
Amir (2002)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 54М

Директор : Miha Čelar

Краткое содержание

This film portrays aspects of an Afghan refugee's life - his living conditions in Peshawar and his longing to return to Herat. It is also about Amir's life as a professional musician and his relationships with other musicians in Peshawar.


Uroš Furst
Uroš Furst
Aleksandra Balmazović
Aleksandra Balmazović
Magdalena Kropiunig
Magdalena Kropiunig
Marko Miladinovič
Marko Miladinovič
Sonja Pavšič
Sonja Pavšič
Bata Živojinović
Bata Živojinović
Amirjev oče


Miha Čelar
Miha Čelar
Miha Čelar
Miha Čelar


Куда бы ещё вторгнуться?
Знаменитый документалист Майкл Мур, вооружившись камерой и флагом, хочет «завоевать» самые прогрессивные идеи Европы, чтобы внедрить их в США. К своему удивлению он обнаруживает, что все эти новаторства Старого Света — забытые обрывки американской мечты…
Porno Movie
Charlie, the protagonist of the Slovenian film “Porno Film”, is so dedicated to his porn viewing that his two friends John and Frank jokes that he must have a PhD in pornography by now. Using Charlie’s extensive knowledge of all things porn, the trio sets out to make the “first real Slovenia porn film”, in Slovenian language and everything — except the women in the film are emigrated Russian hookers, and their Slovenian isn’t very good.
Laibach: The Videos
Laibach is a Slovenian avant-garde music group associated with industrial, martial, and neo-classical musical styles. They formed on June 1, 1980 in Trbovlje, Slovenia (then Yugoslavia). Laibach represents the music wing of the Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK) art collective, of which it was a founding member in 1984. The name "Laibach" is the German name for Slovenia's capital city, Ljubljana.
One Fine Day
A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.
Звук хлопка одной ладони
Тасмания, 1954 год: мигрантка из Словении Мелита бросает своего мужа и маленькую дочь Соню. Обезумевший отец Сони продолжает свою новую жизнь в новой стране, но вскоре он впадает в алкогольное отчаяние, и Соня сама оставляет его при первой же возможности. Теперь, почти 20 лет спустя, одинокая и беременная Соня возвращается в высокогорье Тасмании и к своему отцу, пытаясь собрать воедино кусочки своей жизни.
Счастливо, Кекец!
Через горы и долины со звонкой песней добрый и веселый мальчик Кекец направляется на хутор к Скаларам пасти стадо. Вместе с Кекецом на горное пастбище отправляются сын хозяина, трусишка Рожле, и слепая девочка Мойца. Рожле боится всего на свете, а больше всего тетку Пехту, которая живет в горах. Однажды Пехта похищает Мойцу. Кекец отправляется на её поиски и освобождает девочку. От Мойцы он узнает, что у Пехты есть лекарство, которое излечивает слепоту. Смелый и упорный Кекец преодолевает все препятствия, добывает лекарство, и счастливая Мойца снова видит.
My Last Year as a Loser
Špela graduated in Art History and has never had a steady job. Unlike her two best friends, who have moved out of Slovenia years ago with no plans to return, she is determined to stay in Ljubljana. When even her longtime boyfriend gets a job abroad she moves back in with her parents and her grandma. But Špela wants to grow up and cut the cord instead of delaying her already well overdue adulthood any longer.
Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.
Cheese and Jam
A story about a couple from the bottom of the social ladder, about smuggling refugees across borders and other 'suspect' things- it is, first and foremost, an attempt to tell a story about the worst in people, wherever they may be coming from.
Rooster's Breakfast
After being fired, a young car mechanic Đuro gets recommendation to look for another job in a remote village. His new boss is warm, old fashioned and naive - completely opposite from the world he's coming from. The peaceful atmosphere is shaken when Đuro falls for a regular customer's wife.
На своей земле
Действие фильма происходит в словенском прибрежном городке во время Второй мировой войны. Фильм рассказывает историю о крестьянах, которые помогают партизанам избавиться от итальянских, а затем и немецких властей, правивших городом в последние годы оккупации.
The Treasure
On the surface a straightforward tale of the search for a buried treasure, the film is a textbook example of German expressionism, with the passions of the protagonists conveyed as much through symbolism as action.
The Miner
2009, Slovenia. For 30 years, Alija, the miner, has been one of the many Bosnian immigrant workers. Due to the crisis, miners are losing jobs. Alija is sent to check an abandoned mine. His task is to quickly make sure the mine is empty before management sells the company. But in the mine, Alija finds hidden proof of executions after WWII. He is told to stop digging and report the mine empty. He decides to continue, although he is risking his job. Alija discovers thousands of executed people. He informs the police. He found women among the dead. Some of them were civilians, missing persons, just like his sister that was lost in the 1995 genocide in Bosnia. Alija is convinced the victims need to be brought out, identified and buried. But there is no interest in doing that. The mine is proclaimed a WWII military grave and walled in. The dead will stay unburied. Alija loses his job and struggles to preserve his dignity.
Tomos Factory
A documentary movie about Tomos, Slovenian motorcycle factory.
Dismissal from Mass in Ljutomer
1905 short film showing people walking down a Ljutomer street after mass.
After cheating on his wife with a prostitute, Peter must try and forge ahead with his idyllic family surroundings while carrying the guilt, but that doesn't stop his wandering eye or the temptation to do it again. Meanwhile, his wife Katarina receives mysterious text messages that might be indicative of her own indiscretions. As the two drift further apart while living in secret, their teenage daughter takes after their behavior while exploring her own sexuality, careful not to divulge too much information to her parents. A portrait of a family in a constant state of calm before the inevitable storm of discontent and discovered lies.
The film is based on a novel by Ivan Tavcar and was adapted for the screen by Andrej Hieng. It is set at the end of the 17th century in the area that is now Slovenia at a time of religious intolerance with Amandus, a Catholic priest, determined to persecute local Protestants.
Rams and Mammoths
One weird but at the same time very difficult and sad story about the Bosnians, the temporary workers in Slovenia. Their survival and the constant demand for a better place under the sun. It also movie speaks of the great longtime animosity between Bosnians and Slovenians.
Tractor, Love and Rock'n'roll
Breza, a country boy from a godforsaken Prekmurje village, wishes to perform at the village festivities playing his electric guitar, but is faced with fierce competition in the form of a traditional Roma band entertaining the villagers by playing popular folk music. Nevertheless, his music seems to be the key to the heart of Silvija, a village beauty and the daughter of a wealthy gastarbeiter from Switzerland, who was sent home to find a healthy Slovene husband. However, the story of Breza and Silvija only marks the beginning of the plot whose main character is actually Düplin, an eccentric outsider, a deaf-and-dumb tramp or, as Breza's mother, the old Popovka, a farm owner and a fortune-teller also referred to as Strina, called him "a lad from a citrus producing country".
Экранизация первой части трилогии "Кекец из нашего города" словенского детского писателя Йосипа Вандота. Альпы. В долине располагается деревня, в которой господствуют идиллия и доброта. Высоко же в горах, друг напротив друга живут Добрый Дедушка и Злой Человек - браконьер. У Злого Человека есть служанка - девочка Мойка, которая от безысходности терпит и тяжелую работу, и злой характер своего хозяина. Однажды она встречает Доброго Дедушку и рассказывает ему о своей нелегкой жизни. Несмотря на страх перед своим соседом, старичок забирает Мойку с собой, но, к несчастью, попадает в лапы браконьера. Тот привязывает его к дереву и оставляет умирать. Кекец, маленький мальчик, гуляя в горах, находит старичка, освобождает его, но сам попадает в лапы браконьеру. Теперь только смелость мальчика, его ум, ловкость и бесстрашие могут помочь спастись самому и спасти своих новых друзей...