
Athidhi (2007)

Жанр : боевик, криминал, драма, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 2Ч 52М

Директор : Surender Reddy

Краткое содержание

Young Amrita Goutham's parents bring home a poor and homeless boy from the streets of Hyderabad, and adopt him. Shortly thereafter her life is shattered when her parents are killed by this boy and she goes to live with her brother, and his wife. Years later, she has grown up, and has a niece, Aishwarya. While being chased by some goons, a male named Aditya, comes to her rescue, and she falls in love with him. Amidst nation-wide kidnappings taking place allegedly at the hands of one Kaiser, she soon finds out that Aditya is none other than the one who killed her parents and may have returned back into her family's life to kill all of them.


Mahesh Babu
Mahesh Babu
Athidhi / Aditya
Amrita Rao
Amrita Rao
Amrita Goutham
Home Minister
Ravi Prakash
Ravi Prakash
Ashish Vidhyarthi
Ashish Vidhyarthi
Danny Bhai
Kota Srinivasa Rao
Kota Srinivasa Rao
Maccha Srinu
Sunil Varma
Sunil Varma
Amrita's fiancé
Ganni Bhai
Pragathi Mahavadi
Pragathi Mahavadi
Amrita's Aunt
Venu Madhav
Venu Madhav
Malaika Arora
Malaika Arora
Kaiser's brother
Murali Sharma
Murali Sharma
Inspector Ajay Sastry/Kaiser
Rajiv Kanakala
Rajiv Kanakala
Amrita's father


Ronnie Screwvala
Ronnie Screwvala
Vakkantham Vamsi
Vakkantham Vamsi
Sameer Reddy
Sameer Reddy
Gautham Raju
Gautham Raju
Mani Sharma
Mani Sharma
Surender Reddy
Surender Reddy


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