
Se sei così, ti dico sì (2011)

Жанр : комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 39М

Директор : Eugenio Cappuccio

Краткое содержание

Piero Cicala is an adult singer who leads a modest life in the shadow of the only moment of glory lived in the eighties, thanks to a song that earned him a million records sold. Just when it seems that fame is definitively confined to the past, Piero receives the proposal to conduct a broadcast in Rome. Accepted the offer, he goes to the capital, where he will meet the famous Tatia Cortès, an irrepressible showgirl...


Emilio Solfrizzi
Emilio Solfrizzi
Piero Cicala
Belén Rodríguez
Belén Rodríguez
Talita Cortes
Iaia Forte
Iaia Forte
Roberto De Francesco
Roberto De Francesco
Gustavo Bacelli
Totò Onnis
Totò Onnis
Salvatore Marino
Salvatore Marino
Pinuccio Sinisi
Pinuccio Sinisi
Eleonora Albrecht
Eleonora Albrecht
Manuela Morabito
Manuela Morabito
Arianna, la prostituta
Gaetano D'Amore
Gaetano D'Amore
Vincenzo Corrente
Francesca Faiella
Francesca Faiella
Assistente di Talita
Fabrizio Buompastore
Fabrizio Buompastore
Lucia Bodenizza
Lucia Bodenizza
Ragazza studio televisivo
Roberto Zibetti
Roberto Zibetti
Azzurra Martino
Azzurra Martino


Eugenio Cappuccio
Eugenio Cappuccio
Antonio Avati
Antonio Avati
Pupi Avati
Pupi Avati
Francesco Cerasi
Francesco Cerasi
Eugenio Cappuccio
Eugenio Cappuccio
Claudio Piersanti
Claudio Piersanti
Guia Soncini
Guia Soncini


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Cose da pazzi
Soldati - 365 all'alba
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