
A Lot of Sorrow (2013)

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 6Ч 9М

Директор : Ragnar Kjartansson

Краткое содержание

Icelandic artist and musician Ragnar Kjartansson’s often intensely durational performance-based works manifest a rare synthesis of pathos and humor. A Lot of Sorrow is both a music video and an extended concert film, in which Brooklyn-based band the National performs its three-and-a-half minute ballad “Sorrow” on repeat for six hours. The band’s music and lyrics frequently conjure notions of romantic suffering and melancholy—themes common to Kjartansson’s emotive, theatrical work. As the hours pass and fatigue sets in, the musicians subtly alter their song; the original track is always recognizable but is also shown to be elastic and expressive rather than rigid. Kjartansson is sometimes visible in the role of roadie, offering water and food to the performers throughout the concert. Multiple camera angles grant the viewer access to both the perspective of the musicians and that of the audience, as the band and the crowd feed off each other’s energy with every repetition.


Matt Berninger
Matt Berninger
Aaron Dessner
Aaron Dessner
Bryce Dessner
Bryce Dessner
Bryan Devendorf
Bryan Devendorf
Scott Devendorf
Scott Devendorf
Ragnar Kjartansson
Ragnar Kjartansson


Tómas Örn Tómasson
Tómas Örn Tómasson
Director of Photography
Siggi Kinski
Siggi Kinski
Yoonha Park
Yoonha Park
Production Manager
Ragnar Kjartansson
Ragnar Kjartansson


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A Lot of Sorrow
Icelandic artist and musician Ragnar Kjartansson’s often intensely durational performance-based works manifest a rare synthesis of pathos and humor. A Lot of Sorrow is both a music video and an extended concert film, in which Brooklyn-based band the National performs its three-and-a-half minute ballad “Sorrow” on repeat for six hours. The band’s music and lyrics frequently conjure notions of romantic suffering and melancholy—themes common to Kjartansson’s emotive, theatrical work. As the hours pass and fatigue sets in, the musicians subtly alter their song; the original track is always recognizable but is also shown to be elastic and expressive rather than rigid. Kjartansson is sometimes visible in the role of roadie, offering water and food to the performers throughout the concert. Multiple camera angles grant the viewer access to both the perspective of the musicians and that of the audience, as the band and the crowd feed off each other’s energy with every repetition.
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