
Niyoti (2016)

Жанр : мелодрама

Время выполнения : 2Ч 23М

Директор : Zakir Hossain Raju
Писатель : Zakir Hossain Raju

Краткое содержание

An arrogant millionaire falls in love with a girl who suffers from dementia.


Arifin Shuvo
Arifin Shuvo
Falguni Rahman Jolly
Falguni Rahman Jolly
Nader Chowdhury
Nader Chowdhury
Supriyo Dutta
Supriyo Dutta
Arman Parvez Murad
Arman Parvez Murad
Mousumi Saha
Mousumi Saha


Zakir Hossain Raju
Zakir Hossain Raju
Zakir Hossain Raju
Zakir Hossain Raju
Abdullah Zahir Babu
Abdullah Zahir Babu
Savvy Gupta
Savvy Gupta


Lakshmi Bomb
Lakshmi(Manchu Lakshmi) is a session court judge who announces a severe punishment to a local goon(Prabhakar) on charges of human trafficking. Upset with this, the dreaded gangster attacks Lakshmi with his entire gang and kills her.
Zindagi Virat
A family entertainer, Zindagi Virat is based on the relationship shared between a father and son and features some of Marathi cinema's finest actors such as Kishore Kadam, Atul Parchure, Bhau Kadam and Usha Naik playing important roles.
Francesca is an exodate, that is one of the 390 thousand workers that the Fornero reform has left at home waiting for a retirement age raised at the last minute, creating a limbo in which people who had worked for a lifetimethey are seen without an income and a well-deserved rest. The situation of Francesca is particularly delicate because she lives alone with a 16 year old niece who does not understand the economic difficulties in which her grandmother has crashedblame.
Tempus Tormentum
A drifter passing through a small town is drugged by three masked psychopaths and forced into a bizarre game of cat and mouse. He is chased through a series of more and more bizarre events until, in the end, he finds that this evening of terror has lasting consequences. It’s a feel bad film, nasty and brutish, red in tooth and claw.
The War of Loong
The movie is based on a real historic event. During French's invading war against China in 1885, the French army took over Zhengnan Guan located in the Guangxi Province. Wishing to protect their beloved country, the 70 years old General Feng Zicai and his two sons volunteered to join the battle. The general understood it would be a difficult battle to win as the French soldiers held much more advanced equipment, resources and weapons. To show his devotion and determination, he brought his own coffin alongside with him to the war zone. He also utilized his experience with the Zhangnan Guan terrain to pave out strategies, made weapons applicable to their situations. These actions bolstered the morale tremendously, and prepared them well for the war. As a result, although the Chinese soldiers sustained heavy losses, they turned the tide of the battle and won.
Гонка на скорость
После серьёзного несчастного случая Саммер просыпается в больнице и обнаруживает, что может предвидеть события будущего. В своих видениях Саммер видит предупреждения: кто-то хочет ее убить. Теперь главное – понять кому это нужно и зачем, и любым способом предотвратить это.
An unhappy wife finds love outside of marriage, but can she also find peace?
Last Bus
6 passengers board the last bus, anxious to reach their destination. But fate has other plans for them. Shock, anxiety, deceit, anger, frustration, fear takes over this unexpected journey that twists and turns into a nightmare.
Hens Night
Every woman gets one last night to go a little wild. Surrounded by her best friends, Jess sets out to have the most memorable bachelorette party ever. But a few unexpected surprises turn her last day of freedom into something terrifying.
Hard Kaur
Punjab the only province that created the most Women Worriers ever; is today fading its vibrant grip from its courageous bygones, a result of sidelining the contributions made by the vivacious lionesses in securing us. As our bit to better the "life of our women" we are attempting to make their bravery a regular part of our day to day life, this Punjabi film features "5 Sikhnis" from Punjab who goes through agony, but wins over all the hardships by uniting - titled as "HARD-KAUR". This venture aims to awaken the dormant "spirit" lying in our women - entertainingly.
College Kumar
Shivakumar works as a peon in an office and strives to ensure that his son Kumar fulfils his dreams. When the pressure gets to Kumar, he starts to rebel against his father.
Душещипательная история любви между телохранителем и его подопечной. Призванный охранять Каджал, на самом деле нанят, чтобы убить ее. Но любовь меняет жестокие планы, и оружие наемного убийцы оборачивается против его заказчиков.
Journey back in time to an age of ancient mysteries, superhuman deeds and breathtaking, mythical adventures in this thrillingly animated story of the most powerful hero to walk the earth!
Лихие кино 90-е вместе с их прямыми и правильными боевиками возвращаются благодаря экшн триллеру Джулиусу Нассо про мальчика-сироту, которому спустя много лет выпадает шанс отомстить за смерть матери, уничтожить могущественную мафиозную группировку и спасти от ужасной участи невинных молодых девушек. В 1988-м Токио видел множество крови и преступлений, одним из которых было убийство проститутки бойцом взбирающейся наверх преступной организации. Как водится, полиция не стала из-за презренной жрицы любви идти на конфликт с якудза и дело быстро закрыли, сдали в архив и забыли. А 8-летний Джейк, ради пропитания которого несчастная женщина продавала свое тело, не забыл лицо убийцы матери. Сирота скитался по детским приютам и воспитывался на улице и подворотнях, где нужно было драться, чтобы выжить. Сирота достиг в этом большого мастерства в уличных драках, превратившись в настоящего профессионала рукопашного боя...
Правитель подземного царства Аид сверг потомка богов с Олимпа, и теперь, чтобы вернуться на священную гору, Геркулес должен совершить подвиг и стать настоящим героем. Вместе с волшебным конем Пегасом он сражается с Титанами и чудовищами вечной тьмы.Но самое серьезное испытание ждет героя в царстве теней, где Повелитель мрака спрятал его возлюбленную. Там, в вековой тишине подземелья, Геркулесу не помогут боги с далекого Олимпа, ведь только доброе сердце и настоящая любовь способны победить силы зла!
Dear Heart