
Sturmgewehr (2019)

Жанр : ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 0М

Директор : Juval Marlon

Краткое содержание

A businessman named Brand serves his clients with murder videos. But he does not kill himself, others do the work. Two man has to kidnap a girl from a disability home and to torture her. A marathon of pain and sadism takes its course.


Thomas Goersch
Thomas Goersch
Snuff Filmer
Girl in the Home
Maria V.
Maria V.


Juval Marlon
Juval Marlon
Juval Marlon
Juval Marlon
Juval Marlon
Juval Marlon


Don't Go in the Woods
Don't Go in the Woods is sound advice, especially when there's a killer on the loose. First-time director Vincent D'Onofrio (Full Metal Jacket, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent") explores love, greed and ruthlessness in this twisted musical/horror hybrid, telling the story of a young band who heads to the woods to get away from their everyday lives in order to focus on writing new songs. Hoping to walk away from the trip with new tunes that will score them their big break, they instead find themselves in the middle of a nightmare beyond comprehension.
Don't Panic
On his 17th birthday, a boy named Michael has a surprise party thrown by his friends, where a session with a Ouija board accidentally unleashes a demon named Virgil, who possesses one of them to go on a killing spree. Michael, now plagued by violent nightmares and premonitions, sets out to try and stop the killings.
Freaky Farley
In a small New Hampshire town, the local peeping tom, Freaky Farley is embroiled in a tale of murder, monsters, ninjas, witches, angst, anger, insecurity and madness.
Slash Dance
A female cop goes undercover as a dancer at an old theater to catch a serial killer who has been murdering women auditioning for a musical.
The Sleeper
It's 1981 and the girls of Alpha Gamma Theta sorority are having a party. As the new pledges arrive, so does an uninvited guest. Little do the sisters know someone is watching them in the shadows. As the girls shower, study, eat and sleep the stalker studies the girls. One by one he finds the girls at their most vulnerable and murders them. The police hunt for the missing girls and their killer, but will they find them in time? Or will the girls be forced to fight for their lives..
Deadly Lessons
A psycho is stalking the students at an exclusive girls' school.
Adam is cursed: one of his ancestors played a game and fell victim to a sorcerer or possibly Satan. The curse manifests through Adam and the game, making him attend strange amateur theatre where immensely talentless people try to do farce and a janitor wanders around with a game of Tic-Tac-Toe on his back.
Evil Judgment
A girl starts her own investigation after the police fail to catch a local serial killer.
Innocent Prey
A woman living in Dallas discovers that her husband, from New Zealand, is actually a crazed serial killer who murders prostitutes.
Rocktober Blood
A crazed rock singer returns from the dead to murder members of his former band.
Blood Cult
Female students on a college campus are being killed and their body parts used for blood sacrifices.
Blood Tracks
A film crew producing a rock music video decides to shoot at an abandoned factory above the snow line. When an avalanche strands them, a murderous family living in the factory attacks and kills many of them.
Horror House on Highway Five
A van full of college students traveling down a highway is terrorized by a psycho killer in a Richard Nixon mask.
A serial killer, who is actually a handsome Sunday school teacher, abducts young women and disposes their bodies in the Mojave Desert.
The Ripper
An old antique ring turns a college professor into a homicidal maniac when he puts it on. The ring originaly belonged to Jack the Ripper, and the Ripper's spirit possesses whoever wears it.
Too Scared to Scream
A killer is brutally attacking several tenants that live in a high rise apartment building in New York City.
Criminally Insane
An obese woman recently released from an insane asylum kills anyone who attempts to get her to stop eating.
Appointment with Fear
An Egyptian god figures into a bizarre murder investigation where the suspect uses astral projection to murder at will.
Обман или удовольствия
Жена решает отправить своего мужа в психушку, ибо муж мужем, а побыть свободной ещё чуток и получить всё имущество без излишних судебных тяжб довольно — таки неплохо. А посему истошно вопящего муженька препровожают в психлечебницу, где он сидит несколько лет. В один прекрасный момент он всё-таки сбегает, переодевшись медсестрой. Естественно, направляется он домой, отомстить жене, но дома её давно нет, а сидит там няня, присматривающая за отвратительным толстым мальчиком.
Путешествие в Ад
Не все «ловушки для туристов» — приманки из путеводителей — похожи друг на друга, как думали веселые путешественники, исколесившие юг Америки. Они не знали, что «музей Слосена» станет для них настоящей ловушкой. В «оазисе Слосена» — живописном местечке в стороне от проезжей дороги — выходят из повиновения вещи, начиная жить своей, враждебной человеку, жизнью. Предметы оживают, а люди превращаются в манекены, послушные злой воле хозяина…