
Inside My Heart (2018)

At the peak of the refugee and migrant crisis, three families are forced to flee war-torn Syria and Afghanistan, seeking safe harbour on foreign shores.

Жанр : документальный, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 10М

Директор : Debra Kellner

Краткое содержание

A documentary film by Canadian Director Debra Kellner, produced by Frank Giustra, Serge Lalou, and Richard Copans. Inside My Heart chronicles the plight of three refugee families fleeing their war torn countries over a period of nearly 3 years. Despite having lost everything and their harrowing stories about the atrocities of war, each family continues their fight to stay alive. Unable to return to their countries without the risk of being killed, today they are forced to live with the consequences of their broken dreams.



Debra Kellner
Debra Kellner
Frank Giustra
Frank Giustra
Serge Lalou
Serge Lalou
Richard Copans
Richard Copans
Igor Kropotov
Igor Kropotov
Nina Bernfeld
Nina Bernfeld
Nicolas Milteau
Nicolas Milteau


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