
Crazy Hormones – Men and Women in the Menopause (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 52М

Директор : Reinhild Dettmer-Finke, Claudia Dejá

Краткое содержание

Virtually every woman who enters menopause has questions about what’s happening to her body and how to effectively deal with the changes. The broad availability of medicines, remedies and even hormones even conveys the concept that menopause as a curable “deficiency disorder”. This documentary takes a look at the scientific and medical contexts of menopause as well as the latest findings in international research. Are artificial hormones medically necessary or a seductive, supposed fountain of youth? Do they truly assist in alleviating the suffering of women, or are they lifestyle drugs reflecting a zeitgeist in which ageing is no longer acceptable and older people are seen as “flawed”? A visual and provoking science documentary about the hot time of menopause that also takes a look at whether and how the hormones in men likewise go crazy.



Reinhild Dettmer-Finke
Reinhild Dettmer-Finke
Reinhild Dettmer-Finke
Reinhild Dettmer-Finke
Claudia Dejá
Claudia Dejá
Claudia Dejá
Claudia Dejá
Ingo Behring
Ingo Behring
Camera Operator
Ursula Werny
Ursula Werny
Camera Operator
Oliver Ackermann
Oliver Ackermann
Camera Operator
Stefan Paul
Stefan Paul
Camera Operator
Jean Schablin
Jean Schablin
Camera Operator
Torben Müller
Torben Müller
Camera Operator
Oliver Kratz
Oliver Kratz
Camera Operator
Joachim Lutz
Joachim Lutz
Siv An HO
Siv An HO
Felix Holke
Felix Holke
Jule Kühn
Jule Kühn
Matthias Meißen
Matthias Meißen
Bea Müller
Bea Müller
Stefan Tuchel
Stefan Tuchel
Mike Schlömer
Mike Schlömer
Karl-Heinz Blomann
Karl-Heinz Blomann
Julius Hofstädter
Julius Hofstädter
Mixing Engineer
Dennis Fernández Röscheisen
Dennis Fernández Röscheisen
Color Grading
Jörn Peper
Jörn Peper
Nikolaus Strobl
Nikolaus Strobl
Production Director
Anahita Nazemi
Anahita Nazemi
Stefan Mathieu
Stefan Mathieu


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Davina McCall: Sex, Myths and the Menopause
Davina was 44 and felt like she was losing it - hot flushes, depression, mental fog. Now she tells her menopause story, busting midlife taboos from sex to hormone treatment.
Crazy Hormones – Men and Women in the Menopause
Virtually every woman who enters menopause has questions about what’s happening to her body and how to effectively deal with the changes. The broad availability of medicines, remedies and even hormones even conveys the concept that menopause as a curable “deficiency disorder”. This documentary takes a look at the scientific and medical contexts of menopause as well as the latest findings in international research. Are artificial hormones medically necessary or a seductive, supposed fountain of youth? Do they truly assist in alleviating the suffering of women, or are they lifestyle drugs reflecting a zeitgeist in which ageing is no longer acceptable and older people are seen as “flawed”? A visual and provoking science documentary about the hot time of menopause that also takes a look at whether and how the hormones in men likewise go crazy.
Наши герои начисто лишены стыда и инстинкта самосохранения, совсем не обращают внимания на боль и с удовольствием будут мучить себя и других!
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Париж в огне
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Чудаки 3D
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Кэти Перри: Частичка меня
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American Pie: Revealed
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Жизнь после карьеры в порно
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Аватар: Создание Мира Пандоры
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Королевство обезьян
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Beware the Slenderman
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