
Letters to Paul Morrissey (2019)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Armand Rovira
Писатель : Saida Benzal, Armand Rovira

Краткое содержание

Three celluloid letters sent from different parts of the globe to Paul Morrissey, director of Trash, Flesh and Heat, collaborator with Warhol and agent for the Velvet Underground.


Xavi Sáez
Xavi Sáez
Udo Strauss
Almar G. Sato
Almar G. Sato
Hiroko Tanaka
María Fajula
María Fajula
Olena Wood
Joe Dallesandro
Joe Dallesandro
Saida Benzal
Saida Benzal
Agnès Llobet
Agnès Llobet
Andrea Carballo
Andrea Carballo
Esteban Torres
Esteban Torres
Alexis Kam Paw
Alexis Kam Paw
Xisco Segura
Xisco Segura
Corinna Seiter
Corinna Seiter
Voice Maria
Manuela Stoerzer
Manuela Stoerzer
Joan Carles Suau
Joan Carles Suau
Kylie Van Beek
Kylie Van Beek
Olena Young


Armand Rovira
Armand Rovira
Armand Rovira
Armand Rovira
Eduardo Biurrun
Eduardo Biurrun
Director of Photography
Saida Benzal
Saida Benzal
Armand Rovira
Armand Rovira
Rubén Pérez
Rubén Pérez


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Я стреляла в Энди Уорхола
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