
The Tape of Karma (2018)

Жанр : ужасы, комедия

Время выполнения : 19М

Директор : Mikaela Bellamy

Краткое содержание

A gorehound named Marvin orders a lot of splatter movies for a movie marathon with his fellow gorehounds. He ends up ordering so much that he has trouble keeping up with orders. Come the day of the marathon, him and his friends watch gore and grime until very late at night. Just when they think the marathon is over, Marvin rediscovers one tape that he forgot all about... He quickly calls his buddies back over to watch it, and they soon discover that the tape is something far more ominous than they could have ever suspected.


Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Marvin / Doug / Mick / Connor / Satan / Furball (Voice)


Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Mikaela Bellamy
Special Effects


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