
Посетитель (2017)

Жанр : ужасы, драма, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 51М

Директор : Jamil Hendi

Краткое содержание

Лука и Отилия, двое молодых людей, только начинающих свою жизнь, переезжают в большой город, им помогает их друг детства Влад. Они арендуют квартиру в старом здании, в котором живет только один старик по имени Феликс. Однажды Лука обнаруживает, что его жена исчезла, как и предыдущий арендатор этого дома, без предупреждения.



Jamil Hendi
Jamil Hendi
Jamil Hendi
Jamil Hendi


A sickly young woman experiences visions of her dead mother. She struggles to determine if the apparition is simply a side effect of her daily medication, or her mother actually reaching out to her from beyond the grave.
White Clothing: Harakiri
A black and white preface shows a woman in a traditional kimono climbing the stairs as WWII era Mitsubishi Zeros fly through the sky and footage of the Japanese military of the era is superimposed over the footage. She stops at the top of the stairs to say her prayers, rings a bell, and heads inside where the footage is shot in color. She unravels her kimono and rubs her face with the cloth before wrapping her blade and lovingly touching it. She pulls it across her stomach and slits herself open, falling to the mat. She crawls across the mat, dying, slipping in her own slick blood until she can't move anymore.
Night of Terror
Stories tell of a beautiful woman who mysteriously walks out of a cemetery at night, boards a carretela for parts unknown. An old witch who tormented by the unjust death of her son wreaks havoc on those responsible for the tragedy. A dead man, rising from the grave, mingles with the living, turns an innocent young girl into a deadly vampire. A young housewife who becomes the object of the ire of a vengeful witch, undergoing an ugly transformation to the horror of her husband and her child.
In Shadows in the Mountains
A group of young adults decide to spend the holidays hiking through Greenland's picturesque islands, but their trip takes a bloody turn when they begin to fall prey to an unseen foe. A transgressive journey into the world of Greenlandic genre cinema.
The Sinister Eyes of Dr. Orloff
Amid the craggy, dusty hills of southern France, a woman screams in the night. Gorgeous Melissa Comfort, a wealthy heiress confined to a wheelchair since birth, cries out in her nightmares, terrified of a dream that comes night after night. In this night terror, she's 10-years-old. Running from a man who may or may not be her father.
Озеро демона
Существует поверье, что в пруду Ясягаикэ живет дракон. Много лет назад жители деревни заключили с ним сделку. Каждый день колокол храма должен звонить три раза. До тех пор, пока этот порядок будет соблюдаться, дракон не станет выходить из воды, и деревня не будет затоплена. Акира приехал из Токио несколько лет назад, чтобы записывать местные легенды и рассказы. Он взял в жены местную красавицу, сиротку Юки, а сам сделался звонарем в храме. Легенда о драконе настолько поразила его, что когда предыдущий звонарь умер, Акира решил взять на себя соблюдение соглашения с драконом. Но с наступлением засухи многие в деревне хотели бы, чтобы пруд разлился. Хочет этого и божество водоема – принцесса Сираюки, уже давно мечтающая воссоединиться со своим возлюбленным.
A Touch Of Unseen
After they lost their parents in a traffic accident, strange events begin to happen to Yeonhui and Yeonsu.
Extreme urban violence reigns in Argentina. Senator Beccar Varela rises as the only way to stop violence with his "zero tolerance" politic. People doesn't suspect that Beccar is the head of the nazi gang that causes the violence. When members of the gang torture and rape a retarded man, a mysterious Masked avenger begins his brutal revenge against the gangs and the corrupt politics.
The Dismembered Ghost
Masako, the young lady of the family estate, returning from overseas following the death of her diplomat father. She had originally left in opposition to his second marriage to the avaricious Tomoko, who now parades her new lover Goro around the house as if it were her own. When the family lawyer informs the gathered masses that it is Masako who is the legal inheritor of the entire estate, her elder sister Sumie and fiance Shinjiro join Tomoko and Goro in hacking up the unfortunate heiress with an axe. It is not long before the assorted pieces of Masako begin cropping up to drive them all insane, followed by her apparition in the traditional white smock with eyes peering wildly through straggly black hair.
Женщина в огне
Вариация на тему снятой ранее тем же режиссёром «‎Служанки»‎. Обнаружены два тела с множественными ножевыми ранениями — служанка и её хозяин, композитор популярных песен. Полиция уверена, что они пали жертвами грабителя, который сам уже во всём сознался, но вдруг появляется подруга горничной с письмом от покойной. Та просила передать его в полицию в случае собственной смерти, считая, что хозяйка хочет её убить.
Three stories of the supernatural are recounted in this anthology. Rick, an Aboriginal boy living near a swamp on Bribie Island, is haunted by an American solider who drowned in quicksand. Ruby and her family live in a house near long-abandoned train tracks, which still carry ghostly apparitions. A landlord has trouble evicting the tenants of an old warehouse: a couple that's been dead for years
Ghost of the Pearl Divers
Late Bloomer
Late Bloomer is the story of Sumida-san, a severely handicapped man, and his downward spiral into hell.
The Damned House of Hajn
Sonya is the heiress to the riches of a Czech noble family—the Hajns. Petr, a social climber marries her, ignoring some shady goings-on—in particular, an insane uncle who prowls the mansion believing himself invisible, a peccadillo the family indulges. The uncle’s stalking every corner of the house, popping out of cupboards and out from behind curtains slowly takes its toll on the young bride.
All the Colors of Giallo
'Giallo' is Italian for 'yellow', the color of the lurid pulp novels that inspired one of the most intense, extreme and influential genres in movie history. In this unprecedented collection, experience the full chronological evolution of giallo with more than 100 rare and classic trailers from such masters as Mario Bava, Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Sergio Martino, Antonio Margheriti, Umberto Lenzi and many more. Then slip on black leather gloves and set the mood with a Bonus CD of legendary soundtrack music from composers that include Ennio Morricone, Riz Ortolani, Bruno Nicolai, Stelvio Cipriani and others, along with all-new featurettes that thrust even deeper into the genre. "But be warned," says Gizmodo.com, "Once you start going down the blood- slicked giallo rabbit hole, you may become dangerously obsessed."
Kazuo Umezu's Horror Theater: Diet
When an overweight girl gets dumped by her lover, she resolves to impress him by going on an extreme diet. All goes well at first, but when she is reunited with her former lover, she begins to feel the hunger pains once again...
Таинственная кошка замка Набэсима
На землях замка Набэсима происходят странные вещи: люди напуганы криками страшной кошки, неизвестно откуда появляется доска для игры в го, которая становится причной раздоров и ссор, люди бесследно исчезают. Кто во всем этом повинен, призраки из иного мира или реальные злоумышленники, которые специально сеют панику и раздор?
Ghost in the Well
Harima Aoyama (Chiyonosuke Azume) was a young hatamoto (samurai bannerman) to the Shogun. He seduced his commoner house maid Okiku (Hibari). He promised that his love was no passing infatuation & she would never suffer for it. She resisted his charms for some while knowing full well that they are of classes that do not intermarry, but in time he broke down her resistance, for how could she help but love him. Political expedience puts the young hatamoto in the way of a marriage with a woman of his own station. This will cement family connections & see his family safely through a crisis, at a time when many clans were finding themselves abolished on any pretext.
После смерти отца, чтобы поддержать семью, школьница Мён-джа вынуждена пойти работать в бар. Она уже должна крупную сумму хозяйке бара, и теперь её обязанность — спать с посетителям. Один из клиентов оказывается импотентом, но излечивается после встречи с Мён-джа, тогда девушка предлагает ему жить вместе. Причина недуга мужчины — властная жена, и молодой любовнице будет непросто ей противостоять.
Curse of the Blood
A samurai kills a blind man who tells him to repay his debts. Because of the samurai's actions his entire family is to bear a terrible curse.