
Munyurangabo (2008)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 37М

Директор : Lee Isaac Chung

Краткое содержание

An orphan of the Rwandan genocide travels from Kigali to the countryside on a quest for justice.


Jeff Rutagengwa
Jeff Rutagengwa
Eric Ndorunkundiye
Eric Ndorunkundiye
Jean Marie Vianney Nkurikiyinka
Jean Marie Vianney Nkurikiyinka
Sangwa's Father
Jean Pierre Harerimana
Jean Pierre Harerimana
Edouard B. Uwayo
Edouard B. Uwayo
Narcicia Nyirabucyeye
Narcicia Nyirabucyeye
Sangwa's Mother
Etienne Rugazora
Etienne Rugazora
Ngabo's Father
Pierre Claver Kayitsinga
Pierre Claver Kayitsinga
Father's Killer
John Kwezi
John Kwezi
Market Fighter
Osman Kalisa
Osman Kalisa
Market Fighter


Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Samuel Gray Anderson
Samuel Gray Anderson
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Han Gil Chung
Han Gil Chung
Executive Producer
Robert Liang
Robert Liang
Executive Producer
Samuel Gray Anderson
Samuel Gray Anderson
Jenny Lund
Jenny Lund
Kanamugire-Fidel Serieux
Kanamugire-Fidel Serieux
Associate Producer
Daddy Youssouf Ruhorahoza
Daddy Youssouf Ruhorahoza
Associate Producer
Claire Wibabara
Claire Wibabara
Edouard B. Uwayo
Edouard B. Uwayo
Production Manager
Yves Niyongabo
Yves Niyongabo
Production Coordinator
John Kwezi
John Kwezi
Art Direction
John Kwezi
John Kwezi
Emmanuel Ahishakiye
Emmanuel Ahishakiye
First Assistant Director
David Kamanzi
David Kamanzi
Second Assistant Director
Henry Mwumvaneza
Henry Mwumvaneza
Second Assistant Director
Jenny Lund
Jenny Lund
Jean Pierre Harerimana
Jean Pierre Harerimana
Boom Operator
Osman Kalisa
Osman Kalisa
Boom Operator
Tumusifu Rurangangabo
Tumusifu Rurangangabo
Boom Operator
Fils Habyarimana
Fils Habyarimana
Additional Camera
Jenny Lund
Jenny Lund
Additional Camera
Jean Bosco Nshimiyimana
Jean Bosco Nshimiyimana
Additional Camera
Jean Ciza
Jean Ciza
Still Photographer
Jackie Mukabaramba
Jackie Mukabaramba
Location Assistant
Noel Munyurangabo
Noel Munyurangabo
Location Assistant
Jean Claude Mwumvaneza
Jean Claude Mwumvaneza
Location Assistant
Isaac Prince Ntango
Isaac Prince Ntango
Location Assistant
Lee Isaac Chung
Lee Isaac Chung
Director of Photography


Отель «Руанда»
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях середины 90-х годов прошлого века, когда народ хуту, составлявшее в Руанде этническое большинство, устроило в стране кровавую резню, уничтожив более миллиона (!) человек, принадлежавших народу тутси.Главный герой фильма по имени Пол — управляющий престижного отеля в столице Руанды, в котором от убийц укрылись несколько сотен человек. Пол делает все от него зависящее, чтобы их спасти. Ситуация осложняется тем, что жена Пола также принадлежит народу тутси. У Пола большие связи, он не гнушается ни подкупом, ни шантажом; он угрожает, умоляет, льстит… И спасает от гибели 1268 человек.
Гориллы в тумане
Эта женщина выбрала одинокую и трудную жизнь среди дикой природы, посвятив себя изучению исчезающих животных. В одиночку она отправляется в Центральную Африку, где в стране, полной красот, чудес и опасностей, следует за своей мечтой, любит и рискует жизнью, спасая горных горилл от человеческой жестокости. Автобиография Дайан Фосси — драматическая хроника ее бродячей жизни и замечательных открытий, которые удивили мир.
Однажды в апреле
Руанда известна в мире как страна самого страшного геноцида ХХ века, страна, в которой за сто дней погибли немногим меньше миллиона человек. История этой маленькой центрально-африканской страны — это история ненависти и кровавой вражды двух этнических групп, хуту и тутси.
The War Against Women
Sexual violence against women is a very effective weapon in modern warfare: instills fear and spreads the seed of the victorious side, an outrageous method that is useful to exterminate the defeated side by other means. This use of women, both their bodies and their minds, as a battleground, was crucial for international criminal tribunals to begin to judge rape as a crime against humanity.
An orphan of the Rwandan genocide travels from Kigali to the countryside on a quest for justice.
A young Tutsi woman and a young Hutu man fall in love amid chaos; a soldier struggles to foster a greater good while absent from her family; and a priest grapples with his faith in the face of unspeakable horror.
Воскресенье в Кигали
Канадский журналист Бернар Валькур приезжает в Руанду снимать фильм о СПИДе и влюбляется в местную девушку-официантку по имени Жантий. Любовная интрига развивается на фоне кровавых событий геноцида тутси в Руанде в 1994 году.
Opération Turquoise
Kisangani Diary
Along an overgrown rail track south of the Zairean town Kisangani, a UN expedition together with a handful of journalists discover “lost” refugees. They are eighty thousand Hutus from far away Rwanda, the last survivors of three years of hunger and armed persecution that transpired throughout the vast Congo basin. The Hutu-refugees leave the forest, gathering in two gigantic camps. Hundreds of refugees die every day from diseases and malnutrition The Rwandans are promised repatriation with airplanes out of Kisangani. The film traces those refugees into the heart of the rainforest, and the hopeless attempts to help them.. But only four weeks later, the unprotected UN-camps are again attacked by machine-gun fire, deliberately massacred by factions of the rebel army (AFDL) of today’s Democratic Republic Congo. Eighty thousand men, women and children disappear once again back into the jungle. (jedensvet.cz)
Mountain Gorilla
Mountain Gorilla takes us to a remote range of volcanic mountains in Africa, described by those who have been there as ""one of the most beautiful places in the world"", and home to the few hundred remaining mountain gorillas. In spending a day with a gorilla family in the mountain forest, audiences will be captivated by these intelligent and curious animals, as they eat, sleep, play and interact with each other. Although gorillas have been much-maligned in our popular culture, viewers will finally ""meet the legend"" face to face, and learn about their uncertain future.
Птицы поют в Кигали
1994 год. После того, как в Кигали был сбит самолёт президента Руанды, начинаются столкновения между племенами тутси и хуту. В течение 100 дней от рук экстремистов погибает около миллиона человек. Свидетелем этих событий становится Анна — польский орнитолог, которая приехала в Африку, чтобы исследовать сокращение популяций грифов в Руанде. Когда начинается геноцид, полька спасает от смерти молодую девушку из племени тутси — Клодин, дочь своего сотрудника. Анна помогает спасённой девушке уехать в Польшу. После прилёта женщины пытаются забыть о кошмаре, но они не в состоянии войти в рутину повседневной жизни…
Banged Up
A teenager is rescued from war-torn Rwanda and brought to the United States. He Struggles to fit in but has little luck till he meets a has been boxing coach. Together they prepare for the fight of their lives...
God Sleeps in Rwanda
A powerful documentary about five women whose lives have been irrevocably altered by the Rwandan genocide. With the country left nearly 70% female in the wake of the massacres, "God Sleeps In Rwanda" is a lucid portrait of the much larger change affected by women in the East African country.
La France au Rwanda : « Une neutralité coupable »
Gorillas Revisited with Sir David Attenborough
David Attenborough recounts his very personal experiences with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda. Ever since they were discovered over a century ago, these remarkable creatures have been threatened by loss of habitat, poaching, disease and political instability. But despite all odds their numbers have increased. David tells the extraordinary tale of how conservationists like Dian Fossey have battled to save the mountain gorilla from the brink of extinction.
Der Mörder meiner Mutter - Eugénie will Gerechtigkeit
Coexist tells the emotional stories of women who survived the Rwandan genocide in 1994. They continue to cope with the loss of their families as the killers who created this trauma return from jail back to the villages where they once lived. Faced with these perpetrators on a daily basis, the victims must decide whether they can forgive them or not. Their decisions are unfathomable to many, and speak to a humanity that has survived the worst violence imaginable.
Rwanda & Juliet
A feature documentary set in Kigali, Rwanda, the epicenter of the genocide that left a million dead two decades earlier. The film follows eccentric retired Dartmouth Professor Emeritus, Andrew Garrod, as he mounts Romeo and Juliet with college students from both Hutu and Tutsi backgrounds. Hopes, expectations, pasts, personalities and cultures collide as opening night approaches.
The Diary of Immaculée
In this moving documentary, Oscar-nominated filmmakers Peter LeDonne and Steve Kalafer chronicle the extraordinary life of Immaculée Ilibagiza, a young African woman who escaped genocide in Rwanda and ultimately found refuge in the United States. Seeking shelter with an Episcopalian minister, Immaculée hid from her attackers inside a bathroom for three long months but stayed centered through prayer and faith.