
Gyakuten Saiban Special Courtroom 2008 Orchestra Concert ~Gyakuten Meets Orchestra~ DVD Book (2008)

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 41М

Директор : Maenaka Yoshiie

Краткое содержание

Starting out as a comedic courtroom adventure, the DS game Gyakuten Saiban attracted vast amounts of fans with its fun system, intriguing plot, enchanting characters and wonderful BGM tracks. To praise the game's excellent music, a classical orchestral performance was arranged in April for all fans to come together and enjoy. For those who unfortunately missed the event, you can take part in it, although belatedly, through the DVD recording of the concert. Through the DVD view menu, watch the game's images that were projected onto the large screen during the performance.


Haruka Shimotsuki
Haruka Shimotsuki
Noriyuki Iwadare
Noriyuki Iwadare
Hirofumi Kurita
Hirofumi Kurita
Shu Takumi
Shu Takumi


Noriyuki Iwadare
Noriyuki Iwadare
Original Music Composer
Masakazu Sugimori
Masakazu Sugimori
Original Music Composer
Akemi Kimura
Akemi Kimura
Original Music Composer
Toshihiko Horiyama
Toshihiko Horiyama
Original Music Composer
Hideki Okugawa
Hideki Okugawa
Original Music Composer
Shu Takumi
Shu Takumi
Original Music Composer
Hirofumi Nakamura
Hirofumi Nakamura
Executive Producer
Tetsuya Ohno
Tetsuya Ohno
Maenaka Yoshiie
Maenaka Yoshiie


Video Games Live: Level 2
Video Games Live is an immersive concert event featuring music from the most popular video games of all time. Top orchestras & choirs perform along with exclusive video footage and music arrangements, synchronized lighting, solo performers, electronic percussionists, live action and unique interactive segments to create an explosive entertainment experience! Video Games Live bridges a gap for entertainment by exposing new generations of music lovers and fans to the symphonic orchestral experience while also providing a completely new and unique experience for families and/or non-gamers. It's the power & emotion of a symphony orchestra mixed with the excitement and energy of a rock concert and the technology and interactivity of a video game all completely synchronized to amazing cutting edge video screen visuals, state-of-the-art lighting and special on-stage interactive segments with the audience.
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Работающий в полиции сапер собирается жениться на прекрасной женщине, у которой есть замечательная дочка. Но его будущая жена не знает о прошлом своего мужа. А тот в молодости был ирландским террористом, специализирующимся на взрывах. Когда-то он предотвратил взрыв, в результате которого могли погибнуть сотни людей, но невольно стал причиной гибели своих товарищей и любимой девушки, дочери человека, который увлек его ложным героизмом этой жестокой борьбы и научил всему, что можно знать о бомбах. Сбежав из тюрьмы, учитель находит неблагодарного ученика и начинает мстить за предательство, убивая его коллег по работе, а в конце планируя убить его новую семью.
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