
Vanaja (2006)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 51М

Директор : Rajnesh Domalpalli

Краткое содержание

In rural South India, 15 year old Vanaja goes to work for the local Landlady in hopes of learning Kuchipudi Dance. Initial chemistry with the Landlady's son turns ugly, pitching her into a battle of Caste and Animus.


Mamatha Bhukya
Mamatha Bhukya
Urmila Dammannagari
Urmila Dammannagari
Rama Devi
Ramachandriah Marikanti
Ramachandriah Marikanti
Krishnamma Gundimalla
Krishnamma Gundimalla
Karan Singh
Karan Singh
Bhavani Renukunta
Bhavani Renukunta
Krishna Garlapati
Krishna Garlapati
Ram Babu
Prabhu Garlapati
Prabhu Garlapati


Rajnesh Domalpalli
Rajnesh Domalpalli
Rajnesh Domalpalli
Rajnesh Domalpalli
Indira Amperiani
Indira Amperiani
Latha R. Domalapalli
Latha R. Domalapalli
Milton Kam
Milton Kam
Director of Photography
Andrew Lund
Andrew Lund
Executive Producer
Robert Q. Lovett
Robert Q. Lovett
Bhaskara S. Narayanan
Bhaskara S. Narayanan
Original Music Composer
Vijay Santhosh
Vijay Santhosh
Line Producer
Nagulu Busigampala
Nagulu Busigampala
Production Design
Sarju Patel
Sarju Patel
Line Producer


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Статья 15
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