
El día que me callé (2022)

Our silence is the weapon of our aggressors.

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Víctor Arregui, Isabel Dávalos

Краткое содержание

Victor was victim of a violent attack during the government of León Febres Cordero in 1987. More than 30 years later, he decides to free himself from the weight of the secrets and ghosts that has carried for many years and speak out.


Víctor Arregui
Víctor Arregui
Juan Martín Cueva
Juan Martín Cueva


Víctor Arregui
Víctor Arregui
Isabel Dávalos
Isabel Dávalos
Carla Valencia
Carla Valencia
Víctor Arregui
Víctor Arregui
Víctor Arregui
Víctor Arregui
Isabel Dávalos
Isabel Dávalos
Isabel Dávalos
Isabel Dávalos
Alfredo León León
Alfredo León León
Assistant Director
Daniel Avilés Escobar
Daniel Avilés Escobar
Director of Photography
François Laso
François Laso
Director of Photography
Camila Paredes
Camila Paredes
Production Coordinator
Cristina Arias
Cristina Arias
Production Coordinator
Juan José Luzuriaga
Juan José Luzuriaga
Sound Designer
Nicolás Fernández
Nicolás Fernández
Sound Recordist
Andrei Teran
Andrei Teran
Sebastian Game
Sebastian Game
Juan Manuel Arregui
Juan Manuel Arregui
Boom Operator
Jota Salazar
Jota Salazar
Visual Effects


Самолет президента
Самолет президента — самый охраняемый объект ВВС США. Президент возвращается с переговоров в Москве вместе с семьей и администрацией. Но едва самолет поднимается в воздух, его захватывает группа террористов, которыми руководит непримиримый коммунист Коршунов. Он угрожает убить заложников, если их лидер, генерал Радек, заключенный в тюрьму, не будет освобожден. Президенту приходится бороться за жизнь близких ему людей и за будущее человечества.
Сто шагов
Сто шагов — таким было расстояние между домами Пеппино Импастато и Тано Бадаламенти, крупного босса Мафии, хозяина маленького сицилийского города Чиничи. Фильм — подлинная история Пеппино Импастато, молодого левого активиста, который в конце семидесятых, когда почти никто не смел говорить о Мафии, а политики вообще не признавали её существование, неоднократно осуждал преступления Бадаламенти и всю мафиозную систему, используя для этого ироничные по стилю передачи местной маленькой радиостанции.
Семья Перес
В 1980 году Кастро отпустил с Кубы политических заключенных и просто уголовников в Америку. Среди добравшихся до Майами и герои этой картины. Хуан Перес отсидел 20 лет за то, что сжег свою плантацию сахарного тростника, не желая, чтобы она досталась коммунистам. Разбитной красавице Дорри Перес просто надоело работать и она хочет рок-н-ролла и Джона Уэйна. Хуана все эти годы ждет жена Кармела с дочерью. Но сразу по приезде в долгожданную страну свободы и равных возможностей, эти люди убеждаются в том, что им никто не рад. Об их забавных и частенько горьких приключениях и рассказывается в этой картине, поставленной по роману Кристины Белл.
Princess Ka'iulani
Lush scenery and gorgeous photography highlight this bio of Princess Ka'iulani (Q'Orianka Kilcher), a 19th-century Hawaiian princess raised in England but determined to maintain her people's independence from aggressive American businessmen. After being sent to England as a child by her Scottish father, Ka'iulani returns to Hawaii and becomes a political activist who fights to retain her throne, even though she must leave her English paramour.
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The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975
Examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in US society from 1967 to 1975. It features footage of the movement shot by Swedish journalists in the United States during that period and includes the appearances of Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, and other activists, artists, and leaders central to the movement.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
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Seeing Allred
Gloria Allred overcame trauma and personal setbacks to become one of the nation’s most famous women’s rights attorneys. Now the feminist firebrand takes on two of the biggest adversaries of her career, Bill Cosby and Donald Trump, as sexual violence allegations grip the nation and keep her in the spotlight.
Hearts and Minds
Many times during his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson said that ultimate victory in the Vietnam War depended upon the U.S. military winning the "hearts and minds" of the Vietnamese people. Filmmaker Peter Davis uses Johnson's phrase in an ironic context in this anti-war documentary, filmed and released while the Vietnam War was still under way, juxtaposing interviews with military figures like U.S. Army Chief of Staff William C. Westmoreland with shocking scenes of violence and brutality.
Gloria Mundi
Hamdias, a producer who's set out to break new boundaries, plans to finance a film about torture. According to him, torture, the clash of two or more people, is not only what substantiates basic human relationships but also love and politics. Unfortunately Hamdias dies in a freak accident and his project is grounded. After some time, Galai (Olga Karlatos), who should have been the main actress of Hamdias movie, sets out to complete the controversial project. As soon as filming starts again, the thin line that separates reality from a nightmarish obsession begins slowly to blur.
Мисима: Финальная глава
Пристальное исследование последних часов жизни легендарного японского писателя. 25 ноября 1970 года известный писатель и светский персонаж Юкио Мисима явился на базу сухопутных войск в Итигая, где обратился к солдатам с призывом совершить государственный переворот. Будучи проигнорирован слушателями, Мисима покончил с собой, совершив ритуальное самоубийство, известное как сэппуку. Какие обстоятельства привели тонкого эстета и глубокого мыслителя к этому отчаянному самурайскому жесту?
Everyone Off to Jail
A prison in Valencia hosts an event recognizing political prisoners jailed during Franco’s reign. The reunion proves more raucous than the organizers intended.
A South African political prisoner is tortured to obtain information on apartheid conspirators. Ten years later, the head officer in charge of the questioning is similarly held as prisoner and questioned about his past offenses.
This communist and parliamentarian leader was arrested and tortured, and became famous for having written the "Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla". Greatest name of the left-wing militancy in Brazil in the 1960s, Carlos Marighella acted in the main political events of Brazil between the 1930s and 1969 and was considered enemy number one of the Brazilian military dictatorship. His life was a great act of resistance and courage.
Long Distance Revolutionary: A Journey with Mumia Abu-Jamal
The film chronicles the life and revolutionary times of death row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Fires Within
A Cuban emigre, living in Miami and involved in an affair with the American seaman who rescued her and her daughter years earlier, must face her husband after he is unexpectedly released from a Cuban prison.
In Prison My Whole Life
William Francome is a fairly typical, white middle-class guy. Typical except for the fact that he is about to embark on a journey into the dark heart of the American judicial system; the tangled world of renowned Death Row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.
An Unreasonable Man
An Unreasonable Man is a 2006 documentary film that traces the life and career of political activist Ralph Nader, the founder of modern consumer protection. The film examines Nader's advocacy for auto safety features, such as federally mandated seat belts and air bags, as well as his rise to national prominence following an invasion of privacy lawsuit against General Motors.
John Denver: Country Boy
This BBC documentary chronicles the life of folk/soft-rock singer John Denver through his rise with The Chad Mitchell Trio and Peter, Paul and Mary, his subsequent stardom, his popularity decline, and his tragic death at age 53.
A film company arrives in a small town to shoot a biker movie. The film's director encourages his actors to "live" their parts, and the results are clashes with the townspeople that end in murder.