
Todd McFarlane's Spawn 3: The Ultimate Battle (1999)

Жанр : ужасы, мультфильм, боевик

Время выполнения : 2Ч 20М

Краткое содержание

Spawn is still on his quest to return to his love, Wanda, but is still in trouble. He is guided though by Cogliostro, who is the only one who can give him his humanity back.


Keith David
Keith David
Al Simmons/Spawn
Michael Nicolosi
Michael Nicolosi
Dominique Jennings
Dominique Jennings
Wanda Blake
Richard Dysart
Richard Dysart
Michael Beach
Michael Beach
Terry Fitzgerald
John Rafter Lee
John Rafter Lee
Jason Wynn


Todd McFarlane
Todd McFarlane


Todd McFarlane's Spawn 2
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