Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease, Vol 6 - In the Bedroom (2007)
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Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М
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Carmen’s back and bringing total body fitness to the sexiest room in the house in Carmen Electra’s Aerobic Striptease: In the Bedroom. A follow-up to her top selling fitness series, In the Bedroom combines body-sculpting dance moves with sultry stretches and toning exercises you can perform on or around your own bed.
Aerobic Striptease comes to the city that is famous for its "Strip" – in more ways than one – in Carmen’s Electra’s Aerobic Striptease: Vegas Strip. Combining hip, easy-to-perform, dance moves, burlesque and, of course, striptease, Carmen works you through an energetic routine that focuses on strengthening your body and building your confidence.
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With several mini-workouts targeted at the hips, buns and abs, FIT TO STRIP whips the body into shape and helps individuals achieve the confidence to strip their way to a better body!
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Developed by Carmen Electra with top choreographers and fitness professionals, Volume 1 in the Aerobic Striptease series introduces you to the striptease basics. Carmen uses the most popular techniques from fitness and dance to create a low-impact workout that conditions and strengthens the body with movies specifically chosen to tone hips, thighs, buns and abs. Aerobic Striptease helps you look good, feel great, and spice up your personal life.
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Get ready for the legendary Lap Dance. This is a step-by-step guide to the sexiest routine around that introduces even more technical moves to your repertoire, so you can tighten and tone while you’re turning someone on. The Lap Dance is sure to make you look good, feel great, and spice up your personal life! In Hip-Hop, Carmen boosts the aerobic intensity through the roof with a routine that’s one of her personal favorites! Carmen combines the sexy confidence of hip-hop dance with some incredible moves that’ll help you tone your way to a dancer’s body!
Get ready for the legendary Lap Dance. This is a step-by-step guide to the sexiest routine around that introduces even more technical moves to your repertoire, so you can tighten and tone while you’re turning someone on. The Lap Dance is sure to make you look good, feel great, and spice up your personal life! In Hip-Hop, Carmen boosts the aerobic intensity through the roof with a routine that’s one of her personal favorites! Carmen combines the sexy confidence of hip-hop dance with some incredible moves that’ll help you tone your way to a dancer’s body!
Nine women sign up for a class in striptease in order to enrich their lives.
Красавица МакКена Реи избрана потусторонними силами в качестве соперницы Злых Сил. Она должна победить Волка, иначе на Земле воцарится абсолютное зло.