
The Kite (2019)

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 13М

Директор : Martin Smatana
Писатель : Martin Smatana

Краткое содержание

"The Kite" is a short puppet animated film for kids. It talks about the issue of death, but in a simple metaphoric and symbolic way. It tries to explain the fact that none of us are here forever and all living creatures must die, but on the other hand, to show, that someone's journey doesn't have to end with death.



Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Martyna Koleniec
Martyna Koleniec
Łukasz Grynda
Łukasz Grynda
Matouš Valchař
Matouš Valchař
Stanisław Szostak
Stanisław Szostak
Piotr Chmielewski
Piotr Chmielewski
Aliaksander Yasinski
Aliaksander Yasinski
Ondřej Nedvěd
Ondřej Nedvěd
Ondřej Nedvěd
Ondřej Nedvěd
Director of Photography
Peter Badač
Peter Badač
Alžbeta Remencová
Alžbeta Remencová
Original Story
Lucie Navrátilová
Lucie Navrátilová
Viera Marinová
Viera Marinová
Sound Designer
Michal Šabík
Michal Šabík
Post Production Supervisor
Anna Vášová
Anna Vášová
Script Editor
Philip LaZebnik
Philip LaZebnik
Script Editor
Ivana Sujova
Ivana Sujova
Script Editor
Daniela Hybernová
Daniela Hybernová
Martin Smatana
Martin Smatana
Art Direction


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3615 код Деда Мороза
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