Du teweikan à l'électro : voyage aux sources de la musique autochtone (2018)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Kim O'Bomsawin
Писатель : Jacinthe Beaudet

Краткое содержание


Pakesso Mukash
Pakesso Mukash
Moe Clark
Moe Clark


Kim O'Bomsawin
Kim O'Bomsawin
Jacinthe Beaudet
Jacinthe Beaudet
Donat Chabot
Donat Chabot
Director of Photography
Michel Valiquette
Michel Valiquette
Director of Photography
Eve LeClair
Eve LeClair
Ian Boyd
Ian Boyd
Executive Producer
Andrée-Anne Frenette
Andrée-Anne Frenette
Réginald Vollant
Réginald Vollant
Kim Fontaine
Kim Fontaine
Original Music Composer
Mathieu McKenzie
Mathieu McKenzie
Original Music Composer
Samuel Pinette
Samuel Pinette
Original Music Composer


Питер Пэн
Уолт Дисней зовет нас с собой в волшебную страну Неверленд, где живет удивительный мальчик, который умеет летать и отказывается взрослеть. Это веселый выдумщик, храбрец и проказник Питер Пэн!Однажды в поисках собственной тени Питер попадает в Лондон нашего мира и становится другом маленькой Венди и ее братьев Майкла и Джона, и, конечно же, он берет своих ночных друзей с собой в Неверленд, навстречу потрясающим приключениям.Героям предстоит встретиться с феей Тинкербелл и дружной ватагой Питера Пэна, спасти индейскую принцессу Тигровую Лилию из лап пиратов и сразиться с их демоническим главарем капитаном Крюком!..
Кэтрин Майлз приехала на свой восемнадцатый день рождения к родителям в Амазонию. Во время водной прогулки ее родители были убиты, а сама она попала в руки воинов туземного племени…
Чудом выживший в перестрелке Кэссиди доживает свои деньки в пыльной Боливии. Осталось ему недолго, и старик решается на последнее ограбление, чтобы заработать денег на возвращение в родные Штаты.
Бесконечно опасные плавания приводили отважных моряков к райским островам, и часто никакая кара не могла заставить опьяненных раем людей отправиться в обратный путь, навстречу новым ужасам. Это случилось в 1789 году: фрегат «Баунти» возвращался с Таити с грузом хлебного дерева, когда ссора между капитаном и его лучшим другом расколола команду надвое. Вспыхнул мятеж…
Десять лодок
Все актёры фильма — аборигены, многие из них жили вдалеке от цивилизации и никогда раньше не принимали участия в съёмках. Действие происходит в Австралии задолго до контакта с европейцами. Молодой воин Иралпарил не имеет своей жены и безнадёжно влюблен в Мунанджарру, младшую жену своего старшего брата Риджимирарила (всего у того три жены). Однажды при загадочных обстоятельствах пропадает средняя жена Риджимирарила, Новалингу. Оставаясь внешне спокойным, Риджимирарил кипит от бешенства и ревности и подозревает, что жену могло украсть одно из соседних племён.
In 2013, the world's media reported on a shocking mountain-high brawl as European climbers fled a mob of angry Sherpas. Director Jennifer Peedom and her team set out to uncover the cause of this altercation, intending to film the 2014 climbing season from the Sherpa's point-of-view. Instead, they captured Everest's greatest tragedy, when a huge block of ice crashed down onto the climbing route...
Los Peques Volumen 1
Los Peques live somewhere in the Andean Patagonian mountain range of Neuquén, in houses called small 𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘢𝘴, which are a kind of tree hut and are built with materials given to them by Mother Nature. They have an organization, the Mapu Armies, they have nothing to do with wars, but with the care of nature. When the youngsters enter what is known as the awkward age, they are sent to watch remote areas so that they do not hang around.
Voodoo Island
A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes that voodoo does exist when he discovers man-eating plants and a tribe of natives with bizarre powers.
A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation.
Surviving Evil
A TV documentary crew arrive on a remote island in the Philippines to film a survival special. Their back-to-the-wild adventure proves to be more terrifying than they ever could have imagined
Белые тени южных морей
Полинезия — «последний уголок земного Рая». Но «белый хищник» бросил несмываемую тень и на эти острова, желая их «цивилизовать». Об этом свидетельствует трагическая судьба доктора Мэтью Ллойда, который, защищая островитян, был изгнан из белого общества. Он берет в жены красивую таитянку и живет с ней какое-то время в полной идилии. Но жажда наживы оказывается сильнее. В тот самый момент, когда он поддается меркантильному искушению…
O Cemitério das Almas Perdidas
Corrupted by the power of Cipriano's Black Book, a Jesuit and his followers begin a reign of horror in colonial Brazil, until they be cursed to live forever trapped under the graves of a cemetery. Now, centuries later, they are ready to break free and spread their evil all over the world.
Siren of the Tropics
Marquis Sévéro, a rich, lazy Parisian, wants to divorce his wife so that he can marry his own goddaughter Denise. But Denise herself loves André Berval, an engineer employed by the marquis. Filled with jealousy, the marquis sends André to the Antilles, to prospect some land he has just acquired. He promises André that he can marry Denise if he is successful in the tropics, but he then writes to Alvarez, his manager at the site, asking him to prevent André from ever returning to France. The brutal Alvarez forms an instant hatred for André when the engineer breaks up Alvarez's attempt to rape Papitou, a beautiful native girl. Papitou becomes devoted to André, and protects him against Alvarez's schemes. But she faces a crisis herself when she learns that André plans to marry Denise.
Dave, an urban aboriginal in his early twenties, is a Montreal actor. His adoption at the age of 3 has erased all memory of his Native culture. When he receives his first-ever contact with his biological mother through a photo in the mail, Dave leaves for Kinogamish, the reserve where he was born. The reunion does not unfold as expected and Dave becomes disoriented, confronted with a world that seems hostile and foreign. His unplanned return to this desolate community causes upheavals and chain reactions, while dredging up a painful past scarred by secrets and lies.
Perils of the Jungle
On an African safari with his friend Grant, Clyde Beatty plans to buy some black-maned Numbian lions from Jo Carter but her animals are wiped out by a fire. Despite interference by rival dealer Gorman, who hopes to ruin Jo, Beatty saves her business by helping her to capture an adult gorilla. (2nd story) When Grant is bitten by a tsetse fly and falls ill, Beatty heads for the nearest hospital through the territory of the dangerous Matabeles tribe. They are captured and condemned to death by Grubbs, a white man living with the tribe and stealing their gold. Using the Matabele Boy King as a shield, Beatty and Grant make an escape and Grubbs is forced to accompany them, leaving his loot behind.
The Jungle Princess
Christopher Powell is in Malaysia with his fiancée and her father, capturing wild animals. While out hunting, he is attacked by a tiger, and his native guides run away, leaving him for dead. But the tiger is the pet of Ulah, a beautiful young woman who grew up by herself in the jungle. She rescues Chris and takes him back to her cave, where she nurses him to health and falls in love with him. When he eventually returns to camp, she follows. The fiancée is jealous, and the natives don't like Ulah or her pet tiger either, all of which leads to a lot of trouble.
Wealthy eccentric Sir Vincent Brampton and his fiancée Linda Latham hire Ken Duffield to lead them on a jungle hunt. Duffield is looking for the murderer of his son; he gets the killer and Linda.
Follow the Leader
Muggs and Glimpy, two East Side Kids in the army, return to their neighborhood, supposedly on furlough; actually, Muggs has been honorably discharged with a physical defect, but he tells no one of this. Danny, another East Side kid, is in jail because a large amount of medical supplies have been stolen from the warehouse where he works. Muggs see Spider, a new member of the gang, flashing a large amount of money around, and Muggs shrewdly turns toughie, boasting that he has a dishonorable discharge because of thievery. This leads Spider to confide in Muggs that he is the one who has been aiding in the theft of supplies from the warehouse, and he gets paid for the loot by Larry, operator of a nightclub where Muggs' sister, Milly, is an entertainer. Fingers, a henchman for Larry, kills Spider when he learns that Muggs has been let in on the operation. The police then suspect Muggs of killing Spider.
Quiet Killing
An examination of the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women, the film explores the reasons why Indigenous women are uniquely vulnerable to violence by juxtaposing the stories of some missing or murdered women with the personal testimonies of women who are doing activism on the issue and women who have personally survived incidents of violence.
A Sea Dog's Tale
An island princess falls in love with a young man whose picture she sees in the newspaper. Her father, the king, sends his agents to the U.S. to kidnap the man and bring him back to the islands to marry his daughter. Complications ensue.