
Behind Natacha Rambova's Shadow (2019)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 55М

Директор : Georgina Sas, Cesc Mulet

Краткое содержание

The adventurous life of Natacha Rambova (1897-1966), an American artist, born Winifred Kimball Shaughnessy, who reincarnated herself countless times: false Russian dancer, silent film actress, scenographer and costume designer, writer, spiritist, Egyptologist, indefatigable traveler, mysterious and curious; an amazing 20th century woman who created the myth of Rudolph Valentino.


Noemí Garcíes
Noemí Garcíes
Herself - Narrator (voice)
Jane Prichthard
Jane Prichthard
Herself - Dance Historian
Drake Stutesman
Drake Stutesman
Herself - Writer and Film Historian
Pere de Montaner
Pere de Montaner
Himself - Historian
José Carlos Llop
José Carlos Llop
Himself - Writer
Josep Massot i Muntaner
Josep Massot i Muntaner
Himself - Historian
David Jorge
David Jorge
Himself - Researcher
John Darnell
John Darnell
Himself - Egyptologist
Colleen Darnell
Colleen Darnell
Herself - Egyptologist
Natacha Rambova
Natacha Rambova
Herself / Various Roles (archive footage)
Theodore Kosloff
Theodore Kosloff
Various Roles (archive footage)
Alla Nazimova
Alla Nazimova
Various Roles (archive footage)
Rudolph Valentino
Rudolph Valentino
Himself / Various Roles (archive footage)


Georgina Sas
Georgina Sas
Cesc Mulet
Cesc Mulet
Georgina Sas
Georgina Sas
Cesc Mulet
Cesc Mulet
Núria Cano
Núria Cano
Nuria Guillen
Nuria Guillen
Joan Ernest Castells
Joan Ernest Castells
Original Music Composer
Francisco Albéniz
Francisco Albéniz
Original Music Composer
Jaume Caldentey
Jaume Caldentey
Director of Photography
Jaume Caldentey
Jaume Caldentey
Ángel García
Ángel García
Director of Photography
Ángel García
Ángel García
Pablo Bujosa
Pablo Bujosa
Director of Photography
Ana Cabello
Ana Cabello
Graphic Designer
Xesca Rebassa
Xesca Rebassa
Graphic Designer
Roberto Rodríguez
Roberto Rodríguez
Graphic Designer
Gloria Gálvez
Gloria Gálvez
Set Decoration
Joan Bonet
Joan Bonet
Sound Mixer
Toni Gomila
Toni Gomila
Executive Producer
Montse Rodríguez
Montse Rodríguez
Executive Producer
Cesc Mulet
Cesc Mulet
Executive Producer
Nacho Tejedor
Nacho Tejedor
Executive Producer
Cristina Bugallo
Cristina Bugallo
Fátima Riera
Fátima Riera


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Бабенко. Послушать сердце и сказать: «Оно остановилось»
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