Swimsuit Calendar Girls 2019 (2019)
Жанр :
Время выполнения : 2Ч 23М
Директор : Sid Knox
Краткое содержание
Swimsuit Calendar Girls 2019 is the calendar of your dreams! Featuring some of the most beautiful stars currently in porn today. Epic water intro and teases with incredible hardcore sex!
«Живой или Мертвый» — название международного турнира боевых искусств, в котором состязаются лучшие бойцы со всего мира. Участники прилетают на экзотический остров, где им приходится сражаться друг с другом. Проигравший покидает остров, а победитель переходит в следующий этап. В четверть финала выходят 4 участника, которые должны продолжить борьбу за главный приз состязания — 10 млн. долларов. Но у организатора турнира Донована совсем другие планы на их счет…
Спортивный байопик о жизни серфингистки Бетани Хэмилтон. С детства Бетани увлекалась серфингом, но в 13 лет у северного побережья Кауай на нее напала акула; в результате атаки девушка осталась без левой руки и чуть было не погибла. Но сила воли и настоящий характер сыграли свое дело — Бэттани, несмотря ни на что, вновь встала на доску и начала принимать участие в соревнованиях на правах полностью здорового серфера.
Трое немолодых мужчин отправляются отдыхать на побережье Калифорнии. Вскоре они понимают, что хорошего отеля и кабриолета недостаточно, чтобы пользоваться успехом у девушек. Тогда друзья нанимают смазливого студента, который берется помочь им вернуть форму.
Лето. Воскресенье. Пляж Лидо-ди-Остии, недалеко от Рима. Множество людей и историй: женская баскетбольная команда; два помешанных на фитнесе солдата; два заправщика с бензоколонки и их подруги; священник и его секрет; бабушка, дедушка и их беременная внучка; молодая пара, пытающаяся впервые заняться сексом. И так далее...
Glamour artist Bob Randolph is world famous for his paintings of a stunning beauty dubbed "The Randolph Girl". What the world doesn't know is that his pin-up creation is really a composite of parts of the anatomy of 12 different models. In an effort to find one girl who possesses all the proper physical attributes, Randolph and PR man Chuck Donovan pursue Ruth Wilson, a beauteous schoolteacher who prefers to be admired for her brain rather than her curves. Ruth changes her tune, however, when a published photo of her in a swimsuit causes her to be fired by the uptight schoolboard. She sues for reinstatement and in the process learns that swimsuits and sex appeal do have a place in her world, after all. Written by Dan Navarro
A young Japanese woman moves to a new city where she doesn't speak the language. Intimidated by her new home, she seeks out common bonds with people who share her love of diving, but ultimately jumps into a unexpected dream-like experience that opens her eyes to a whole new world.
Mrs. Allison is the owner of the Saltare Swimsuit company. Her top man Brian, and his not so bright assitant Willard have to find men and women that can be prospective models for her swimwear. The movie looks at the personal life of many of the young hopefuls. The men and women take strenuous photo shoots and workouts, but few will be chosen.
Sit back and watch California's most gorgeous girls flex their muscles in heated competitions that will give you a whole new outlook on sports.
These girls bare all while playing pool and arm wrestling... as they experience the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat and ALL that comes between...
Ava is on the way to the beach with her mum Kelly and her little brother Wally, but before they go she needs to find a new swimsuit. At the age of 13, this task is nowhere near as simple as it sounds.
What you see on the magazine covers and on catwalks around the world is far from the whole story; indeed, it is far from the truth. In this captivating inside look at the cutthroat modeling industry, supermodel Tara Fitzpatrick talks in-depth with her famous friends, revealing why and how they landed on the catwalk and the effect of their instant fame. Their candidness is both surprising and shocking.
What is it about Speedos? Well here Australian director Tim Hunter is on a mission to find the answer to the question of why so many gay men can't seem to get enough of hunks in tight fitting trunks? Although somehow I think the answer can be found in the question! Anyway in a bid to discover the truth, Hunter has carried out a series of interviews with men who have more than a passing interest in this briefest of garment, including that of Speedo designer Peter Travis, who here relates his part in the history of 'the male equivalent of the Wonder Bra.'
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2010 gives you an all access pass to the making of the highly anticipated annual SI Swimsuit issue. Take a journey with Bar Refaeli, Brooklyn Decker, and 16 other super models to the hottest locations around the world.