
Китайская вдова (2017)

Жанр : драма, мелодрама, история, военный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Директор : Bille August

Краткое содержание

После бомбардировки Токио американский летчик вынужден приземлиться на территории Китая. Несмотря на угрозу расстрела, молодая крестьянская вдова прячет иностранца в своем доме.


Liu Yifei
Liu Yifei
Emile Hirsch
Emile Hirsch
Jack Turner
Fangcong Li
Fangcong Li
Kevin Yan
Kevin Yan
Yu Shaoqun
Yu Shaoqun
Vincent Riotta
Vincent Riotta
Jimmy Doolittle
Tsukagoshi Hirotaka
Tsukagoshi Hirotaka
Gallen Lo
Gallen Lo
Captain Hsu
Shu Yaoxuan
Shu Yaoxuan
Gong Hanlin
Gong Hanlin
Ying's father-in-law
Tiankuo Gong
Tiankuo Gong
Lieutenant Sun
Cary Woodworth
Cary Woodworth
Lambert Houston
Lambert Houston
Vivian Wu
Vivian Wu
Old Nunu
Xie Fang
Xie Fang
Aunt Li


Bille August
Bille August
Greg Latter
Greg Latter
Filip Zumbrunn
Filip Zumbrunn
Director of Photography
Gerd Tjur
Gerd Tjur
Annette Focks
Annette Focks
Valentina Cheng
Valentina Cheng
Production Manager
Hairong Ji
Hairong Ji
Executive Producer
Catharin Lin
Catharin Lin
Executive Producer
Peng Sun
Peng Sun
Danny S. Kim
Danny S. Kim
Visual Effects Supervisor


Dear Doctor
Osamu Ino is a great doctor who is beloved in his rural village. His knowledge and dedication make an equally strong impression on his reluctant medical intern, Keisuke Soma. But, Soma and the villagers reconsider their opinion when they learn about a shameful incident from Dr. Ino's past. Now the once-respected doctor must account for his past actions.
Aleister Crowley - The Wickedest Man in the World
Masters of Darkness: Aleister Crowley - The Wickedest Man in the World
Queen Bee's Challenge
When two Girl Bosses fight each other over territory, their enmity is difficult to solve - they are equals in looks, strength, determination, and power of their respective girl gangs. So, the way is open to a mischievous Yakuza Boss who invites them for a peaceful way to decide their feud: a sexual challenge for him to decide who is the better Girl Boss. Trapped, both are subject to the man's lust and sadistic assaults. They escape by joining forces against the yakuza gang, though it costs one of the young women her life - when she was friends already with her former enemy.
Invasion of the Blood Farmers
Somewhere in upstate New York, a young woman is terrorized by a group of rural farmers primarily interested in a harvest of blood.
The King of the Neighborhood
A poor man becomes a modern Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor.
Víctimas del pecado
A nightclub performer decides to raise the baby boy she found abandoned in a trash can, putting her job and social life in jeopardy.
The Holy Innocents
Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.
Дети Хиросимы
Такако Исикава одна из всей семьи уцелела во время атомной бомбардировки Хиросимы, после войны она работает учителем на одном из островов Японского внутреннего моря. Во время своего летнего отпуска, она возвращается в Хиросиму, чтобы посетить могилы своих родителей и младшей сестры, которые были убиты во время взрыва, а также узнать как сложилась жизнь детей с детского сада, где она раньше работала.
Little Bird
Manu travels to Murcia to spend the summer with their grandparents because their parents are getting divorced. Surrounded by gardens, sea, nature, and lush, warm family, Manu find his first love and the first signs of adulthood.
Mi campeón
Catita is a simple and poor woman who dreams of that her son stands out on something important to help her out of his humble. But she opposes to him being boxer, therefore constantly fighting with her husband.
Как приручить дракона 2
С момента примирения викингов и драконов прошло пять лет. Пока Астрид, Сморкала и остальные ребята проводят время соревнуясь друг с другом в популярных на острове драконьих гонках, Иккинг и Беззубик путешествуют по небу, составляя карту неизвестных мест. Когда одно из их приключений приводит к открытию тайной ледяной пещеры, которая является домом для сотен ранее невиданных диких драконов и таинственного драконьего всадника, два друга оказываются в центре битвы за защиту мира.
Angelitos negros
Starring Mexican star Pedro Infante, "Black Angels" is about a couple formed by a beautiful woman and a singer, both white, who are parents of a black girl. The woman blames him, but the girl will suffer the racist treatment from her own mother. Mexican version of the famous novel by Fannie Hurst "Imitation of Life"
Mila from Mars
Fleeing an abusive relationship, Mila, a teen prostitute, finds herself in a border town, pregnant, alone, and, to her surprise, welcome. The remote village is on a marijuana plantation run by a group of elderly men and women. Not having known much kindness, she goes into emotional hiding, but by the time the baby is born she has a new life and love. Her past, however, is not far behind
Letter from the Mountain
As the film begins, Takao (Akira Terao) and Michiko (Kanako Higuchi) have already pulled up their Tokyo roots and moved to a village that is Takao's ancestral home. They visit a thatched cottage that serves as a memorial shrine (amidado) for the village dead and chat with the attendant, the spry 96-year-old Oume (Tanie Kitabayashi). Together they admire the view -- from an inspiring distance. Oume, it turns out, is a kind of sage, whose thoughts and observations are a popular feature in a column in a local newsletter. Her amanuensis is a mute, sweetly smiling young woman named Sayuri (Manami Konishi), who is as devoted to Oume as Oume is to the souls of her beloved dead.
Мы, двое мужчин
Герой фильма — простой рабочий человек, шофер. Однажды он берет с собой в поездку до города пацана-первоклассика, чтобы там (по просьбе матери мальчика) купить ему школьный костюм. За время поездки герой вынужден искать общий язык с ребенком, и под конец путешествия они становятся настоящими друзьями.
A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich
A troubled boy becomes addicted to heroin, and his mother and foster father help him fight it.
Avakai Biryani
A coming of age story of a man and a woman from diverse social backgrounds, faiths and aspirations.
Salon Mexico
Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dances for money with the clients of Salon Mexico, a famous cabaret in Mexico City. Her younger sister Beatriz (Derbez) studies in an expensive private school, paid by Mercedes. Obviously, young Beatriz doesn't know about her sister's job. Troubles begin when Mercedes wins a danzon contest with Paco (Acosta), her pimp. Paco refuses to share the prize with Mercedes, so she steals the money when he's sleeping.
Ушедший день
Одинокая девушка из рабочей семьи выросла и воспитывалась в детском доме. Получив письмо от матери, девушка решает отправиться в поездку, чтобы навестить её. Приехав к родительнице, она узнаёт, что та вышла замуж и хочет выдать свою дочь за племянницу.
Doña Perfecta
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.


Эскадрилья «Лафайет»
История легендарной эскадрильи «Лафайет» времен Первой мировой войны. Летный состав этой эскадрильи составляли добровольцы-иностранцы из стран, которые не находились в состоянии войны с Германией.В центре фильма — история американских юнцов, выпускников летных курсов, попадающие на войну, которая сильно отличалась от «французского курорта», куда они ехали. Это фильм о любви, мужской дружбе, мужестве, отваге и о фантастических самолетах, покоривших небо…