
Killing Versace: The Hunt for a Serial Killer (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 45М

Краткое содержание

The murder of fashion icon Gianni Versace sent detectives into a tireless chase for a serial killer. Expert insights and a deep dive by forensic and legal specialists will explore the mind of Andrew Cunanan.


Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace


Brian Cavanagh
Brian Cavanagh
Executive Producer
Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace
Executive Producer
Aretha Marshall
Aretha Marshall
Executive Producer


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X-Factor: The Look of X-Men
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Chief of Chiefs
About the legendary Mexican band, Los Tigres del Norte, and the historical and controversial themes that they approach in several of their most representative corridos. The brothers Hernández and Óscar Lara open in front of the cameras and tell us about the birth and development of their group.
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Игра престолов: Последний дозор
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Kamasutra for Gay Men
Learn all the positions.
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Соберись перед прыжком
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Return to Jurassic Park
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Commitment Phobia
Like most singles of his generation, Tim has a "problem": he is apparently unable to have a relationship. But when he falls in love with his female reflection, Ghost, he suddenly finds himself on the other side of dating-hell.
Неизвестная Мэрилин
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