
Video Violence Part 2 (1988)


Жанр : ужасы, комедия

Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М

Директор : Gary P. Cohen

Краткое содержание

Howard and Eli have graduated from gruesome basement antics to pirating a cable TV channel for the purpose of furthering their brand of homegrown depravity, madness and murder. With the help of 'do-it-yourself' violence videos sent in by adoring fans and a beautiful guest actress unaware of the pain in store for her, the sadistic hosts guarantee the "Bloodiest Show on Earth!"


David Christopher
David Christopher
Mavis Harris
Mavis Harris
Vampire's Bride
Neil Cerbone
Neil Cerbone
Gary P. Cohen
Gary P. Cohen
Bart Sumner
Bart Sumner
Elizabeth Lee Miller
Elizabeth Lee Miller
Debbie Landau
Gordon Ovsiew
Gordon Ovsiew
William Toddie
William Toddie
The Ex-Sherrif
Chris McGarry
Chris McGarry
Pizza Boy
Robin Lilly
Robin Lilly
Shower Girl


Gary P. Cohen
Gary P. Cohen
Gordon Ovsiew
Gordon Ovsiew


Трансформеры: Эпоха истребления
Автоботы и десептиконы покинули планету, оставив человечество собирать ее по кусочкам. Между тем группа могущественных бизнесменов и гениальных ученых пытается извлечь уроки из ошибок прошлого и улучшить технологии до такой степени, чтобы выйти за пределы контролируемого ранее. В это время другая группа - древних мощных трансформеров - берет Землю под прицел.
Адский бункер: Черное Солнце
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Как приручить дракона 2
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Человеческая многоножка 3
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Zombies: The Beginning
A woman floating on a raft in the middle of the Pacific. She was found by a rescue team and taken ashore. Once there, she tells a story of how she escaped from an island full of zombies. She was persuaded to lead a commando unit to the island to explore.


Patient X was found wandering near a carnival one night, she is trying to tell her nurse at the asylum that a killer clown has escaped and is heading home and her own baby was taken from her. As "Snuffles" arrives home, his sister Dr. Wethers is holding a group therapy session for delinquent teens who all fear clowns. It turns into a a real confrontation of their worst fears. Patient X is trying to get out and join the mayhem at any cost
Krampus: The Devil Returns
Five years after the murder of his wife and disappearance of his daughter, former police officer Jeremy Duffin is brought back to help in the hunt for a yuletide monster that punishes children that have been "naughty." As the monster becomes more erratic and unpredictable, Jeremy learns the truth about the disappearance of his daughter and the fate that has been bestowed upon him by an unlikely source. Can Jeremy finally end the nightmare Christmas monster that has terrorized this town for years?