
China Blue (2005)

"Usually I pay the workers all together about one dollar for a pair of jeans."

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 26М

Директор : Micha X. Peled

Краткое содержание

"China Blue" is an engrossing documentary that tells the story of 3 teenage girls who leave their rural homes in China to come work for a factory that makes blue jeans.



Micha X. Peled
Micha X. Peled
Micha X. Peled
Micha X. Peled


Спад в мировой экономике, убыток от которого был оценен в 20 тысяч миллиардов долларов, повлек за собой потерю работы и жилья для нескольких миллионов человек. В ходе тщательных исследований и интервью с ведущими фигурами финансового мира, политическими деятелями и журналистами, фильм приоткрывает перед нами страшную правду о зарождении преступной индустрии и о ее сетях, позволивших подкупить политику, органы экономического регулирования и ученый мир…
The True Cost
Film from Andrew Morgan. The True Cost is a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.
Человек из ниоткуда
Ча Тай Шик скромный владелец ломбарда. Девочка Чон Соме его соседка и дочь матери-одиночки, которая работает в баре танцовщицей и не столько увлекается воспитанием ребенка, сколько ищет острых ощущений на свою и без того повидавшую виды, неудавшуюся жизнь. И вот однажды мать Соме вместе со своим парнем решает обокрасть наркокурьера, который регулярно появляется в заведении, где она выступает…
Сквозь снег
Земля. Недалекое будущее. Семнадцать лет назад на планете произошла техногенная катастрофа. Там, где раньше росли леса и цвели сады, теперь лежат снег и лед. Жизнь сохранилась лишь в гигантском поезде, без остановки мчащемся по трансевразийской магистрали. В первых вагонах состава живет правящая элита, во множестве последних — простые люди. Жизнь в хвосте поезда напоминает концлагерь — болезни, нищета, беспредел надсмотрщиков. Но именно здесь из среды униженных и оскорбленных восстает человек, способный восстановить справедливость. Однако у каждой благородной идеи есть своя темная сторона, и любая революция пожирает своих детей.
Оливер Твист
19-й век. Мальчик по имени Оливер Твист, брошенный родителями, оказывается на улицах Лондона. Здесь он знакомится с вором по имени Фэджин, который приглашает Оливера в свою команду. Некоторое время спустя Оливер, начинающий вор, попадается на горячем. Однако, поймавший его мистер Браунлоу вместо того, чтобы наказать маленького мерзавца, решает его воспитать…
Роберт Баер — ветеран ЦРУ, проработавший в агентстве 21 год. Все это время он боролся с терорризмом во всем мире. Однако, после окончания «холодной войны», когда угроза терроризма возросла, ЦРУ урезало финансирование проектов на Ближнем Востоке и в итоге потеряло контроль над стратегически важным регионом. Борьба разгорается с новой силой и приобретает личный характер, когда руководитель нефтяной компании Брайан Вудман готовится совершить сделку с шейхом одной из стран Ближнего Востока, богатой нефтью, и, в то же время, переживает серьезную семейную трагедию со своей женой Джули…
The Fourth Dimension
An elegant meditation on time, travel, and ceremony in the form of a journey. In her first foray into digital video, Minh-ha deconstructs the role of ritual in mediating between the past and the present. She explains, "Shown in their widespread functions and manifestations, including more evident loci such as festivals, religious rite and theatrical performance, 'rituals' involve not only the regularity in the structure of everyday life, but also the dynamic agents in the world of meaning." With its lush imagery, Minh-ha's Japan is viewed through mobile frames, with doors and windows sliding shut, revealing new vistas as it blocks out the old light.
The Yes Men
A comic, biting and revelatory documentary following a small group of prankster activists as they gain worldwide notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization (WTO) on television and at business conferences around the world.
Фильм рассказывает о рабочих Буэнос-Айрес (Аргентина), захвативших завод Forja, который был закрыт владельцем и затем восстановлен под рабочим контролем.
The Devil's Miner
'The Devil's Miner' tells the story of 14-year-old Basilio who worships the devil for protection while working in a Bolivian silver mine to support his family.
Angry Inuk
With "sealfies" and social media, a new tech-savvy generation of Inuit is wading into the world of activism, using humour and reason to confront aggressive animal rights vitriol and defend their traditional hunting practices. Director Alethea Arnaquq-Baril joins her fellow Inuit activists as they challenge outdated perceptions of Inuit and present themselves to the world as a modern people in dire need of a sustainable economy.
We Feed the World
A documentary that exposes the shocking truths behind industrial food production and food wastage, focusing on fishing, livestock and crop farming. A must-see for anyone interested in the true cost of the food on their plate.
The Trap
Ottaal (The Trap) is an adaptation of one of Anton Chekhov's timeless works, Vanka. A story of the 18th century, but one that has traveled the time and space to be retold in the present day at a small village in the South of India. Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's recollections takes us to the picturesque locations of Kuttanad, where Kuttappayi and his grandpa, Valiyappachayi, are arriving with their ducks. The village is as pleasant as it can be even though what brings him there is the death of his dearest parents. With hope and freedom, he is about to start his life afresh among the village's letter-less postman, the nameless dog, the rich lad, Tinku and many more.
Стенли Фернандес — ученик 4F класса, как и все ребята, любит свой класс, любит друзей и всех учителей, кроме Мистера Вермы по прозвищу «Кабан». Мистер обжора и ворчун выпрашивает завтраки у учеников и видит в лице Стенли своего злейшего конкурента (тот тоже приходит в школу без завтраков). В конце концов, разъярившийся учитель выгоняет мальчика из класса.
Position Among the Stars
Through the eyes of grandmother Rumidjah, a poor old Christian woman living in the slums of Jakarta, we see the economical changing society of Indonesia and the influence of globalization reflected in the life of her juvenile granddaughter Tari and her sons Bakti and Dwi.
virar mar / meer werden / becoming sea
Water as a physical and metaphysical metaphor and background of human existence. A docu-fictional essay between the Brazilian Sertão-deserts and the Northern-German flood areas of Dithmarschen. Dramas and day-by-day-observations in times of climate change.
A Meeting with Milton Santos
The film deals with the process of globalization based on the thought of geographer Milton Santos, who through his ideas and practices, inspires the debate about Brazilian society and the construction of a new world. Santos discusses his views on the importance of respecting difference and his belief that an alternative globalisation model could wholly enfranchise all citizens of the world. An illustrious presence in 20th century social sciences, the man dubbed as ‘geography’s philosopher’ eloquently elucidates a developing world perspective on the global age.
The Divide
The Divide tells the story of 7 individuals striving for a better life in modern day US and UK - where the top 0.1% owns as much wealth as the bottom 90%. By plotting these tales together, we uncover how virtually every aspect of our lives is controlled by one factor: the size of the gap between rich and poor.The film is inspired by "The Spirit Level" by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett.
The Dark Side of Chocolate
A team of journalists investigate how human trafficking and child labor in the Ivory Coast fuels the worldwide chocolate industry. The crew interview both proponents and opponents of these alleged practices, and use hidden camera techniques to delve into the gritty world of cocoa plantations.
This "Play on One" story depicts Jack and his farming family in West Wales. They have built up their dairy herd with vast loans and are then told they must cut back on milk production and slaughter some of the herd. The community launches a campaign against the quotas, but Jack takes the law into his own hands.


Armbryterskan från Ensamheten
The tiny village in the far north of Sweden called Ensamheten (Solitude) has sixteen inhabitants. They all share an unusual passion - armwrestling.
The Happy Child
The Happy Child is a story of "New Wave" rock genre predominant in the ex-Yugoslavia during the socialist 70's and 80's.
Play Dead
A gay high-school student learns that the teen wrestler he pines for has died in a car accident. But that's only the start of the romance.
Days of '36
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
Саймон Амстелл: Онемение души
Записанный в прямом эфире на BBC после международного тура, включая семинедельное проживание в Нью-Йорке, Амстелл вернулся в Лондон для этого финального выступления.
A look at the 1950s muscle men's magazines and the representative industry which were popular supposedly as health and fitness magazines, but were in reality primarily being purchased by the still-underground homosexual community. Chief among the purveyors of this literature was Bob Mizer, who maintained a magazine and developed sexually inexplicit men's films for over 40 years. Aided by his mother, the two maintained a stable of not so innocent studs.
Russell Howard: Right Here Right Now
One of Britain's most exciting and popular stand-up comedians, Russell Howard is back in 2011 with his third sell-out tour Right Here, Right Now. The star of Russell Howard's Good News and Mock The Week never fails to entertain with his trademark mix of eloquent gags and deft storytelling.
K2. Touching the Sky
Охота на мелких хищников
Синатра ещё не пришел в себя, после смерти своих братьев, а его уже обвиняют в краже того, чего он не брал. Из родственников у Синатры осталась одна лишь пожилая тетя, которую шантажирует четверка подростков, в надежде заработать лёгкие деньги.
The Beatles on Record
A collection of interviews and footage of the band detailing how their sound progressed and how their albums were made.
Punk's Not Dead
A group of crotchety codgers attempt to revive the punk-rock band they all played in 17 years earlier in "Punk Is Not Dead".
In a minor town the morose manager is primarily responsible for the bad atmosphere of a restaurant. But central for the plot are three persons: a male waiter who is never named (here called W), the female waiter Anna, and "the count", a self-invented nickname by a man cleaning plates. The count is skilled in making others do what he wants. Half a dozen of the personnel assist in a poorly planned and failed attempt to liberate a man whom the police move from one arrest to another. The event involves stealing a motorcycle and threatening policemen with a gun. Anna strongly tries to make contact with W. Finally it turns out that she need his help to break her sexual relation to the count, a relation that from her part is not motivated by positive feelings. W rejects her attempts. And then Anna has suddenly gone. She has got a pleasant job in another town. And then W's feelings awaken.
Our Daily Poison
Gregory's Two Girls
Twenty years after his teenage crush on a football-mad schoolgirl, Gregory is back at his old school, teaching English. When two of his pupils uncover evil practices at a local factory they want their teacher to help them expose the wrong-doer, who happens to be Greg's old schoolfriend.
Taxidermy: Stuff the World
Every two years taxidermists from around the world converge on Springfield, Illinois for the biggest event in animal stuffing - the world taxidermy championships. This documentary uses the 2005 ceremony as a way into the lives of a handful of the individuals who spend their spare time mounting dead animals and taking part in local competitions on their way to the big time.
Bubblegum and Broken Fingers
"If you don't have your own plan, you'll damn sure be a part of someone else's." That quote kicks off the first of multiple story lines, in the crime ensemble "Bubblegum & Broken Fingers." This character-driven collage of sex, violence and survival is equal parts western, gangster and love stories. We follow the journey of a mysterious silver briefcase and witness the havoc it brings each new owner.
In the Closet
An anonymous bedroom inside a typical apartment somewhere in Los Angeles. A pair of young men enter, one having scored a one-night stand, the other giving away little as to his true intentions.
At the Death House Door
An investigation of the wrongful death of Carlos DeLuna, who was executed in Texas on December 7, 1989, after prosecutors ignored evidence inculpating a man, who bragged to friends about committing the crimes of which DeLuna was convicted.
Florentiner 73
Green Plaid Shirt
This endearing drama depicts the lives of five gay friends — in conflict with themselves and each other — at the dawn of the AIDS era. Back in 1978 everything seemed possible. For Phillip and Guy, there was the thrill and exhilaration of first love. For their friends Devon, Jerry and Todd, life was still an open book with so many pages yet to be filled. Ten years later, his friends are all gone and Phillip is left alone to make sense of the joys and sorrows of his past life — as he looks hopefully to the future. The lives of two ordinary men who find love together only to lose it. In an era of easy sex and open relationships they have only two rules: Don't fall in love with others and no jealousy. Still rules are made to be broken. Eventually a single act of forgiveness restores their love.