
Glop (2020)

ow my planet

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2М

Директор : Jamie Jarvis-Stores

Краткое содержание

A young filmmaker takes a walk


Jamie Jarvis-Stores
Jamie Jarvis-Stores


Jamie Jarvis-Stores
Jamie Jarvis-Stores
Jamie Jarvis-Stores
Jamie Jarvis-Stores


Корпорация «Мирандо» создала необычных поросят и раздала их фермерам по всему миру. На протяжении десяти лет экспериментальная свинья Окча была лучшим другом девочки Ми-джа, они мирно жили в южнокорейских горах и заботились друг о друге. Но в один ужасный день идиллическая жизнь друзей прервалась — корпорация забрала свою собственнсть. У стервозной генеральной директрисы Люси Мирандо свои, не самые гуманные, планы на необычного зверя. Конечно же, храбрая девочка не бросит друга в беде, и Ми-джа отправляется спасать Окчу, но мир оказывается намного безумней, чем она могла себе представить.
Психологическая драма, основанная на известном романе Джулии Ли «Охотник», рассказывающая историю Мартина, отправленного из Европы таинственной биотехнологической компанией в пустыню Тасмании на охоту за последним тасманским тигром.
Если дерево упадет
В декабре 2005 года Дэниэл МакГоуэн был арестован федеральными агентами в ходе операции, направленной против радикальных экологических активистов, связанных с Фронтом освобождения Земли, — группой, которую ФБР в то время называло «главной национальной террористической угрозой». Фронт, функционировавший как сеть анонимных независимых ячеек, в течение многих лет устраивал масштабные поджоги объектов, которые считал причастными к разрушению окружающей среды — лесоперерабатывающих предприятий, автосалонов внедорожников, скотобоен для диких лошадей и дорогих лыжных курортов.
Больше чем мёд
Документальный фильм о жизни пчел, об их загадочной массовой гибели в последние годы по всему миру, об опасностях, которые несет им сегодняшняя цивилизация, и о том неоценимом вкладе, который они вносят в обеспечение человечества продовольствием, участвуя в опылении сельхозкультур. Автор фильма берет интервью у ученых и описывает уникальное устройство пчелиной жизни, заглянув в самые укромные уголки улья и в неповторимый образ жизни пчел.
Ледяное безмолвие
Бен Корбет, охотник, который восстает против современного мира. Подобно поколениям, жившим на Аляске, он живет охотой и ловлей. Эрик Десмонд, молодой ученый, работающий в нефтяной компании, проводит исследования окружающей среды вокруг нефтепровода в Центральной Аляске. Обстоятельства вынуждают Эрика сопровождать Корбата, подозреваемого в убийстве трех браконьеров, в Фейрбанкс, где тому должны вынести приговор. В середине их путешествия их самолет терпит крушение. Двое людей вынуждены спуститься с вершины скалы, покрытой льдом. В эти страшные для них минуты они зависят друг от друга, но компаньоны Корбата намерены найти его до того, как Эрик сдаст его властям.
Eco-Terrorist: Battle for Our Planet
Eco-Terrorist: The Battle for Our Planet follows the most wanted environmentalist today, Captain Paul Watson. In this unique and groundbreaking film, Brown takes a deeper look into what really goes on behind the scenes in the deep waters of our world. More pranks, the glory of successful missions, and fiercer encounters with some of the most infamous and illegal marine hunters, while stopping at nothing to protect wildlife on a global scale. The film takes the audience right to the frontlines of the modern day environmental movement via those who started it.
Jane's Journey
It would be hard to name anyone who has had more of an impact in the realm of animal research and wildlife conservation than Jane Goodall, whose 45 year study of wild chimpanzees in Africa is legendary. In Jane's Journey, we travel with her across several continents, from her childhood home in England, to the Gombe National Park in Tanzania where she began her groundbreaking research and where she still returns every year to enjoy the company of the chimpanzees that made her famous. Featuring a wide range of interviews and spectacular footage from her own private collection, Jane's Journey is an inspiring portrait of the private person behind the world-famous icon.
Go Further
"Go Further" explores the idea that the single individual is the key to large-scale transformational change. The film follows actor Woody Harrelson as he takes a small group of friends on a bio-fueled bus-ride down the Pacific Coast Highway. Their goal? To show the people they encounter that there are viable alternatives.
Amol Rajan Interviews Greta Thunberg
Amol Rajan talks to 19-year old Greta Thunberg, the climate activist who has become the unlikely voice of a global youth. Thunberg isn't a politician or a scientist, nor is she the first to campaign against climate change. However, since overcoming severe childhood depression to focus the world's attention on the plight of the planet, the Swedish student has become symbol for a generation which - as she puts it - is not being listened to by older people who won't suffer the consequences. In a challenging and wide-ranging conversation, Rajan discusses with Thunberg her latest book and interrogates some of the solutions it posits to tackle climate change. They explore green policy, climate justice, greenwashing and the role of both politics and protest in effecting change. Thunberg also shares the personal cost she has paid in being a global game-changer and offers a rare insight into the real Greta Thunberg.
In 2012, Casey, a gay teen started a group devoted to the environment and changing the world. In this small Texas town, the haters came out strong against the group accusing them of being a dangerous cult. Casey has a wonderful gift that he sees as a curse. He and his friends flee the small town, leaving the police with video tape clues, blood stained walls, and the testimony of a mentally unstable neighbor to solve the mysterious disappearance of all twelve members of the teen cult called The Tribe.
Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie
David Suzuki, iconic Canadian scientist, educator, broadcaster and activist delivers a 'last lecture' — what he describes as "a distillation of my life and thoughts, my legacy, what I want to say before I die". The film interweaves the lecture with scenes from the places and events in Suzuki's life — creating a biography of ideas — forged by the major social, scientific and cultural events of the past 70 years.
Rachel Carson (American Experience)
RACHEL CARSON is an intimate portrait of the woman whose groundbreaking books revolutionized our relationship to the natural world. When Silent Spring was published in September 1962 it became an instant bestseller and would go on to spark dramatic changes in the way the government regulated pesticides.
A biopic movie based on the titular figure.
The Seeker
A lyrical portrait of an excommunicated Amish woodworker struggling with spirituality, poverty, and life as an outcast from his strict, insular community.
Suspicious Minds
Jack Ramsey (Patrick Bergin) is a private detective in the vein of Philip Marlowe who finds himself romantically involved with the woman he's supposed to spy on, and she's no good! Multiple murders take place and Ramsey makes it his goal to solve the complicated case while still retaining his own sanity, which is hard to do. Meanwhile the mysterious Vic Mulvey (Gary Busey) hides out in the woods touting an assault rifle, might he somehow be involved? You better make yourselves ready for one hell of a neo-noir-istic thrill ride, because this is it!
Dying Woods
While his marriage is falling apart, a cocky journalist is worried about environmental pollution.
Prime Farmland
This documentary film follows farmers and activists fighting together to stop the Indiana Enterprise Center, a mega-sized industrial park planned west of South Bend, Indiana
To the Tar Sands
To The Tar Sands follows a group of nineteen young environmentalists as they cycle over 1,300 kilometres northbound across Alberta to witness the impacts of Alberta’s tar sands boom firsthand. They talk to farmers, moms and dads, an urban planner, oil industry workers, the chief of a First Nations community and others along the way asking “How has the tar sands boom affected you?” As the kilometres click away, they excavate into their own complicity with Alberta’s rush to develop the tar sands.
Panique au Sénat
Following elections organized at short notice and a strange game of alliances, the new Senate president is an ecologist. His reign begins.
Moving Mountains
A determined housewife goes head-to-head with a $1 billion mining company after its negligent operation ruins her town's water supply.