
9/11: After the Towers Fell (2010)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 43М

Краткое содержание

When the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, thousands were feared trapped beneath the tons of steel and rubble. These are the stories of the rescue workers and civilians who raced to Ground Zero to rescue the buried. Immediately after the collapse, rescue workers are convinced that they will find survivors in the ruins – and, miraculously, a handful are found. As the last survivors are pulled from the rubble, the rescuers shift focus to the monumental task to identify and recover the lost among the ruins. After the Towers Fell is the first in-depth look at the aftermath of the Towers' collapse and the heroes who selflessly took on the monumental task of rescue and recovery of their fellow New Yorkers


Terry MacDonald
Terry MacDonald
Himself - Narrator


Ellen Harder
Ellen Harder
Erin Arbaugh
Erin Arbaugh
Associate Producer
Kristen Akers Gozdecki
Kristen Akers Gozdecki
Supervising Producer
Kristen Akers Gozdecki
Kristen Akers Gozdecki
Ellen Harder
Ellen Harder
Joe Winston
Joe Winston
Michael Lahey
Michael Lahey
Seneca Lester
Seneca Lester
Production Manager
Ann Marie Flores
Ann Marie Flores
Production Manager
Len Miller
Len Miller
Original Music Composer
Matthew Stratton
Matthew Stratton
Special Effects
Jonathan Towers
Jonathan Towers
Executive Producer
Alan Eyres
Alan Eyres
Executive Producer
Erica M. Staufenberg
Erica M. Staufenberg
Coordinating Producer
Mary Bender
Mary Bender
Production Manager


Цель номер один
История одной из операций спецслужб США по поимке «террориста N1» Усамы Бен Ладена.
25-й час
В фильме описывается последний день свободной жизни молодого бруклинца Монти Брогана (Эдвард Нортон), осужденного на семь лет тюрьмы за торговлю наркотиками. Оставшиеся 24 часа он проводит в компании своих родных, друзей, деловых партнеров и любимой девушки Натурель. Монти, мечтавший в свое время стать пожарным, но в итоге ступивший на роковую стезю наркодилера, прощается с прошлым и пытается переосмыслить свою жизнь…
Отчет о пытках
После трагических событий 11 сентября 2001 года агенты ЦРУ идут на крайние меры при допросах тех, кто, предположительно, стоял за терактом.
Жутко громко и запредельно близко
Десятилетний Оскар теряет отца в день атаки на башни-близнецы в Нью-Йорке. По всему городу Оскар ищет информацию, которая должна привести его к разрешению загадки отца. На пути мальчику встретятся разные люди, но их всех объединяет страшная катастрофа, поэтому каждый пытается справиться с собственным горем.
Опустевший город
Чарли Файнман и Алан Джонсон когда-то вместе учились в колледже и делили одну комнату в общежитии. Спустя годы они встречаются вновь и возобновляют дружеские отношения. Судьба по-разному обошлась с ними.Чарли, потерявший во время терактов 11 сентября жену и детей, поставил на своей жизни крест. Алан же стал хорошим дантистом и примерным семьянином. Случайная встреча становится для них переломным моментом в жизни, поскольку и тот, и другой как никогда испытывают потребность в преданном друге…
The Oath
Tells the story of two men, Abu Jandal and Salim Ahmed Hamdan, whose fateful encounter in 1996 set them on a course of events that led them to Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, 9/11, Guantanamo, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Following the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror against Afghanistan continues. With the Taliban insurgents hiding out in the mountains however, they become increasingly difficult for the US military to engage. The solution is to try and flush them out by adding low level chemicals to the water supply. Little do the USA know however that enemy scientists have adapted the chemicals to make their own formula, one that can bring the dead back to life.
Пропавший без вести
Частный детектив и алкоголик Джон Ростоу получает задание проследить за мужчиной на его пути в Лос-Анджелес. Вскоре он узнает в своей «цели» пропавшего без вести, которого считали погибшим во время теракта 11 сентября. Ростоу получает еще одно задание с щедрым вознаграждением: теперь он должен доставить пропавшего мужчину в Нью-Йорк обратно к его жене.
Man in Red Bandana
"Man in Red Bandana" is about Welles Remy Crowther, an extraordinary 9/11 hero. However, how his heroics became known is even more remarkable. Eight months after the disaster, his parents learned about how their son spent his last hour due to an ordinary object ... a red bandana. This revelation dramatically shifts their perspective on their loss. After hearing his remarkable story and how it unfolds, viewers will see how the actions of one man have touched 1,000s. This inspirational segment of the film depicts the unique, diverse and folklore ways that Welles is honored throughout the United States including in art, sports and song. Even President Barack Obama pays homage to this young man in the film. Our uplifting ending culminates in the revelation of a secret about Welles that can only be described as "perfect".
My Josephine
Aadid tells us his life in seven minutes. He's an Arabic-speaking young man working the night shift at a laundromat and dry cleaners somewhere in the United States. In the aftermath of 9/11, they wash U.S. flags for free. He says they get six or seven per day. He tells us about Napoleon's two wives: Marie Louise for an heir, Josephine for love. Aadid likes Adela, his co-worker. She's his Josephine. We watch Aadid and Adela hand wash the flags and put them in dryers. They fold them. They dance. They stand side by side outside the door of the laundromat looking at the dawn. Will this companionship become something more?
Until it Hurts
Seventy-Nine US Navy SEALS have paid the ultimate sacrifice since 9/11/2001. Retired Navy SEAL Sniper, Dave Hall, and LA Artist, Ellwood T. Risk, created a work of art from the target Dave shot 79 times from 911 yards on 9/11/2012. Documenting the journey of a SEAL, injured in a firefight who wants to reset the day, to the stories of the lives of the fallen, as told by their families, woven among the creation of the art, Until it Hurts meets along the way a retired Navy SEAL Lieutenant who survived being shot in the face, a civilian couple who purchased the art, a seventeen year-old who wants to be a Navy SEAL and the NYPD Officer who's best friends were killed in 9-11.
Hope and a Little Sugar
Ali (Amit Sial) is a photographer and bike messenger who lives in New York. He develops a friendship and falls in love with a married woman, Saloni Oberoi (Mahima Chaudhry). When her husband, Harry Oberoi (Vikram Chatwal), is killed during the September 11 attacks, Harry's father, a retired Colonel (Anupam Kher), begins to take his aggressions out on Ali for being a Muslim. Although Mrs. Oberoi (Suhasini Mulay) tries to stop the Colonel's behavior, the situation escalates as the Colonel, himself, becomes the target of social post-9/11 aggression directed towards him because he is a Sikh. (Wikipedia)
Witchhunt Suite for WWIII
An abstract collage of public access television and commercials juxtaposed with images of the War on Terror, set to "Witchhunt Suite for WWIII" by Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti.
The New Al-Qaeda
A look at the spread of Al-Qaeda in the UK
A documentary about 7 World Trade Center.
11 September Vragen
A look at the facts of 9/11
9/11: Conspiracy Road Trip
A group of sceptics and believers try and resolve the questions of 9/11.
9/11: After the Towers Fell
When the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, thousands were feared trapped beneath the tons of steel and rubble. These are the stories of the rescue workers and civilians who raced to Ground Zero to rescue the buried. Immediately after the collapse, rescue workers are convinced that they will find survivors in the ruins – and, miraculously, a handful are found. As the last survivors are pulled from the rubble, the rescuers shift focus to the monumental task to identify and recover the lost among the ruins. After the Towers Fell is the first in-depth look at the aftermath of the Towers' collapse and the heroes who selflessly took on the monumental task of rescue and recovery of their fellow New Yorkers
This is Not a Conspiracy Theory
This is Not a Conspiracy Theory is a documentary about where conspiracy theories come from, what they reveal about all of us, and the real quest to discover the hidden forces that shape our lives. With trust in governments low and media fractured into an infinite number of contested opinions, conspiracy theories are an appealing way to understand the world. They project human intentions onto complex events to explain why things happen and assign blame.