
Hammer Horror: The Warner Bros. Years (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 41М

Директор : Marcus Hearn

Краткое содержание

The untold story of Hammer at Warner Bros, and the relationship that produced some of the British company's finest films.


Veronica Carlson
Veronica Carlson
John Carson
John Carson
Joe Dante
Joe Dante
Caroline Munro
Caroline Munro
Peter Sasdy
Peter Sasdy
Madeline Smith
Madeline Smith
Gordon Thomson
Gordon Thomson
Renée Glynne
Renée Glynne
Christopher Frayling
Christopher Frayling
Jonathan Rigby
Jonathan Rigby


Marcus Hearn
Marcus Hearn
Marcus Hearn
Marcus Hearn


Картины Ада
По одноименной повести Акутагава Рюноскэ (в русском переводе "Муки Ада", 1918). Художник Ёсихидэ вступает в соперничество с могущественным Хорикава. Вельможа заказывает ему изображение Рая. Но упрямец утверждает, что все, что он видит вокруг похоже на Ад.
Be Good All Your Life
A moving story of a bright and sensitive schoolboy growing up in an old, established boarding school in the city of Debrecen in eastern Hungary.
The Stud Farm
In 1950, when a young communist director arrives to take charge of a stud farm, his efforts to draw on the experience of the old hands there meet with little success. Indeed, so outraged are they at the changeover to communism that they harass him at every turn, especially after he treats a local barmaid as if she were a whore of some kind. After administering a beating to him, the old hands are nonetheless incensed when he calls on the police. The director doesn't get enough help, however, because the stable hands stab him before running off for the border.
The Boneyard Collection
A quirky anthology, consisting of four separate short films connected by host segments. The first one, BOOGIE WITH THE UNDEAD, has an all girl rock band booked to play a gig in a town overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In the second one, THE DEVIL'S DUE AT MIDNIGHT, a coven of beautiful witches conjure up Brad Dourif as The Devil, and endures the inept attacks of witch killer Ken Foree. In the first long segment, HER MORBID DESIRES, an actress gets the lead role in a vampire movie, only to discover that starlets are being murdered on the set. The other long segment, CRY OF THE MUMMY, has the reincarnated mummy, formerly the last Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty, looking to sue the movie studios because he can't get work as a mummy. His new lawyer offers to represent him as an agent, but the mummy will only work in film if he can direct.
The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg
Visionary, radical, spiritual seeker, renowned poet, founding member of a major literary movement, champion of human rights, Buddhist, political activist and teacher. Allen Ginsberg's remarkable life challenged the very soul of the United States.
The Diver
An insight into the world of Julio César Cu Cámara, the chief diver for Mexico City's sewerage system, whose job it is to perform repairs and remove rubbish blocking the flow of water.
Только для ваших ушей
Иногда быть переводчиком-синхронистом просто невыносимо тоскливо.
A non-narrative tribute to the seaside town of Onomichi, where Obayashi grew up and where most of these films were made.
The Servant's Dream
An ordinary man goes to work in a rich household of Peru and has a dream in which he sees his boss and himself appearing as equal in front of the Archangel before going to heaven... Based on a tale by Jose Maria Argueda
Self-Fashion Show
Self fashion show.
Meet Marlon Brando
Journalists from all over America meet Marlon Brando in a New York hotel room to interview him about his new film, Morituri. Seeing this as an opportunity to let the legendary actor promote the film, they find Brando unwilling to talk about it, instead he is more interested in larking about and turning on the charm when being interviewed by a former winner of the Miss USA competition.
Матьи Лудаш
Первый венгерский цветной фильм был поставлен на основе популярной народной сказки (в литературной обработке Михая Фазекаша). 1820-е годы. Добрёги, надменный жестокий помещик конфисковал на ярмарке гусей у юноши-пастуха Матьи Лудаша и приказал высечь парня. Обиженный юноша не смирился с оскорблением и ловко проучил негодяя.
Little Men
Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for poor boys. When Dan, a tough street kid, comes to the school, he wins Jo's heart despite his hard edge, and she defends him when he is falsely accused. Dan's foster father, Major Burdle, is a swindler in cahoots with another crook called Willie the Fox. When the Plumfield School becomes in danger of foreclosure, the two con men cook up a scheme to save the home.
Dream Brigade
The heroes of the film are manual workers, members of a Socialist Brigade. Gyula, the brigade leader once has a dream where the gate-keeper searches through Lenin, about to leave the factory. He decides to stage Gelman's play, Premium, with his brigade, since the drama very effectively depicts what they see in the world around.
История Пьера Вудмана
Документальный фильм рассказывающий об известном французском режиссере порнофильмов Пьере Вудмане, который открыл десятки венгерских, чешских, словацких и русских девушек в порноиндустрии.
The Desert of Forbidden Art
How does art survive in a time of oppression? During the Soviet rule artists who stay true to their vision are executed, sent to mental hospitals or Gulags. Their plight inspires young Igor Savitsky. He pretends to buy state-approved art but instead daringly rescues 40,000 forbidden fellow artist's works and creates a museum in the desert of Uzbekistan, far from the watchful eyes of the KGB. Though a penniless artist himself, he cajoles the cash to pay for the art from the same authorities who are banning it. Savitsky amasses an eclectic mix of Russian Avant-Garde art. But his greatest discovery is an unknown school of artists who settle in Uzbekistan after the Russian revolution of 1917, encountering a unique Islamic culture, as exotic to them as Tahiti was for Gauguin. They develop a startlingly original style, fusing European modernism with centuries-old Eastern traditions.
Пока ты со мной
Эва и Штефан любили друг друга и были счастливы, хотя и жили очень бедно. Эва работала статисткой на киностудии. Режиссёр Франк Торнау заинтересовался судьбой Эвы и решил снять фильм о её жизни. Главную роль в нём будет исполнять сама Эва. Работа над фильмом и особенно внимание режиссёра настолько увлекли молодую женщину, что её прежняя жизнь и любовь Штефана стали ей в тягость...
Chac: The Rain God
Unique story of a village's attempts to solve drought by appealing to the powers of a mysterious mountain-dwelling diviner.
Day After Day
As if we were in a small town. An ordinary day in a kid’s life. An incredibly hot day. Here everything is unique. One gang. One game. One field. One girl. In the span of one day, how can this boy arrive at such a changing point in his life from which there is no return?