
Dubček (2018)


Жанр : драма, история

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Laco Halama

Краткое содержание

Exactly fifty years ago, social changes took place in the Czechoslovakia, which markedly shaped their history, the so-called Prague Spring was in full swing. They were headed by Alexander Dubček, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, a popular politician who began to implement the idea of ​​"socialism with a human face". All hopes for change ended the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops and the strong intervention of the then General Secretary of the CPSU UV Leonid Brezhnev. The historical drama Dubček deals with the key moments of the year 1968, which fundamentally influenced not only the life of the then very popular politician, but also the life in the whole country. The whole story is conceived as a retrospective that begins and ends on the day of Alexander Dubček's fateful journey to Prague in 1992, during which he commemorates the breakthrough events of his life.


Adrian Jastraban
Adrian Jastraban
Alexander Dubček
Táňa Radeva
Táňa Radeva
Anna Dubčeková
Jakub Jánošík
Jakub Jánošík
Milan Dubček
Jakub Janák
Jakub Janák
Milan Dubček
Stanislav Pitoňák
Stanislav Pitoňák
Jozef Brinzík
Volodymir Nečeperenko
Volodymir Nečeperenko
Leonid Iljič Brežněv
Oleksander Loginov
Oleksander Loginov
Alexej Nikolajevič Kosygin
Jurij Skliar
Jurij Skliar
Nikolaj Viktorovič Podgornyj
Stano Král
Stano Král
Gustav Husák
Michal Kozelský
Michal Kozelský
Peter Trník
Peter Trník
Vasil Bilak


Laco Halama
Laco Halama
Ľuboš Jurík
Ľuboš Jurík
Script Editor
Viliam Klimáček
Viliam Klimáček
Script Editor
L'ubica Čekovská
L'ubica Čekovská
Peter Kelíšek
Peter Kelíšek
Camera Operator
Milan Kaliňák
Milan Kaliňák


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