
Socorro, Virei uma Garota! (2019)

Жанр : комедия, фэнтези

Время выполнения : 1Ч 50М

Директор : Leandro Neri

Краткое содержание

Júlio wanted to be the most popular person in school but ends up getting more than what he wished for.


Thati Lopes
Thati Lopes
Manu Gavassi
Manu Gavassi
Leo Bahia
Leo Bahia
Victor Lamoglia
Victor Lamoglia
Vanessa Gerbelli
Vanessa Gerbelli
Felipe Adler
Felipe Adler
Nelson Freitas
Nelson Freitas
Kayky Brito
Kayky Brito
Bruno Gissoni
Bruno Gissoni
Lua Blanco
Lua Blanco


Leandro Neri
Leandro Neri
Paulo Cursino
Paulo Cursino
André Carreira
André Carreira
Débora Lucas
Débora Lucas
Felipe Reinheimer
Felipe Reinheimer
Director of Photography
Renato Martins
Renato Martins
Rafael Ronconi
Rafael Ronconi
Production Design
Victor Quintanilha
Victor Quintanilha
Dialogue Editor


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