
Vincent Gallo as Flying Christ (1981)

Жанр : фэнтези

Время выполнения : 1М

Директор : Michael Holman

Краткое содержание

"My first actor in my first film was Vincent Gallo. We made a film together called Vincent Gallo as Flying Christ. It's kind of a famous film. It must be twelve or thirteen seconds long. It's like an art film, shot on Super 8, and it was his first film, it was my first film. We did other films, too, short art films." - Michael Holman


Vincent Gallo
Vincent Gallo
Jesus New York


Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Director of Photography
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Vincent Gallo
Vincent Gallo
Original Music Composer
Vincent Gallo
Vincent Gallo
Executive Producer


Супер 8
Летом 1979 года несколько друзей из маленького городка в Огайо, снимающие любительский фильм на камеру «Супер 8», стали свидетелями железнодорожной катастрофы. И вскоре они начинают подозревать, что это не было просто несчастным случаем. Странные исчезновения и необъяснимые события начинают происходить в городке, и местный шериф пытается разгадать их тайну — что-то куда более ужасающее, чем все могли себе представить.
Вместе с семьей автор детективов поселяется в небольшом городке, в доме, где почти год назад развернулась леденящая душу трагедия — были убиты все жильцы. Писатель случайно находит видеозаписи, которые являются ключом к тайне преступления. Но ничто не дается даром: в доме начинают происходить жуткие вещи и теперь под угрозой жизнь его близких. Они столкнулись с чем-то, от чего нет спасения…
Америка тридцатых годов, золотое время! Гангстеры, нацистские шпионы и допотопные аэропланы, заполнившие небо. Молодой пилот Клифф Сэкорд находит сверхсекретное устройство — ракетный ранец, позволяющий подниматься в воздух. Вскоре в газетах появляются сообщения о таинственном человеке, парящем в небе словно ракета.
После рождения ребёнка Филипп покупает себе 8-миллиметровую кинокамеру. Поскольку это первая камера в городе, местный партийный босс берёт его своим официальным фотографом. С повышением по службе растет и слава любителя; только взгляд его на реальность через объектив становится все более неприятным и беспощадным и все менее устраивающим власть предержащих…
Торремолинос 73
На дворе 1973 год, и в Испании бушует франкистская диктатура. Вопреки запретам простой коммивояжер Альфредо собирается пойти на явное преступление — снять 8 эротических «образовательных» фильмов и переправить их в лояльную Скандинавию. Он и подумать не мог, что его жена Кармен, «сыгравшая» в фильмах главные роли, в северных странах станет порнозвездой, и из Дании к Альфредо пожалует съемочная группа, чтобы помочь снять ему вдохновленный творчеством Бергмана фильм «Торремолинос 73»…
Low-budget superhero flick about a young man given a mystical medallion by a South American shaman, in order to become a puma- empowered champion like his father before him. In trying to locate the young man initially, the shaman has the nasty habit of pushing candidates out windows to test them.
West Beirut
In April, 1975, civil war breaks out; Beirut is partitioned along a Moslem-Christian line. Tarek is in high school, making Super 8 movies with his friend, Omar. At first the war is a lark: school has closed, the violence is fascinating, getting from West to East is a game. His mother wants to leave; his father refuses. Tarek spends time with May, a Christian, orphaned and living in his building. By accident, Tarek goes to an infamous brothel in the war-torn Olive Quarter, meeting its legendary madam, Oum Walid. He then takes Omar and May there using her underwear as a white flag for safe passage. Family tensions rise. As he comes of age, the war moves inexorably from adventure to tragedy.
Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder
By helping Doctor Proctor getting recognition for his amazing invention in a world quite different from ours, two lonely children gets help to stand on their own two feet.
Aznavour by Charles
In 1948, French singer Charles Aznavour (1924-2018) receives a Paillard Bolex, his first camera. Until 1982, he will shoot hours of footage, his filmed diary. Wherever he goes, he carries his camera with him. He films his life and lives as he films: places, moments, friends, loves, misfortunes.
Must Read After My Death
A grandmother dies and leaves behind hours of secret film and audio recordings as well as an envelope with the words “Must read after my death,” which reveal a dark history for her family to discover.
1972 Yellow House
During a recent remodel of The Yellow House crews discovered the remains of a little girl and a super 8 movie camera with the footage still inside. The footage has been released to the media by Summerland police with the hope that someone can solve this mystery. Police investigators confirm the film was shot by the missing couple. It is believed they were murdered by occult members. This is their footage.
Song 2
SONGS 2 & 3: Fire and a mind’s movement in remembering (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage produced from 1964 to 1969).
Song 4
SONG 4: Three girls playing with a ball. Hand painted (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage produced from 1964 to 1969).
Environmental Training
The silent film is about a depressive lady of the last century who travels through time to a beach of current times, but ends up coming across a completely polluted environment.
Ecstatic Stigmatic
No-Wave film directed by Gordon Stevenson from Teenage Jesus & the Jerks. Mirielle Cervenka (Exene's sister) plays a young woman named Rose who is afflicted with a case of extreme stigmata.
Lost Images: The Other Eye of Juan Pinzás
The filmmaker Juan Pinzás goes on a physical and also inner journey, in search of some lost images that he filmed in the 80s. The journey takes him from Madrid to Galicia and on the search for these images he meets with various characters who will help him in his undertaking, such as the actors Paul Naschy and Javier Gurruchaga whose personal worlds will be examined in the film. Finally in Vigo, his home city, of which he presents a remarkable portrait, he finds an old film in Super-8mm with the missing images. The catharsis is produced with the viewing of the old film which turns out to be a tribute to cinema and this means the end of the filmmaker's introspective journey.
A Certain Sacrifice
A street-wise teen gets herself in a series of circumstances and mishaps in her meaningless existence.
Tscharniblues II
Bern, 1979: a tower block called Tscharnergut. Together with a few friends (among them famous Swiss actor Stefan Kurt), director Aron Nick's father and uncle shoot the idealistic Super 8 film "Dr Tscharniblues" ("The Tscharni Blues") – a wild, unvarnished self-portrait of their generation. 40 years later, Nick gathers the friends at Tscharnergut and asks what has happened to them and their ideals in the meantime. What have the achieved? What have they lost? Past, present, and future clash and form a journey of personal disappointments, hopes, and a collective search for identity. In "Tscharniblues II," Aron Nick discovers a kind of friendship that can weather anything.