggle and freedom. It takes place along the 911 km of the turkish-Syrian border. On the one hand the ISIS, in the other Erdogan’s Turkey. In the middle the borders and one hope. This hope is called Rojava, only one point on the chart of a troubled region, a region of resistance and an example of grassroots democracy that speaks about gender equality, self-determination of peoples and peaceful coexistence.
И черепахи умеют летать
Место действия — лагерь беженцев, а герои — курдские дети, брошенные на произвол судьбы, их родители погибли во время иракской оккупации. Но среди разрушения, страха и насилия дети остаются детьми.
A Kurdish woman as a suspect of terrorism: the exciting political thriller deeply depicts the racist surveillance system in Turkey. The young Kurdish woman Arjin is under surveillance by the Turkish intelligence service. Her offense: She housed another Kurdish woman for one night, who then disappeared without a trace. Every step of Arjin and her friend Sidar is monitored from now on. When Ramo, a secret service worker of Kurdish origin, claims to have found evidence that Arjin and Sidar are involved in the planning of a suicide bombing in Istanbul, the ugly face of the Turkish government is uncovered.
The Only Trees
Darên bitenê is a fascinating documentary exploring the “dengbej” musical heritage of the singers, poets and storytellers from Northern Syria’s Rojava region. Featuring a stunning scenery of poetic landscapes, the film is interlaced with stories of Kurdish and Assyrian songs that narrate the long history of love and suffering of this semi-autonomous region.
Время пьяных лошадей
После смерти отца, семья из пяти человек вынуждена самостоятельно выживать в курдской деревне на границе Ирана и Ирака. Ситуация ухудшается, когда 12-летний Айоуб, новый глава семьи, узнает, что его брат-инвалид Мади, чтобы остаться в живых нуждается в немедленной операции. Семье придется пойти на немыслимое, чтобы выжить в условиях, когда даже лошадей приходится поить спиртным, чтобы они могли работать…
Black Box Syria: The Dirty War
A look back over nine years of the Syrian Civil War, an inextricable conflict, like a black box, due to the competing interests of the many factions in presence and those of the foreign powers.
Girls' War
As the forces of ISIS and Assad tear through villages and society in Syria and Northern Iraq, a group of brave and idealistic women are taking up arms against them—and winning inspiring victories. Members of “The Free Women’s Party” come from Paris, Turkish Kurdistan, and other parts of the world. Their dream: To create a Democratic Syria, and a society based on gender equality. Guns in hand, these women are carrying on a movement with roots that run 40 years deep in the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey. GIRL’S WAR honors the legacy of Sakine Cansiz, co-founder of the PKK who was assassinated in Paris in 2013, and reflects on the sacrifices made by all of the women in the movement, who have endured jail, rape, war, and persecution in their quest to liberate their lives and sisters from male dominance. With scenes of solidarity, strength, and love amongst these brave women soldiers, GIRL'S WAR is a surprising story of Middle Eastern feminism on the front lines.
The story of a Kurdish newspaper whose journalists are under the constant threat of being abducted and killed by the state security forces.
The Silent Revolution
The documentary The Silent Revolution explains the revolution involving nearly 3 million kurds living in Syria. With the outbreak of the civil war —in the frame of the called ‘Arab Spring'— the Kurds of Syria have taken advantage of the context to fight for their political and cultural recognition and thus end the repression that started more than 50 years ago.
Сезон носорогов
Навеянная самой жизнью великолепная работа мастера повествует о трагической истории поэта Сахели и его возлюбленной Мины. Главного героя осудили на тридцать лет, а его семье сказали, что он умер. Выйдя на свободу, ему нужно заново начинать жить, но как?
A Little Bit of Freedom
In the metropolitan city of Hamburg, illegal immigrant Chernor, an openly gay African youth with blond hair, makes his money by dealing drugs and dreams of one day living in Australia. Baran, meanwhile, is a Kurdish bicycle delivery boy living in constant fear of deportation, who keeps his past in a video camera. The two form a bond when they meet, and their shared struggles to survive soon develop into a relationship that is threatened when Baran loses his job.
Sara - My Whole Life Was a Struggle
Documentary on Sakine Cansız (Sara), the Kurdish revolutionary and PKK co-founder killed in Paris in January 2013 by Turkish agents.
Öcalan and the Kurdish Question
Kurdistan, partitioned between Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria, could play a major role in a torn Middle East. But who are the Kurds? What influence do they have? Who exactly is Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party? An enlightening investigation by Luis Miranda.
Shadow of the Kurdish Mountain
Documentary on the Turkish invasion of Afrin in Northern Syria in 2018.
New Life
"Nû Jîn", New Life, with the slogan ' Woman is life. Life is resistance and resistance is Kobanê', depicts the daily life of women guerillas, Elif Kobanê (18), Vîyan Peyman and Arjîn, joining in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) in their battle against ISIS. The documentary relates the ISIS assault of 15 September 2014 and the five-month resistance by the YPJ and People's Defense Units (YPG) through the lens of three women fighter
Дикие народы Курдистана
Властолюбивый махараджа из Моссула похищает сына курдского шейха Мухаммеда. На поиски мальчика отправляются любитель приключений Кара Бен Немши и его друг Хадши Халиф Омар. По дороге они встречают странноватого лорда Линдсея и его слугу.
The Last Outpost
During WW1, the destinies of British officers Michael Andrews and John Stevenson seem intertwined on the battle front as much as on a more personal level.
Грецкий орец
В основе фильма лежат подлинные события, произошедшие в 1987 году. Курдский город Сардаш и прилегающие сёла на ирано-иракской границе подверглись химической атаке иранских войск. Крестьянин Гадер, его беременная жена в трое детей попали под действие химического вещества. В деревне и сёлах поблизости царит хаос. Гадер должен в одиночку попытаться спасти жизнь своей семьи.
Memories on Stone
Kurdish childhood friends Hussein and Alan want to produce a film about the genocide of Kurdish people in Iraq, the Anfal campaign in 1988. They learn that, to achieve veracity by the means of cinema and to face their own identity, it's worth putting everything on the line - even their own life.
Разлучённые сёстры
Рожда, уроженка Иракского Курдистана и солдат немецкой армии, отправляется в лагерь беженцев в Греции, где ей удается встретиться со своей матерью, у которой есть плохие новости о ее сестре Дилан.