Gates of Heaven (2018)

Turn off your phone!

Жанр : комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1М

Директор : Richard Hughes

Краткое содержание

Gates of Heaven explores the unnerving intersection between society’s addictive relationship with their devices, delivered with a satirical comedic twist.



Callum Borthwick
Callum Borthwick
Richard Hughes
Richard Hughes


Сьерра Берджесс — неудачница
Школьница Сьерра — умница, но красавицей сверстники ее точно не считают. Однажды парень пишет ей сообщение, принимая ее за другую. Чтобы продолжить общение с тем, кто ей нравится, Сьерра должна объединиться со школьной знаменитостью, которая является ее полной противоположностью.
Иван Лок примерный семьянин и успешный руководитель строительства. Завтрашний день - один из важнейших в его жизни, его ждет карьерный рост. Но вечером раздается телефонный звонок, который перевернет его жизнь с ног на голову.
История наркодилера, который решил завязать с грязным бизнесом, однако перед этим он собирается провернуть последнее самое большое дело в своей жизни.
Технологии нас сближают, но порой незнакомцы становятся слишком близки к нам. Насколько вы действительно можете кому-то доверять? С новым приложением для такси никогда не знаешь, кто тебе попадётся. И сможешь ли доехать до места живым…
Бурый кролик
Bud Clay races motorcycles in the 250cc Formula II class of road racing. After a race in New Hampshire, he has five days to get to his next race in California. During his road trip, he is haunted by memories of the last time he saw Daisy, his true love.
Вкус вишни
Господин Бадии решительно собрался уйти из этой жизни и занят отчаянными поисками того, кто мог бы ему в этом помочь. Он уже даже вырыл себе могилу в горах, чтобы его закопали, когда дело будет сделано. Вот только с помощником просто беда: каждый находит какую-нибудь причину для отказа, а то еще и пытается его отговорить. Но слишком тверд в своем намерении господин Бадии.
Маленькие секреты
История друзей, которые по традиции отправляются провести совместный летний отдых на мыс Ферре неподалеку от Бордо. Но когда они начинают исповедоваться друг другу в своих грехах, атмосфера становится довольно напряженной.
Blood Valley: Seed's Revenge
Coming back from her bachelor party in Las Vegas, Christine and her friends are driving through the hot desert of Nevada. But they are not alone - serial killer Max Seed is back and he brought the whole family.
Clarkson: Unleashed on Cars
Jeremy Clarkson drives a wide range of vehicles as he attempts to find the "best car, in the world, ever."
The Road Movie
Anything can happen on Russian roads and is precisely shot by the dashboard camera. Super-objective video registration grows into the strong image of Russian national character – with its permanent awaiting for the miracle and habitual approach to real dramas. A forest on fire as a symbol of Russian hell, a military tank at a car wash and car chase in the vicinity of Kremlin shot with a dashboard cam at the same time when Boris Nemtsov, the leader of political opposition, was shot dead near Kremlin. Dashboard cam depicts life in it’s purity as an unbiased observer.
Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb touches on the dangers and possible outcomes of texting while driving.
One Week and a Day
When Eyal finishes the week of mourning for his late son, his wife urges him to return to their routine but instead he gets high with a young neighbor and sets out to discover that there are still things in his life worth living for.
The Shape of You
When a couple meet illegally for a booty call during lockdown, they end up getting more than they bargained for.
Pedestrian Crossing
Richard Massingham gives a comic demonstration of how to cross the road.
Bank Robbery
When a former fistfighter Madis leaves the prison, he feels he will get another chance in life. Nothing can go wrong this time. Madis will be accompanied by his nephew who has something completely opposite in his mind. A game begins where both the weak and the strong get more and more opportunities.
Stop Look and Listen
Stop Look and Listen is a 1967 sort comedy film written, directed by and starring Len Janson and Chuck Menville. It was mostly filmed in Griffith Park in pixilation [stop-motion photography].The film generates comedy by contrasting the safe and dangerous styles of two drivers who drive in the way made famous by Harold Lloyd: by sitting in the street and seeming to move their bodies as though they were automobiles. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Subject, Live Action.
After hearing a frightening supernatural warning, Keri, a young mother, takes an urgent road trip south during the Christmas holidays with her two kids and a mysterious neighbor haunted by ghosts from his past. Road anxiety and a veteran's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder collide. Keri faces dangerous situations and ultimately learns a heartbreaking truth which tests the limits of forgiveness.
A man in his late 20's engages in a text thread while home alone.
A man unwittingly offends his fellow motorists on his commute to work.
A journalist, investigating traffic violations in a city, comes across mysterious happenings and lands herself in a dangerous situation.