
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror : 10 Years of Thrills (2018)

You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 31М

Директор : Yann Hantzen

Краткое содержание

This documentary takes you to the heart of the history and behind the scenes of one of Disneyland® Paris' iconic attractions! Inaugurated on April 5, 2008, the Tower of Terror combines remarkable storytelling and many references inspired by ""The Twilight Zone"" series, with advanced technology and unique sensations. Discover - or rediscover - the magic of this cult attraction with the people who participated in its creation and launch!


Mathias Dugoujon
Mathias Dugoujon
Laurent Cayuela
Laurent Cayuela
Björn Heerwagen
Björn Heerwagen
Thierry Magne
Thierry Magne
Alexis Elbaz
Alexis Elbaz
Aslam Amlani
Aslam Amlani
Olivier Breton
Olivier Breton
Eloisia Cherubin
Eloisia Cherubin
Marie-Angèle Ciliberti
Marie-Angèle Ciliberti
Mark Grimault
Mark Grimault
Bruno Ravet
Bruno Ravet


Yann Hantzen
Yann Hantzen
Jérémie Noyer
Jérémie Noyer
Mathias Dugoujon
Mathias Dugoujon
Arnaud Ménard
Arnaud Ménard
Carole Jublot
Carole Jublot
Clément Révérand
Clément Révérand
Clément Révérand
Clément Révérand


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